Posts Tagged ‘joy’

Getting myself out there

A huge part of running my own business has been getting my name out there in order to attract clients. I am extremely blessed that I can use my skills as a graphic designer to produce my own marketing material. Designing my own business cards, flyers & online marketing has been such a joy. Finally using my creative energy for myself! It was very helpful that I used to work for a business printer so everything I have is super fancy & nicely printed. (Techno geeks I got gang run, matt laminate with round corners!!)

Since I started out as a professional healer my reputation grew from word of mouth. This is fantastic I love personal recommendations. I nearly always ask around my friends if I’m looking for a new service or product to see what other people think is good. Now I’d like to spread my word a little wider I’m putting out printed marketing material in certain locations.

My aim is to attract clients who have at least a basic understanding of energy work. They by know means have to be an expert, just have enough of a knowing to be open & ready to make that connection within them selves. The obvious places to start reaching out too are the yoga studios I work at. It was super exciting putting my flyers & cards on display, seeing them out there made it so real for me. I was surprised when all my cards had gone from one studio within two weeks of my putting them out.

Along with my business coach we devised an action plan to achieve more exposure. It was a little scary at first to step out of my comfort zone & send my marketing to a local Lululemon store. It’s a good fear, it will help me grow. Once I saw it on the community table in the store I got that fluttery feeling in my thymus gland. I wish to attract more clients therefore I must spread my net wider. It’s time for me to work with people I may not know personally so I can grow & develop my skills.

Exciting times. My intention has been set & sent out to the universe. Now I must trust the right clients will find their way to me in good time. After all there are enough clients to go around everyone in this world, they will find me when they are ready.

Love K xx

p.s. Check out my ‘Healing Services’ tab at the top of this blog or from my FB page to see my full offering.

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 ©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013
 (please share the love with full credit thanks)

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©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013

(please share the love with full credit thanks)

Food Cravings – my experience

Hands up who finds it hard once the thought of a delicious food treat pops into your mind to let it go? Does it keeps bugging you until give in & eat it? Most of the time after you’ve indulged the guilt kicks in. I’ve been there too the sugar rush high from a chocolate bar is usually short lived once I remember the empty calories I’ve just consumed. Welcome to the world of food cravings.

If you didn’t already know food cravings are linked to our emotions. It’s in our culture to use food as part of celebration rituals, rewards & something to base a social gathering around. Isn’t it wonderful to use food as a centre point for happy times?

What is not so wonderful is when we try to fill an ‘unhappy’ void with food. Remembering those happy food filled times & thinking food will fix it. In reality it was probably the social interactions & the positive energy exchange between the people that created the ‘happy times.’ The food was just an accessory.

From an energetic point of view to stay clean, clear & centred you need to be fueling your body with clean high vibration food. These are foods that come straight from the earth as nature intended, not packaged in a supermarket. Once I became more aware of how food effects my vibration & cleaned up my diet my food cravings literally disappeared. Why? Because when you are nourished & fulfilled from the inside then you don’t need to fill any voids with crap food.

About a month ago I hadn’t realised that I had fallen into an emotional hole. I was so busy doing what I do I somehow managed to miss some important signs. This is normal you can’t expect yourself to be holier than thou 24/7. Also I hadn’t realised that my spiritual hygiene routine was overdue a change. It wasn’t serving me anymore as I’d literally out grown it (Separate post coming soon). This meant I wasn’t releasing as much dense energy & it was building up inside.

I was going through a huge emotional overhaul in my life. I was right in the middle of working my notice on my day job. Feelings of entrapment and boredom were ripe. Hello food cravings!

First I hit the salty chips. I do buy chips for my partner but I rarely eat them myself. That week I couldn’t get enough, literally ramming them into my mouth as I was cooking a healthful dinner. The following week I turned to ice cream. Again, I never keep it in the house, as I don’t eat it. One weekend I really fancied pancakes with ice cream & strawberries so bought a litre. It never even saw the pancakes! Even my partner commented with disbelief I was eating ice cream.

By the end of that week the alarm bells finally sung out. I opened Doreen Virtues book Constant Craving & if by magic it opened on the ‘crunchy salty food craving’ chapter.

