Posts Tagged ‘recipe’

Granola bar recipe

Muesli bars are a quick, easy & transportable go too snack. Have you ever read the ingredients label though? The ‘healthy’ snack bar you thought you were having may well contain more sugar and crap than a straight up chocolate bar. Sugar, preservatives, saturated fat, hidden gluten and dairy the list goes on. I personally try my best to avoid such horrors by making my own. They seriously do not take long and investing 45 minutes (30 of which they are in the oven!) to make your snack bars from scratch for a more healthful life isn’t that worth it? They taste better too!

There are loads of recipes on the net. My favourite at the moment is from Lorna Jane’s Move Nourish Believe website. I use my Theromix to lightly chop the nuts before throwing everything else in and giving it a good mix on reverse setting, speed 6/7. Takes five minutes. Use nuts, seeds and fruit that you like the most. The best thing about these recipes are they are so adaptable.

Enjoy! Love Seren xx

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 ©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013
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©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013

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Keen for some Quinoa?

Have you heard of quinoa? Pronounced ‘keen-wa’ NOT ‘kwin-o-a’. Quinoa is actually a seed, not a grain but in many places it is referred to as a grain. Deriving from South America thousands of years ago, the Inca’s used it to feed their warriors. It gave them super powers! Well, a lot of energy anyway & kept their stamina up. It is branded today as a ‘super food’ as it has so many healthful benefits.

Quinoa first came into my radar a few years back whilst I was on a yoga, cleanse & detox retreat in Byron Bay. The menu for the week was vegan, gluten free; sugar free, caffeine free & alcohol free. Fun free? No not at all. I barely even missed all the above as the food was so amazing, fresh & organic (& cooked for me!). Quinoa was pretty much the main staple for the week’s menu. Quinoa porridge for breakfast, quinoa bakes for lunch and quinoa salads in the evening. This super food is so adaptable I didn’t even notice I was eating the same base seed for every meal. It even appeared in the muffins for those not on the cleanse.

Why is quinoa such a super food?

Protein – Quinoa is jam packed full of protein and all nine essential amino acids, important for muscled development. Very important to us vegetarians. I often tell my partner my quinoa has more protein than his steak!

Iron – Again very important for us vegos who don’t eat red meat. Iron keeps our red blood cells in working order and oxygenates the muscles.  Iron increases brain function too. New to being a vegetarian and feeling forgetful? Get some Quinoa down you. Our brain uses about 20% of our blood oxygen so we need iron to carry that oxygen from cell to cell.

Fibre – We’ve all heard of the importance of this one in keeping our digestive system running smoothly. Quinoa is super high in fibre with nearly twice as much as other grains. It’s fairly heavy to eat so takes longer to chew, leaving you feeling fuller for longer and you don’t eat as much. It has fewer calories than other grains that can help with weight loss.

Magnesium – A good one again for blood and circulation. Magnesium relaxes the blood vessels, great if you are prone to cramps or headaches. It is one of the essential electrolytes I spoke about in the hydration post. Great for bones and teeth as well as being a natural detoxifier.

Compared to other grains, quinoa is higher in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, and zinc than wheat, barley, or corn. (1)

It’s easy to cook too. I soak my quinoa for about 8 hours. This removes the phytic acid making it easier to digest. Use the 2:1 ratio, two cups of water to one cup of quinoa. Make sure you wash your Quinoa thoroughly after soaking or it may taste bitter. Bring to the boil then simmer at the lowest setting, covered, for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally to stop it sticking. It’s done when it’s absorbed the water and is light and fluffy. Leave it to stand off the heat for another five minutes to rest with the lid on.

I eat quinoa nearly every day. I make a huge salad or bake on a Sunday and this lasts me all week as a main or side dish. Quinoa is widely available in health food stores. Here is Australia you will find it in the Macro section of Woolworths. There are loads of recipes out there you can use quinoa in. Just google it and away you go! If you have any favourite quinoa recipes, please share in the comments below.

Happy eating!

Seren xx

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  1. The Largely Unknown Health Epidemic Affecting Almost ALL Americans,

Green Smoothie

It’s the latest health food trend and I’m sure you’ve all heard or tried them by now. The green smoothie has landed. Personally it took my a while to get on board with it. Probably because they look like a glass of bile & involved green vegetables I don’t particularly like. I felt when green smoothies first became popular & everyone was doing it I didn’t want to buy into something because it’s the cool new thing to do. So I didn’t. Nose being cut off to spite my face? Yes. Now I look back and think what a dick am I for ignoring something so healthful just because I was too stubborn and didn’t want to be part of cool and the gang. How I have changed and grown.

