Some of us depending on our culture may feel uncomfortable or deem it ‘tacky’ to talk about money. Personal finance is a private subject. Saying that though there should never be guilt, shame or embarrassment (all low vibration emotions) attached to money whether you have lots or very little. Money is just a tool for exchange. It’s an energy source that allows to us give and receive equally. We should to strive to have a loving relationship with money in order to keep a healthy balance.
Just like any relationship we can suffocate & stifle the flow of energy connected to money by focusing too much on the ‘external.’ What we have on the outside instead of on the inside. The result being we can actually start to push money away instead of attracting more. This happened to me earlier in the year.
Financial planning is a sensible & essential part of life. Bills need paying. Part of my business coaching course work I had set myself a financial goal to reach ‘X amount’ of dollars by April this year. The idea being I would collect a ‘nest egg’ or ‘safety net’ as we call it to fall back on ‘just in case.’ The Aim of my target goal meant I’d have all my big bills covered for the next year with some left over. Then if business hit a slow point I’d be okay, there was money in the bank.
Hello ‘fear’ based activity. Worrying about ‘what if everything went wrong how would I manage for money?’ This thinking is just what fuels such situations as our thoughts create our reality. All I needed to do was surrender to the now in which I am fully abundant, instead of fearing the ‘what if’s of the future.’ Affirming to myself ‘I will always be provided for.’ I realise that now but I had to learn the hard way of course to break the cycle!
Here’s what happened…
When I started to get close to reaching my financial goal my mentality started to change. Just like Mr Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’ I was storing cash away where ever I could. I was constantly checking my Internet banking & watching the amount go up (& down). ‘Where could I cut corners to reach my final goal I started to think?’ There was suddenly a great thirst to reach the target I’d set myself.
Yes it’s good to question the difference between necessities & wants but I went too far. I stopped investing money in self-love activities. Cancelling much needed massages & skipping past the organic produce section of Woolworths. Cutting back on what would actually serve me well. Squirreling money away to meet a number in my account was way off line for me; it’s not how I roll. I’m usually relaxed & carefree but not totally reckless. What I was doing was all too restrictive & tight.
I’ve always had a healthy personal relationship with money. In numerology I am an ‘8 path.’ This means my life has a strong financial focus & I’m a natural born entrepreneur. It also means I have the ability to start again from scratch if needs be. (Which I have done.) Looking back over my life I have never gone without, ends have always been met, someway, somehow. Money has turned up when I needed it the most.
Why was I getting all worried about it now?
I should have been focusing on how grateful I was with what I actually already had in that moment. Which was plenty, not just in money but also in health & happiness. An attitude of gratitude.
The wake up call came thick and fast. My outward focus on collecting money meant I was constricting the energy flow. In order for new money to come in, some had to go out to make room. The old saying of ‘you have to spend money to make money’ springs to mind. No money was going out, as I was being stingy with myself so the universe helped me spend some.
First came the cracked windscreen (I’d not renewed the extra glass insurance cover so this turned out to be a lot), then some other big business expenses turned up & finally I chipped my tooth. Bills, bills & more bills. All things I would consider ‘annoying things to spend money on’ especially when they seemed to turn of out of the blue. (There are no coincidences)
The chipped tooth was interesting. Teeth issues are related to fear, guilt, self-neglect & difficulty making empowered decisions. I certainly had lost a grasp on my personal power by giving it over to my bank account. Cancelling self-love activities is totally self-neglect.
The moment I came close to meeting my financial goal I didn’t quite make it, as something needed paying for. A subtle Universal hint it was time to release the strangle hold & ditch the goal. I was limiting myself to that X amount of money. I’d capped my abundance at that limit. It would never accede it. Shifting my focus back to abundance & fully trusting the universe would provide for me worked wonders. A stack of cash just sitting there didn’t matter.
Once I loosened the grip, relaxed about spending & grateful for what I already had the flow returned. Money came in & it went out again freely with no fear. If I had a bill or an activity that needed paying for the cash would turn up for me. Sometimes it didn’t even hit the sides. I’d get paid for a job then give the money straight back to someone else. It worked the other way too. I would pay for something then I earn the same amount right back again. Consistent giving & regiving.

Focusing on love & giving from pure intent meant that what I gave was returned to me. All the fear melted away once I stopped number watching. You know what the interesting outcome was? I then reached & actually exceeded my ‘financial goal’ without even thinking. The moment I ditched the goal I achieved it. It came as a pleasant surprise when I did check in on my account.
Action plan:
Release the fear & limited thinking regarding what you don’t have. We are all right now in this moment so abundant. Live with an open heart full of gratitude & fully trust the Universe will provide for you. Relax & watch life flow.
Another great resource that has helped me understand the exchange of money if this brilliant book from Kate Northup ‘Money: A love story.’ Well worth a read for sure.
Do you have any interesting money & emotions stories you’d like to share. Please feel free to drop a comment below!
Till soon, love K xx