Posts Tagged ‘energy’

The Solar Plexus

Most of you will have heard of the Chakra system of the energetic body. Here’s a quick 101 for those who are not familiar. In metaphysics it is believed our life force energy or Prana is held in different centres of the body called Chakras. Chakra in Sanskrit means ‘wheel’ or ‘turning’ as each Chakra is constantly spinning. There are twelve major chakras in total, with another seven to twenty one from the legs down. The middle seven are the most commonly known and worked with. There is a wealth of information all about chakras to be found on the net if you are unsure.

In this post I am focusing on just the third chakra the Solar Plexus or Manipura in Sanskrit. The colour of the Solar Plexus is yellow and its element is fire, this brings a strong association with the Sun our most powerful energy source. Located just above the navel it is the energy hub from which other energy centres draw from.

The reason I am highlighting this Chakra today is from a personal journey I have taken with it. Up until a year ago my life was governed by my crippling self-doubt. I needed to justify everything I did to prove it was worthwhile & to prove myself worthy. Instead of just rolling with it & owning my truth, I doubted and had to back up everything I did. My self-doubt stems from a Soul based desire to be perfect. Not just in this life, from many before. I keep coming back to ‘out do’ myself each time.  Nothing wrong with that, we are here to grow & expand after all but the self-doubt was stifling my progress.

How does the Solar Plexus fit in? As the Solar Plexus is located around the stomach region trapped emotions such as anger, frustration, doubt, low self-esteem & worry can affect the organs in this area. For me I didn’t suffer terribly from digestive disorders but I certainly was very uncomfortable. By the end of the workday my stomach would be so bloated and gassy I looked like I was pregnant. I would dwell for days, even years on past hurts. All those emotions were building up inside me and manifesting in physical form around my middle. Slowly my stomach would swell to beach ball size with every emotion I held. Have you noticed when you are stressed or have a fright you instantly go to cover your stomach area with your hands? This area is precious & we strive to protect it.

My turning point happened when I got onto my Spiritual path nearly a year ago now. I needed sitting down for a good talking too directly from my Soul. That is just what I got. The work I did with my Soul Mentor was invaluable. I put in the effort and I got the results. Now I am following my Soul’s guidance to be on the right path for me the crippling self-doubt is under control to near non-existence. By leading from Soul there is no need to question, as I trust her guidance is spot on for me.

Now I have released my trapped emotions and negative thinking patterns my Solar Plexus is very happy & balanced. The result is no more bloating or cramping. I have literally lost kilos from around my waist & stomach. The layers of extra padding that grew to protect my precious energy hub is no longer needed or serving me so it has gone. It is amazing how that invisible energy and emotions can impact you physically. Change that negative way of thinking and wow you can change your life for the better. I am living evidence if you need it.

To keep my Solar Plexus balanced I must not hold on or get attached to situations or the emotions I mentioned above. Learning to let things go & wash through me has been tough. Now I acknowledge a situation has happened, I find the lesson in it & let it go. If I physically feel unbalanced I simply lay my palms over my Solar Plexus or have my left hand on my heart and my right on my stomach. This draws a connection between the two & keeps the energy flowing. A visual affirmation for me is I wear the Solar Plexus symbol on a wrist bracelet. Just to remind me where my energy power centre is if at any point that doubt creeps up on me.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Love Seren xx

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©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013

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Travelling to a change of space

Who likes to travel? Me! That’s who. I love it I thrive from mixing with different people, cultures and seeing things ‘outside of my box.’  My over seas travel journey started late. I didn’t leave my home country of England till I was nineteen. At twenty-four I took off on a one year around the world adventure. Most of my friends had already done ‘gap years’ between high school and university so to do gap year at twenty-four could be seen as late.

Travel sabbaticals later in life are very popular now especially if you have long service leave to cash in. I like having the financial stability behind me now to not have to be super budget when I’m on the road. Yes I’ve done the hostel thing and eaten cold beans out the can for dinner so I’m not 100% posh packer. I like variety so it’s great for me to go 5 star one trip then pull back to budget the next depending on where I’m going.

My favourite part of travel is the change space I receive. If you’ve read my posts about ‘Energy Cleansing’ and ‘Clean Your Space’ you’ll understand how the atmosphere around us can affect us energetically. It’s the space we are surrounded by, the invisible energy it contains that feeds us. This energy inspires us, gives us ideas, allows’ us to grow. If we stay in one place for too long doing the same thing every day, just like water in a pond, we go stagnant. How often have you said ‘I really need to get out of town for a while?’ because you are ready for a change of space.

