The Advanced Mentoring Program with Elizabeth Peru

Those of you that follow this blog regularly will have heard me mention my Soul Mentor Elizabeth Peru. Why do I need or use a Soul Mentor you may well ask. About twelve months ago I was in a bit of a fix with the direction my life was going. I was working two jobs that combined involved working very long days, often rising at 4am some days then not getting home till 10pm on others. All this whilst trying to fit in other activities, running a home & being in a committed relationship. I was knackered!

The simple solution would be to cut back on something, work fewer hours or teach less yoga. The problem is I loved everything I was doing I was just not balancing them equally. Growing up I was always being told ‘you can’t do everything.’ Why not I would think, I can do everything just you watch me. This stemmed my desire to do everything I wanted and do it well. That was my stubborn, ego head leading the way. I needed assistance to get that under control & find balance in my life. A friend recommended me to Elizabeth’s services and it all rolled on from there to the point I am at right now.

In July last year I enrolled after a pre-intake Skype meeting in The Advanced Mentoring Program the first part of the Merit Mastery Program. On the program I worked one on one with Elizabeth to bring some balance & order back into my life. The key focus of the Advanced Mentoring is to really get to know your self on a Soul level. In order to do this you need to get your personality/head under control and working as a team with you heart/Soul.

Over the 12-week program of nine personal one-hour sessions and video classes you really get to grips with finding out who you really are. You will uncover where your natural talents lie, how to use them & bring a huge awareness into your every day life.

It’s not easy. Elizabeth will not hand you all the answers on a plate. If you want results you have to work hard. It is a process but a truly rewarding one & you are fully supported on your journey by Elizabeth. Any questions I had or challenges I didn’t understand were explained clearly to me in a straight forward no nonsense manner.

Through the lessons I learned on Advanced Mentoring & now Master Mentoring I’ve brought balance, peace and love into my busy life. I am flowing smoothly through life with my Soul as my one true guide whom I trust without question. I now over come challenges with ease and grace. I’m living in the present moment and trusting everything is happening for the right reason. I’m living authentically and using my natural given talents every day from which I am reaping all sorts of rewards. I could not recommend Elizabeth’s work for those ready to take the next step to finding their spiritual truth.

If you are ready to take the next step in your life, find out who you really are & make a change for the better this program may well be for you. The good news is the final program for 2013 is starting on July 29. It is offered globally to anyone over eighteen years old. Please be prepared to commit fully to the twelve-week program both personally & financially. It is a commitment but you will know if it resonates with you enough to take part. Be aware it is a professional service so it does come at a cost. For the full program outline & video link please click here. For further information & current pricing please email Elizabeth directly at:

If you’re not ready for such an in depth course of study Elizabeth offers other services too check out this page. There are also daily complimentary Soul guidance posts on Elizabeth’s Facebook page & Twitter.

Love Seren xx

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 ©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013
 (please share the love with full credit thanks)

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©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013

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