This is a good example of judgement and not listening too your inner self for guidance. Green vegetable messages come through loud and clear for me all the time. I don’t action them as much as I should. I know this because I keep getting the message and will do until I do was I’m told. Eating a massive plate of raw greens is my partners dream and my nightmare. They just don’t appeal. ‘What’ I hear you shout, you are an advocate for holistic loveliness how can you not like one of the most amazing, natural sources of goodness? We are all unique. One size does not fit all. It’s a no brainer raw vegetables are wonderful, they make us feel great, I feel great after eating them but it’s a chore to get them down. If our taste buds haven’t developed yet or aren’t ready yet for such helpful delights it will be a struggle.

Green juicing was my answer. I can down a green smoothie a lot quicker than eating a plate of veg. It’s quicker to prepare too, no chopping the Thermomix does it for me. The green veg is also disguised with other flavours that appeal more to my developing taste buds. Juicing raw vegetables is the best way to preserve all the natural nutrients too. Cooking actually kills off some of these. It still looks like bile. With a few trial and error experiments I now know the perfect blend that makes sure I’m getting my greens & it still tastes good. A pleasure now not a chore. I have my green juice in the morning and it keeps me a lot fuller than my old bread based breakfasts used to.

Here’ my recipe:

  • 400ml of Raw Coconut water
  • A handful of kale, spinach and broccoli
  • Half a green apple
  • 2 teaspoons of Vital Greens powder (full of the all important Organic spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass and alfalfa plus much, much more)
  • 1 tablespoon of organic, cold pressed coconut oil
  • 2 scoops of 180 Nutrition Vegan protein powder (full of pea protein, flaxseed, almond meal, sunflower kernels, coconut flour, chia seeds, sesame seeds, psyllium husks, inactive brewers yeast & stevia)
  • 1 teaspoon of bee pollen (*note: allergy aware!!)
  • Depending on my mood I also add occasionally 1 teaspoon of organic raw cacoa
  • Lots of ice from purified water!

Happy green juicing!

Love Seren xx

Mason jar available from Eco Jarz:

Seren Green Smoothies

Natural Electrolyte Drink

It’s coming to the end of a really hot summer here in Australia. Staying hydrated is super important any time of the year but even more so in summer or if you are participating in sports that make you sweat. (or if you were on the same train as me last night with broken air conditioning, woo steamy!)

Water is vital for survival. We can last a lot longer without food than we can without water. Roughly three to five days before the body and internal organs start to shut down. Our brains alone are composed of 70% water. Every part of our bodies relies on water to make it work.

It is well documented that the ideal recommended amount of water a human should consume per day is about two litres. This is very negotiable. Everyone is different and depending on your lifestyle you may need more or less. If your hauling butt outside on a 40-degree day, then yeah you’re going to need more. Common sense stuff really.

Here’s an interesting fact for you. Vegetarians need less water than meat eaters to stay at optimal hydration. Why? When we consume animal based products extra water is required to break down the nitrogen atoms they contain. Nitrogen can only be processed by the body to make urea with the aid of water. (1) I can personally back up for this statement. Since returning to being vegetarian I am requiring less daily water than I did during my meat eating days.

Hydration is not solely about water either. Nutrients called electrolytes play a large part in our hydration balance. What are electrolytes?

Electrolytes are positively or negatively charged ions that conduct electrical activity. In the human body electrolytes must be present in proper concentrations to maintain fluid balance, muscle contraction and neural activity. (2)

Electrolytes are a combination of sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium. These are all lost through sweating. That is why in hotter months or following vigorous workouts it is important to replace these minerals.

Most of us are aware of the symptoms of dehydration. Headaches, muscles cramps, fatigue/dizziness, nausea and sometimes-impaired mental clarity. A raging thirst usually means you are already dehydrated.

There are loads of electrolyte replacements on the market. It is a personal choice, which you chose. I personally steer clear of the high sugar sports drinks. Any drinks that are coloured are a good indication there are some not so good ingredients in there. Coconut water is awesome, very natural. Even better if you can get it fresh from the ‘nut.’

This recipe is a favourite, tried & tested one. It’s been around the block in Bikram Yoga circles for a long while. Bikram’s wife Rajashree is credited for its invention. Its’ simple, cheap and all the ingredients are easily found in your local super market or health food store. Happy hydrating!

Love & Light

Seren xx

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2 –Dolan. S.H.  2012,

1 – Virtue. D.  2003, Eating in Light: Making the Switch to Vegetarianism on Your Spiritual Path. Loc 579

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