Doreen (who has a Ph.D. degree in counselling psychology) explains when you crave crunchy food, especially salty crunchy food it translates into suppressed anger. You literally need to get that anger out by crunching on something. What do you do when you’re angry? Clench your jaw right? It’s the same reaction, forceful strong biting with the molars.

It made sense to me. I was angry. I’d given five weeks notice on my job & it was too much. I wanted to be done so I could get on with my own work that I was passionate about. The anger was bubbling up over the mind numbing jobs I had to do. Frustration central.

What about the ice cream? Craving dairy products is a sign of depression. Super! First I was angry then depressed (but not to the extent of needing help, just a little down). Again it made sense, anger followed by sadness. Once I consulted Doreen’s book and identified the issue I could take action & deal. It’s not enough to recognise something is wrong and then sit back doing nothing. ‘You’ need to stop it, especially if it’s potentially damaging, before it spirals into something worse. If you are unsure how seek professional advice.

I made sure I was taking more stillness time during the day. Connecting within when I felt the anger or sadness bubble up. During this time I was shown images of the happiness I had in my present life that I should be grateful for. Focusing on the many more positive, happy things I had going on served me better than getting grumpy about the minute things that weren’t. The universe stepped in too like it does & I received some wise words, just two sentences, from my Mentor reminding me also to celebrate how far I had come in my journey. Most importantly she advised me to enjoy my last week in the city job.

Boom! If by magic again the food cravings vanished & I was in control. I’d spent two weeks focusing on the negative hence I was receiving just as much negative back. Once I was back on the ‘happy thoughts’ everything became lighter & brighter again. I embraced my final week in the corporate world with love.

Next time you get a craving for something you don’t usually eat. Check in with your emotions through stillness or meditation. See if there is something you have suppressed that is now showing up in a food craving.

Love K xx

p.s. Please seek professional medical advice if you have any strong feelings or symptoms that are physically effecting your health or daily life. This post is my personal experience of a very mild energetic block that I treated myself as a qualified holistic practitioner.


Living a Life I Love!

Hello there! I’ve been dropping some hints over the past few weeks to a grand ‘big reveal.’ Today is the day. My apologies go out to those who know me personally for not getting told this news sooner or personally.

What I’m about to share is a huge move for me, probably one of the biggest decisions I’ve made thus far. Believe me I wanted to shout it from the rooftops the moment I decided. Somewhere inside, after everything I’ve learned I just wanted to keep it to myself, let it be sacred, special, unique, my own. I needed to let the idea sit first to make sure I was comfortable with my choice. If I shared too soon chances are I would certainly meet some resistance that may sway me to change my mind.

I love an analogy I heard recently about comparing my situation to a brick wall. You build the wall with bricks and mortar. Before the wall is solid and strong you have to wait a while. Allow the mortar to dry & the bricks to settle into position before it is stable & supportive. This is just what I did. I am settled, strong and standing firm.

Oh okay already what is my news? I quit my day job. After working nearly four years at the same place I walked out of the door on Friday no longer an employee. It was emotional, I am so grateful for the past few years & a role I’ve learned so much in. It was super hard walking away from a team I truly love & who feel like family. It’s a heck of a lot easier to leave somewhere you don’t like!

Why did I leave if I liked it so much? I needed to create the life I love. Doing what I love everyday and making a living from it. That was my brief fifteen months ago when I started down my spiritual path. Now that dream has manifested into the opportunity I have now.

What am I going to do then? Basically I’m going to be pretty much doing what I have been doing for the past two years apart from I will be in control. I am now officially my own boss, as of yesterday, day one. I will be teaching yoga on a full time roster, seeing more healing clients and freelance designing from my home office. Of course I’ll be blogging. All this will be done under my trading name Seren Holistic Lifestyles. Growing the Seren brand will be a big exciting project in itself. I even have a business coach to help guide me along the slightly scary path of ‘business owner.’ I shall master Excel spreadsheets.

How did I come to make such a massive life overhaul? For many months I was trying to create space so I could see more healing clients, doing the work my Soul loves to do. I kept asking my inner guidance for the answer. All I got was ‘wait’ or firm ‘no’s’ when I suggested something ‘I thought’ I should give up to make room.

