Posts Tagged ‘joy’

Crystal Healing – LOVE!

“It’s love that makes the world go round!” W.S. GILBERT, Iolanthe

Welcome back to my crystal-healing segment. I’d taken a hiatus for a while here, not sure why exactly. Then last week I had a huge pull to talk about crystals again. I’m never far from a crystal, maybe less than thirty centimetres. It makes sense for me to start writing again about something that is an everyday part of my life.

Today I shall introduce you to a combination of crystals that may assist in attracting or maintaining that loving feeling!

Disclaimer: This is just my personal take of how certain crystals can work together in a positive way. This is not a set in stone (pun ha, ha!) method to snag the man or women of your dreams 😉

Personally I like to use these crystals for my own self-love stimulation. If I’m happy and outwardly glowing I hope that will rub off on those around me. Like everything in life it is in the intention you set before you start that is important. I set my intention to bring extra love & peace into my day by combining certain crystals together.

Here are my five love crystals of choice:

Rose Quartz: This crystal is pure love everything about it even the colour radiates happiness & joy. A fantastic crystal for healing the heart & emotional wounds as it brings calmness and balance. Rose quartz can promote self-love from within which in turn will open up the channels to give & receive love from others. Wear it next to your heart chakra for some extra loving.

Smoky Quartz: Great for dissipating negative emotions especially fear & promoting positive thinking. This allows passion & love to flow freely from the heart. A useful crystal for assisting in communication matters.

Jade: Very symbolic in ancient China for attracting love. Jade is the symbol for harmony, beauty, health, wealth and wisdom. It can assist in balancing emotions & purification. The green colour is also associated with the heart chakra.

Carnelian: A great motivator that enhances physical energy. A real pick me up. It can assist you in stepping into personal power to create success, joy & happiness by opening up the heart. The deep orange colour is associated with the sacral chakra.

Citrine: The stone of abundance. This is one of my favourites to work with. I am especially drawn to its sunny yellow colour. Citrine has the power to dispel fear, anxiety and anger. Replacing it with joy & happiness. It can assist in building self-confidence & bringing about fresh starts. Citrine is very good at clearing blocked energy in the solar plexus.

Work with these crystals any way you are drawn to. I place clusters on my desk whilst I work or I carry them on me in my pocket or round my neck. You may wish to lie down & place them over the associated chakra whilst you relax. Go with your intuition there is no right or wrong way to use crystals & they won’t cause you any harm. Don’t forgot to regularly cleanse your crystals to clear any residue build up.

Lots of sparkling crystal love,

Seren xx

Seren Love crystals

Thank you <3

Just a quick note to say thank you so much to everyone who follows my blog & FB page. It is with huge gratitude I send out to you all for supporting me on this adventure. To know I am reaching just one person is enough to warm my cockles. It still amazes me how far a blog can reach. The emails and messages I receive from around the ‘world’ with such kind words of love are solid evidence I am doing what I’ve been put on this earth to do. I am here to be of service (in the spiritual sense not the waiting tables sense, even though there’s nothing wrong with the latter!) & spread the knowledge I have found of assistance to me in my life through writing.

Sadly there are haters but I don’t let them get me down. They actually help make my voice stronger & louder. I must be doing something right to generate such strong reactions. It cements that I am not a sheep & I’m not afraid to speak my truth. If others want to get in a tizzy over what I say that’s there responsibility not mine. No apologies!

On the plus side I can’t describe how happy it makes me to get such positive feedback from you dear readers. It’s your support that keeps me motoring on doing what I’m doing.

Please let me know if there are topics you’d like to hear more of, crystals, colours, Soul speak, oracle cards or just general life lessons? Leave a comment below, on FB or email:


Seren xx

Love Notes

Getting into work at the yoga studio at 5am is a pretty unsociable hour. Especially in winter when it’s freezing cold, raining and foggy. I love my job but sometimes it’s so hard to drag yourself out in such conditions.

Twice this week I’ve arrived at reception to love notes like these from my dear friends and fellow teachers. Instant joy! Blessings to be surrounded by such good people. We are like ships in the night as I work the late or early shifts but doesn’t mean we are any less friendly. These are being pasted into my journal for anytime I need a happy pick me up!

Small tokens of love really can brighten someone’s day. Is there someone in your life you like to leave notes for? Never left a note before? Give it a go today!

Love Seren xx

Seren Love Notes

One Year Today

It’s been exactly one year ago to this date I started my journey that has lead me to be where & whom I am today. It’s been one year since I started the 12 week Advanced Mentoring Program with Elizabeth Peru. This course of study I can not praise enough as it really did change my life. Read this post for more details.

A year on I can not believe how much I have changed for the better. My brief for the program was met beyond my expectations. (I’ll talk more about that in tomorrow’s post) I have discovered why I am here & what my life purpose is. Everybody is so different. I can not guarantee you the same success I achieved by working with Elizabeth. I can say if you put in the effort & truly want to embrace a change in your life in the right direction lead by your Soul you may get the results you are aiming for.

It’s not just twelve weeks, finish it and then stop. The Advanced Mentoring sets you up with life skills you can live every day for the rest of your life. The course material is there for you any time you need it. I was referring to it just the other day. As we grow & expand things will take on a different meaning. Reading back my notes I could see how far I have come and how much ‘I get it now.’

I am so grateful for Elizabeth’s guidance & support over the past year. Despite completing the full Merit Mastery program now I know this is not the end of the relationship. I am out there on my own, I actually always have been as it’s me doing the work for myself. I have gained the skills to figure things out for myself more quickly and with less need for reassurance from others. I can see though as I develop further on my path I may well still need to check in from time to time for some clarity from my mentor. We never stop learning. Even if my sessions become more of a chat to share what I’m up to from a feedback for the program point of view then that’s how it shall be.

I wish all the July 29th new mentees well on their new journey. Enjoy the ride, I loved it!


Seren xx

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