Just like people vibrate on different energy frequencies, places do too. Have you noticed how different you feel when you’re in a new place or country? You can instantly relax & feel happy. That is why we feel so good on our holiday’s the new energy space of a different place revives us. You are breathing in new nutrients from the new space around you. When you come home you’re not only chilled out but you’re charged up with new ideas and inspiration. I know I am.

I travel to draw from this pool of new space so I can come back with fresh new ideas for my life and work. I took a big trip around South East Asia over the Christmas break. I visited Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. Each country offered a new culture, new people, new tastes, smells, sights, sounds & that exciting new invisible space. I had a few ideas rolling before I left but it wasn’t until I’d had my change of atmosphere that they truly flourished. Here we are right now with the project inspired from this trip. This blog!

I had huge waves of inspiration for writing and painting in the temples of Angkor Wat. The colours and sounds of the Vietnamese markets set my mind racing with new thoughts. Eating Khmer curry out of a hallow coconut made me want to ditch my plates. All these fresh new experiences was just what I needed when I was so ready to ‘get out of town.’

When you return from a trip you are filled up with the new energy that you bring back too your home. You can fill your space with it breathe it into your usual atmosphere from within you. Bringing back souvenirs or artwork, hanging frames of your trip photographs all pull the new energy into your space & keep it there. You don’t need to travel overseas either. A trip within your own state can offer the same space change. Just like I did in the post ‘Travelling Alone in Fun!’ Go somewhere different, a part of town you seldom visit or try a new restaurant in a suburb you’ve never been too. Anything outside in nature is always a winner too. Trees and water instantly breathe new life into me. It’s all different space and it can revive you if you’re feeling that pull for a change.

Next time you’re feeling flat and looking for some inspiration or a need to get out of town go find yourself a change of space.

Love Seren xx

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©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013

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Clean Your Space

A couple of posts ago I talked about energy cleansing. Focusing on balancing the invisible energies that get trapped in your physical environment. I learned a great lesson over the long Easter weekend. I pay a lot of care and attention to my energy cleansing rituals but I often over look the physical cleansing. Yes the housework!

To make room in my schedule for the things I love doing that enrich me my house suffers which until now I didn’t much care about. Slowly over the days and weeks the clutter and dust gather. I do a quick clean every weekend, vacuum, tidy, put away. I clean around furniture, only moving what I need to. The kitchen and bathroom always get a good thorough scrub each week. I’m not that disgusting. However I don’t do a big clean very often. The kind that involves pulling out all the furniture, taking up the rugs, removing everything off the shelves and tables and really getting into the corners. Washing the curtains and cleaning the windows.

This is just what I did on Good Friday. The whole afternoon was spent cleaning. It’s amazing how much dirt gathers underneath the sofa and on the bookshelves. Behind the TV on the mass of cables resided a thick layer of dust. I live on a very sandy farm and my floors are tiled so dirt just piles up quickly and it’s hard to keep on top of it so I don’t. I shudder to think what would be lurking inside carpets if I had them.

What I observed and learned from this experience is physical dirt and clutter creates it’s own invisible negative energy. Just like physical objects in our environment can absorb external energies, they can create them too and become transmitters. Dirt and dust are stagnant, not moving, decomposing, depressing. The energy this dirt creates emits outward and makes the environment ‘feel’ stagnant too. Total no brainer I know! This negative energy is passed onto us as we live & breathe it in. It’s Natures law of giving and receiving. We get back just as much as we put into our environment. There is no escaping it. We breathe out so we must breathe in, inhaling all those energies, good & bad from the space around us. This will affect our physical wellbeing.

Everything around you is a reflection of you. A cluttered house is a reflection of a cluttered life. You are transmitting that clutter from within into your physical world. If you share your house it may be your partner bringing in their clutter. This how my communal space got in such a state. I haven’t been able to keep on top of my partner’s manifestations. To get super technical his mess is a reflection of mine too so it all comes back to you somehow. That is why I’ve realized how important it is to ‘clean’ your physical living space as well as the invisible space.