You see I was trying to control the situation & not hand over to the powers that know best. When you surrender to the universe you have to trust the answer will present in due course. Most of the time it’s not what you thought it would be. I asked for space to create a life I would love to live. At first I thought it meant dropping off a yoga class a week. Then I wouldn’t be so tired in my day job & I’d have more energy on weekends for clients. That wasn’t the answer. Teaching is a huge part of why I’m here and the perfect complimentary modality to my energy practice. Finally I did what I was told and ‘waited.’ Sat back, was patient and then the answer came through.

It seems so obvious now that the 9 to 5 city job had to go. I’d not been happy with the lack of creative work for a while. Sitting it out waiting on other people to bring in the clients and some decent work. What I should have been doing & what I am doing now is attracting clients I wish to work for from industries aligned with who I am. The messages were calling out from the start I just wasn’t connecting with them.

Why wasn’t I receiving the messages? Fear was holding me back. My city job was secure, a regular wage every week and paid holidays. Why would I give that up to be self-employed with a bucket load of risks? It is time to get uncomfortable. Change is needed. The fear and risks of self-employment shall empower me to get things done, work hard and achieve my goals. I need this. I also reminded myself I travelled the world for a whole year living off my savings & not getting paid. Since then I’ve taken many unpaid leaves & never hit any problems. I had just forgotten. I’ve done it before I can do it again.

Once the penny dropped I could very much hear the celestial choir singing out. Oh how obvious it is now. Work for myself, set my own goals, have the freedom to do as I wish on my terms. Have 100% responsibility for my own life.

I am happy. I am well supported. I’m stepping up to the greatest adventure yet and I’m ready for it.

There you go! I’m sure I’ll still be as busy as ever if not more but I’m now officially living a life I love.

Who’s gonna join me?

Love K xx

Seren Live a life you love

Boxes & Labels

Who likes variety? Changing things up, trying new things, never getting stuck in the same old, same old routine. Who doesn’t like variety? It’s okay to do & like the same thing, have a routine, know where you’re at & what you are getting. I’m the former I need variety. I do have consistency in my life and a routine but I switch things up on a daily basis to keep life interesting.

My need for variety does cause other people some issues. For example the usual question one gets on first meeting “what do you do for a living?” It’s very hard for me to say the expected ‘one thing that I do.’ I reel off my list of different modalities that form ‘my career’ & a blank stare usually meets me.

I dislike being a ‘one thing’ person. It’s not me. If I just do ‘one thing’ and I get frustrated pretty quickly. At the end of last year a friend was questioning me in terms of my career “what is it to be then? Are you a yoga teacher or a graphic designer? Which is it?” I felt they were implying I should choose just one career to follow & put a label on myself so I fit nicely into a box. My reply “both and more.” This fits very nicely into ‘my box.’

Why do we have to be one thing just because somewhere along the line society made that ‘rule’? Gone are the days of graduating school and staying in one career (often even the same work place) for 45 years I feel. That model would not work for me. I’d go stale. Why can’t I be a graphic designer and teach yoga? Now I can add energy healer, business owner & writer to that list too.

Okay I’m not Super Women and in order to do everything I desire there needs to be a balance. I’m slowly pulling that together now. Combining all my skills and passions into a more stream lined balanced version. The big reveal is coming soon dear readers just a while longer till I’m ready to share.

I’m envisioning my life as a smorgasbord with many pieces of loveliness all on the one tray. I can pick & choose which piece to sample day by day. Just because I do lot’s of things doesn’t mean I’m any less ‘good’ at any of them because I’m not doing that one thing day in day out. The saying “Jack of all trades, master of none” does not resonate.

Doing a little of each of my jobs every day keeps my interest alive, it makes my life exciting & I want to get up in the morning. When I get a bit stuck on a design or blog post if I’m lacking inspiration I take a break, refresh go do something else, do some metaphysical study or yoga. Then I can come back to my creative work refreshed. Some days I will just focus on yoga or healing & not do anything creative. It will be organic & flowing the way I’m guided it to be.

I’ve re written the saying above to this: “Jack of all trades equals master of one.” You & your own life, may you all be your own Master.

Love Seren xx

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