How you have been travelling over the past week? We are still under the pre-shadow phase of Mercury Retrograde till the 30th. This year seems to be moving at lightening speed. In reflection our inner drive is getting stronger and Soul calling is calling us to get on task ASAP.
There is no waiting until tomorrow anymore. I’m feeling the push to get things done as soon as they present. No more filing ideas away till later on I want to be making them happen now! Especially when everything coming through is so aligned with my Soul purpose.
On Thursday 18th August we have two cosmic events happening. Full Moon and a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse.
The Full Moon in Aquarius is crazy supportive of this energetic burst of strength and increased self-worth. We are no longer living in the other people’s shadows or riding coat tails to get ahead. The only way to succeed is to be our own unique self doing things our way. ‘Cheap imitations’ don’t last they are short lived. Copying someone else because we perceive his or her formula is the best way isn’t going to cut it any more (it never actually did ever). Let’s start leading our lives from our own hearts. Make and create our own formulas for success.

I’ve been feeling this energy for well over a year now. When I first started waking up/ remembering I’d spend hours reading blogs, books, following other spiritual teachers/figures online to figure out what all this metaphysical stuff was about. And yes copying/being influenced by what others were doing whilst I found my feet.
That is why I recognise following others ways of doing things doesn’t get you very far. Now my work is my own. Sometimes ‘similarities’ show up to what others have posted about. This is because we are all tuning into the same universal energy cycles. I always think ‘how cool, I wrote about that too today.’ When I see these synchronicities I take it as confirmation I am on track and doing my work with passion.
Nowadays I follow only two people on a regular basis. Both of whom I have worked with in person and on Skype as ‘mentors.’ We always need those higher up and further on to support and hold space as we grow. It’s definitely less is more for me at the moment as I feel more confident using my inner tutor as my main spiritual GPS. There are so many half read or not even started books in my collection. I’m just not feeling the pull to reading right now.
Never before have we felt so empowered. The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (the earth moves between the moon and the sun thus casting a shadow over the moon) is a gateway for a new start focused on your deepest desires. Its energy will be softer and less in your face for this first eclipse. Allowing us the space to gracefully step forward. Nothing can stop us if we just put our minds to it. Even when the positive resistance shows up to whisper “I can’t do this, the timing is off, I’m not qualified enough, its all too hard” our Souls kick straight back in and yells “YES you can!” The doubt is conformation we are on track.
This is a new dawn as we wake up to what we came here to do in this lifetime. Indeed the world may be perceived as being crazy and out of control at present. This is even more reason to shine our lights brighter and bolder. We are all here to make our own individual impact and contribution. If we weren’t up for this challenge then we wouldn’t have incarnated at this point.
I’d just like to touch on the subject of reincarnation quickly. It has been a year of many Souls crossing over and returning to the light. This does bring sadness for those left behind. Fully trust that those who have passed completed their work on earth this time round. Even if they were only here for a short time, a few years or even hours, the brief footprint they touched us with can be as strong as a 100-year existence. They were part of our supporting cast to which we should be grateful.
It’s recharging time for those Souls who have departed. They will be back later on, maybe not whilst we are here in this life, as they will be needed further down the track. That is why they had to go now so they can get prepared for the big things coming on their next journey.
Experiencing loss or sadness can be a great tool to rise ourselves higher. It reminds us how precious our time is on earth. There is not a minute to waste, as we do not know how long we have left. I’m hearing a lot recently ‘live everyday as it it’s your last.’ Under this month’s Full Moon (Thursday 18th, 5pm WA time) connect with the fire building up inside of you. Anything is within your grasp. I’m totally feeling you are all vibing with this already.
With the accelerated universal speed propelling us forward we are also manifesting quicker than ever before. This year I’ve experienced first hand the speed at which things are manifesting. There have been a few occasions where I’ve put my desires out to the universe and the results have presented months earlier than expected.
“No wait! I acknowledge this is what I asked for but I was thinking more around November not May! This is six months too early”
Then I stepped back and realized of course the universe knows I’m ready for it now so it must happen. Of course the timing was perfect as some of my manifestations still took a while to fall into place and fine-tune the details. There is a great (and highly entertaining) recording from Lee Harris called ‘Manifesting From The Future’ which explains this process beautifully.
It is essential then to keep all thoughts clear and positive. Manifesting works both ways. You can just as easily manifest doom and gloom as you can pull through joy and happiness. Yes we need the downs to recognize the ups or everything would become stagnant. However we do not consciously want to manifest misery.
Are you feeling inspired?
Inspiration is coming through thick and fast this week. Even if you are feeling a bit rushed or under the pump keep the momentum of any exciting personal ideas going. Put them into action as soon as you can. Even if it’s just committing the ideas to paper or creating a vision board. It’s easy to forget things so write them down. If you are unsure about anything that comes through for you, still take note. The best ideas are always the most bonkers one’s I think. Don’t dismiss anything as too out there.
Remember just like we are constantly evolving so do our dreams and ideas. The start of a project or idea may well have a totally different outcome. Side roads are brilliant. We learn so much along the way when we are weaving around in different directions as a pose to going straight down the middle in a controlled and organized fashion.
We are all strong leaders. When we take action in our own life we are making an impact on the greater masses. Even without the intention of sharing it with the world just by being you and doing your thing others you will create change. Remember this.
Self-Care Routine
Make sure you are getting enough rest this month too. Burn out is not cool. Even when you are doing what you love every day you still need to disconnect and have down time. What really assists me is a personal daily practice. This involves meditation, checking in with my Soul, yoga, crystals and essential oils. When I haven’t done my practice I can feel how contracted I become, on edge and anxious. I don’t flow and small things start to bother me. My best advice for staying balanced (then you hold more light) is creating a personal daily practice, even for ten minutes each morning. You are more creative and inspired when you have a fully charged battery.

Enjoy this week’s Full Moon. Don’t forget to put your crystals out for cleansing and a charge up.
Feel free to share any thoughts or musings in the comments below. I always love to hear from you all.
Till soon, love

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