It was actually quite enjoyable this mass cleaning effort. I kept standing back and admiring my work. It revived me. I felt great afterward. It felt like I’d cleaned myself, which technically I had, I’d cleaned my ‘space.’ My home felt brand new. The stale energy was out and fresh new clean energy was there in place. I put in the effort and was instantly re given to back with clean, fresh energy.

Energy cleansing the invisible is awesome but I need to pay a lot more attention to physical cleaning too. It is no wonder I don’t mind not being at home so much with my schedule. The environment isn’t appealing or welcoming for me. When I am home I migrate to my healing room/home office/art studio that I keep very clean and spotless. Now though I want to be in my main living area because it’s clean. I even set up my easel and painted in the lounge for a change. I really wanted to be in that clear space. New inspiration could flow freely as there was room to do so, it can get through now.

Do you ever feel stagnant and stuck in a rut? Are you always wanting to ‘get out of the house,’ not wanting to be at home? Take a look at your living environment. Give it a good clean and tidy up, followed by an energy cleanse. It’s so simple, yet so powerful. It will feel like you’ve just been on holiday, yet you never left the house.

Get your mop on this week.

Love Seren xx

Energy Cleansing

Do you ever feel that your home isn’t as settled and calming as you’d like it to be? Houses can get unbalanced if, just like your own body, there are trapped and negative emotions hanging around. We are all made up of energy and this is easily passed on and deposited into the environments in which we dwell. Just because you can’t ‘physically’ see energy dashing around doesn’t mean it’s not there. Our bodies are the physical manifestation of energy and they are very much tangible. If you are very sensitive to energy exchanges (you might not even realise you are) an unbalanced environment may really affect you. You can absorb this negativity that will in turn make you feel unsettled.

It’s a good idea to energy cleanse your home or office every few weeks. Especially if you have had guests enter your domain or a tricky client to deal with. They could have left you some emotional baggage of their own behind. Cleansing will help bring harmony back to your space and get rid of any negative energies or bad vibes. Leaving a lovely serene, calm environment for you to dwell in.

I cleanse my home often in a number of ways. Burning white sage incense is a cheap and effective way of balancing impurities. Sage burning is an ancient ritual of many religions. You can easily grow your own sage in your herb garden to burn if you don’t like using incense. I light a few sticks around my home, particularly in rooms that feel unbalanced. If I am preparing for a Reiki session sage is a must to cleanse my healing room from any energy I have brought in or from previous clients. As I light the sticks I say an affirmation that the sage clean and cleanse the room back to balance.

Smudging is a ritual that takes me longer to perform, it cleanses more deeply than just straight incense. I use a native Australian smudge stick made of lemon myrtle leaves and Australian paper bark. It is infused with 100% pure lemon myrtle essential oil that leaves a lovely refreshing, uplifting scent. Before I start I make sure the area is quiet and I am centred by taking a few long slow deep breathes. Again I will set the intention of clearing and cleansing the room from any negative energy or unwanted spirits. I light the sick, letting it burn for a few seconds before blowing it out. With the stick smouldering I circle the smoke in anti-clockwise (same direction as the energy flow of the Southern Hemisphere, go clockwise if your Northern) though the air in spiralling movements. Around doors and windows I direct the smoke well into the corners to make sure whole perimeter is cleansed. Especially important around doors guests have entered and exited.

My last technique is again quick, very effective, portable and does not require naked flames. It’s also one of my favourites as it smells so nice. I use Nemesis Clearing Mist a hand-blended spray by Elizabeth Peru of Deltawaves. It is made up of three essential oils – Angelica, celery & patchouli. I use it in any situation that I feel dense energy hanging around. A quick spritz is all that is needed. If I personally feel like I need some clearing or added protection I spray some over my shoulders. I’ve had my spray for nearly 8 months and there’s so much left. It does go a long way as only one or two sprays are needed.

Recently I took my Nemesis spray with me to the opening of a new yoga studio. Being freshly fitted out there had been a lot of energies through the door and I felt a pull to get in there to cleanse the yoga room before the first class. It worked a treat & created a relaxing, calm environment for the students enjoy. Even an intuitive friend commented on the energy flow in the room. When I told her I’d been in there to cleanse she said she felt like the space had has some extra help. Wonderful!

Follow your intuition, if your environment just does not feel right give it a cleanse and see how you feel afterwards.

Love & light,

Seren xx







Nemesis Clearing Mist available here, international shipping available:

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