Web About me Headshot

Hello & welcome to Seren Holistic Lifestyles.

My name is Kathryn (aka Kat for short), nice to meet you & thank you for stopping by.

Who am I?

I’m a 41-year-old British born Australia citizen. I reside with my amazing partner on his family farm north of Perth, Western Australia. Farm life gives me the best of both worlds. It’s a peaceful, tranquil setting surrounded by nature & animals from which I run my business. Also close enough to town to not be too isolated but further enough away to not have neighbours.

What I do:

I’m not one for boxes, labels & titles, as I like to be multifunctional. There are three main threads to my bow. I’m a Reiki Master & intuitive energy healer, a yoga instructor & a creative graphic designer. I’ve combined all three modalities to create my own Reiki healing & spiritual teaching business – Seren Holistic Lifestyles.

How did I get here?

I’ve dipped in and out over the years trying to be ‘healthy’ & live a wellness focused life. I was known in my first office job as the ‘Green Tea girl’ as this was my idea of healthy living.

It took till I was 33 to ‘wake up,’ to stop just existing & start living. I was working myself into the ground doing three jobs just to earn enough money to escape from it all (between bottles of white wine!). My head was so in control of my life I’d lost all connection with my heart & Soul. I wasn’t truly happy unless I was travelling, at yoga or drinking wine. This wasn’t living authentically. Something had to change.

With a little help from some amazing, inspiring mentors I got onto my right path. I reconnected with my Spiritual side & started to remember why I am here & what I need to be doing for the greater good of humanity.

In September 2011 I became a certified Bikram Yoga instructor. A step in the right direction to reconnecting with my natural talent as a teacher. Over the past eight years I have trained in yin and vinyasa styles of yoga to broaden my teaching skills. I’ve successfully hosted many day and weekend yoga/healing retreats in Australia and England.

Through yoga & Soul mentoring I developed an interest in healing. This led me to becoming a Reiki Master & teacher. Healing, like teaching, came very naturally to me. My progress & vibrational acceleration has been extremely fast pace. I’ve since learned I’ve walked this path over many lifetimes. It’s why I am here today to use these talents to teach others how to heal themselves.

This spurred me on to leave my safe, secure, well paid full time corporate design job to go out there alone as ‘self-employed’ in September 2013. Turning what I’m passionate about into my own business & living a life I love every day. (I get paid for it too!)

My passions in life are:

Living an authentic & clean as I can lifestyle. I am a vegetarian who loves green juice. Balance is important & I don’t deny myself the odd chocolaty treat. My day starts with a proper brew of Yorkshire tea.

I’m fascinated with the invisible.’ Everything from the Angelic realm & spirit guides to crystals, meditation & healing.

With a deep-seated thirst for adventure & travel I get out there to experience all that I can. This feeds my curiosity so I may learn more & grow further.

As a teacher I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others so they too can live an empowered life. I try to teach from experience the best I can. Walking my talk is extremely important, it’s the way my amazing teachers have taught me & I strive to lead by example too.

My mission:

The purpose of my life is to experience growth & commitment. My mission to accomplish this is to connect with my inner wisdom creating a bridge to assist others in opening their heart so they can lead a life of excellence.

I hope you enjoy my site & it helps you in some way in your own life journey. Even if it’s only a five-minute break from your daily routine to check in and read a post, it would be my pleasure to offer you that time out.

In my blog you will find:

A safe healing sanctuary in which to delve deeply. You are not alone in this lifetime. We are all one & are here to support each other. You won’t be called crazy or insane for talking to your ‘invisible friends.’ We’ll embrace your mates & give them a name.

There are lashings of my own authentic Soul sharing. Based around my personal healing journey to forge a holistic, clean lifestyle living on purpose with my Soul contract. My words freely flow from pure intent. It’s all about passion, true love & integrity at Seren Holistic Lifestyles.

Other things that rock my world:

  • Reading (vampire romances & trash chick lit adorn my Kindle as well as more serious metaphysical non fiction)
  • Writing – blogging, journaling & email chit chat
  •  Art – oil painting, drawing, designing & colouring in (nurturing my inner child)
  • Horse riding
  • Cooking, eating, juicing, raw food & all things vego
  • Movies (Romance, comedy & of course fantasy)
  • MovementYin, vinyasa & hatha yoga
  • Love, great friends, family & laughter!

On my iPod you will find:

  • The Spice Girls & Steps greatest hits
  • Everything by the Arctic Monkeys
  • Guided meditations
  • The audio version of the Power of Now

If you haven’t been put off by my dodgy music choices…. I look forward to the opportunity to connect with you all in this special place. Enjoy!



Web About me walking

“If you can dream it, you can do it” – Walt Disney

A huge shout out to the divine & crazy talented photographer who produced my amazing head shots.
Thank you Shayleen of Mocha Pearl Photography xx

The story behind the name ‘Seren.’ (Pronouced ‘Se’ – ‘ren’)

The word ‘Seren’ derives from the Welsh language and means ‘Star.’ There’s nothing more relaxing or ‘serene’ than sitting out on a clear night & gazing at the stars. The wonders of the universe. Seren is also the name of a Welsh pony I used to share back in my London days. Our time was short together but Seren offered me an urban escape amongst the madness of city living.

Here she is the pretty black mare who was my urban escape

Here she is the pretty black mare who was my urban escape

Keep in touch

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