How have you all been the past two weeks? My blogs technical upgrade has been completed. I’m now coming to you fully self-hosted! (thanks to 123host & the legend that is Steve.) If anything isn’t working or looks a little weird just bare with me, there’s still a bit of house keeping to be done.
What’s been happening for me since we last connected? Energetically there has been a lot going on. I’ve been riding quite the roller coaster since the Full Moon in Virgo on March 16th. It was extremely high energy with the theme of health & well being really coming through. Combined with the powerful Autumn Equinox on March 20th & some huge solar flares I have been feeling a little out of sorts.
For me it all started on the afternoon of March 15th. I’d enjoyed a lovely lunch with some fellow Perth bloggers at the Raw Kitchen in Fremantle. Wholesome food & soul sharing was the prefect way to spend a Saturday arvo. When I returned home I started to feel really drained, tired & nauseous. The first thing I thought of was spiritual hygiene. I’d spent the afternoon with new people in a quite a busy environment. A thorough cleanse of my field & some cord cutting would do the trick.
It didn’t. As the evening went on I felt sicker & sicker. I knew it could not have been the food as it was raw & fresh. It wasn’t any dense energy I’d picked up from being in town as I had cleansed. What was it then? Ah the Full Moon was brewing & solar flares were going off.
I spend the rest of the evening curled up on the couch feeling like I needed to throw up. My head was spinning & I couldn’t face eating or drinking. I had a bought of ‘energetic flu.’
What is energetic flu?
Everything that was going on in March has been leading up to the eclipse season in April. It’s been a great time for releasing, letting go, clearing out & moving on. For some people, like myself, I was feeling this energy shift on a physical level, my body wanted to purge – this what I call energetic flu. Energetic flu is like the physical flu just without all the symptoms or any actual reason for it, like a bug or food poisoning. Some people experience the aches & pains without the fever. Others have the fever without the aches. My symptoms were dizzy, nausea, headaches & lethargy. I was also really sensitive to heat & was constantly on the boil.
Isn’t that physical flu then?
It’s hard to describe. It doesn’t ‘feel’ the same as physical illness when it’s on an energetic level. Now I can tell if I’m energetically sick when physical symptoms show up or actually sick. This time is was energetic. There just wasn’t any real reason for it & it just didn’t feel like a typical physical illness.
How did you know the difference?
I could still do my work & function unlike if I had actual flu when I’d be bed ridden. I wasn’t drained fully of energy; it just wasn’t flowing.
On a much deeper level I knew things were shifting & changing for me. When I start feeling like I did I know I am on the verge of a frequency upgrade. From when this has happened before I know it’s time to rest & let the energy settle. With rest & lots of water it usually passes fairly quickly.
Some extra guidance from the Universe
I looked for some extra guidance to what was going on for me by pulling three Healing with the Fairies cards. The moment I pulled the cards my left ear started ringing in a very high pitch; a sure signs there were some strong messages awaiting me.
Vacation, detoxification & rise above your problems came up. These all resonated for sure. I’ve been going hard building my business, teaching & presenting workshops. I have a holiday booked for over Easter but I just know I need to start slowing down, easing off & prioritising NOW. If I don’t it will be holiday time & the moment I stop I’ll more than likely get sick.
Detoxification, yes I do need a detox on a health level. My diet has been a bit too much grain & diary based of late. I’ve been sneaking in a few more black teas than usual. This is very much inline with the planetary activity right now.
Rise above problems, indeed I must. Most of my perceived ‘problems’ are so first world I really should know by now to just let them wash through. Wasting valuable energy worrying about the small things does not serve me. I’ll just attract more lower energies. Focusing on what I’m doing well & keeping my thoughts positive is far more productive.
Looking after myself during an energetic flu
Rest & water is number one. The nausea lasted about three days then the headaches kicked in. Just on the right hand side of my temple, like a tight throbbing ball. Water is so important to flush any stale energy through our system as well as keeping us hydrated so our physical bodies function.
It was really hard to shift this one through. Literally the headache was on & off for a few days. Spending so much time in the hot yoga room has challenged me further in keeping extra hydrated. Thankfully it has gone now!
*Side note – I know my body pretty well, inside & out. If you are in pain or symptoms persist for a number of days please go see your doctor. If my symptoms hadn’t lightened up I would have done so too. Holistic healing works in conjunction with all Western medicine, it does not replace professional medical care.
Healing sessions, mediation & crystals were my go too for self-care also. Usually I receive Reiki every four to six weeks. In March I doubled up, two healing sessions a week for me to really get things out. I chose different modalities so that I was receiving from different healers. Everyone brings their own personal vibration & knowledge to the table so the more variety I received the better.
I ramped up my meditation practice. One day I even did three sessions. The crystals I worked with for the headache & general healing were amethyst, purple & green fluorite & rose quartz. All very gentle & soothing crystals. Wearing an amethyst mala really helped balance the energy that was buzzing around in my head.
Rescheduling any jobs that weren’t 100% urgent allowed me the time to rest up. I’d been feeling some pain in my lower back. This is my indication that I’m putting too much pressure on myself. What could wait till later got pushed back a week.
Now as we close on March & welcome in April I’m feeling so much stronger again. Leaving behind all that does not serve me. Clearing out physically & mentally. I’m ready to move onto the next challenge & what April may bring.
How did you feel through out March? I’d love to hear your experiences of the past months energetic shifts. Please leave a comment below.
Love Kathryn xx