Posts Tagged ‘peace’

New Year Oracle Card Reading


Let’s kick off 2017 with an oracle card reading. The beautiful cards I’m using here are from the divine Rachelle Charman & they are her brand new Chakra Reading Cards published by Rockpool.


Focus on the cards in the image. Which card are you instantly drawn too first? Try not to second guess it, follow your intuition. It’s interesting that these cards all read fantastically by themselves or as a collective. If you’ve felt the pull to all three cards perhaps read them from left to right or however you are directed from spirit.



Scroll down the page below for your FREE reading. Enjoy and I hope the Chakra Reading cards bring you clarity and guidance today.





Card A – Nurturing – Earth Star Chakra



How you been neglecting your needs recently? Your Soul is calling to you today for some nurturing time. If you’ve felt tired, worn out, lacking lustre for life and altogether run down take this as a sign you need to recharge.


Nurturing can be anything you wish. Is there an activity you crave and never seem to have time to partake in? It’s important right now for you to take time out for yourself. Go for a walk in nature, read a book, swim in the sea or connect with your bestie. Do something that makes you feel alive. Get spontaneous, drop everything and follow your heart. Surely stuff can wait a few hours or days.


Today’s card is a reminder that you need to nurture yourself often to keep the flow moving in life. It doesn’t need to be a special occasion to do something fun and different. Everyday is worth a celebration. Enjoy xx


In the long-term start to plan something big and exciting to look forward too. If there is a place you’ve always wanted to travel too perhaps now is the time to research into making that happen. Enjoy xx




Card B – Peace – Crown Chakra



Peace is the natural state we were born to live in. Life gets on top of us at times and we become disconnected. If the stresses of life have piled up for you remember to step back and find your peace within. It is there for each of us to access at anytime. The key is to be still, take yourself away from the external distractions and demands so you can return to the Soul state of peace.


Meditation is the perfect and easiest way to connect with peace. If you’ve never tried meditation look up online for free guided recordings. These are a great way to get started. Walking meditation out in nature is a wonderful way to come back to centre. Take time to just ‘be.’ Breathe and let go, surrender to the moment.


When we are still and invite in our inner peace great healing can occur. This can assist in bringing balance and calm back to our lives. When our inner world is peaceful our outer world will reflect this back xx





Card C – Angels and Masters – Soul Star Chakra



This card carries the strong message that we are never alone. Our spirited support network is right by our sides all of the time. We just need to remember they are there and to ask for their help. Ascended Masters and Angels are the highest vibrational beings in our Universe. Each has Master and Angel has his or her own unique skills and talents. For example Archangel Michael is our protector angel. Call upon Michael when you need some support or strength. He just loves assisting us with cutting etheric cords and taking care of them by recycling the energy into higher vibes.


Today’s card may be asking you to discover more about the different Angels and Masters? The best way to learn and build trust in the unknown, especially the invisible realms is to do research. Education can release fear. In meditation ask to be shown who is close by and if they have any messages for you. Look out for signs and symbols to confirm your guides are with you. Seeing or visualising a green light in your minds eye can mean Archangel Raphael the angel of healing is present. Seeing the number 3, 33 or 333 is a sign the Ascended Masters are watching over you.


Have fun getting to know your guides xx


Side Note:


I found it super interesting that as a collective the numbers of the cards all had the number 3 in them in ascending order. This all lead to the Angels and Masters cards. With the start of a fresh new cycle in numerology we are being asked more than ever to look outside of our human perceptions. This year will see even more people waking up and remembering there is more to this life than the material and obvious. Our spirit guides are giving us all a nudge to connect and believe. It’s time to wake up even more. Once you start to work with you support team and see the results all doubt will melt away.


Feel free to let me know how you got along with today’s reading by leaving a comment below.


Till soon, love,





For more information on Rachelle and today’s cards click the links:.



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