Have you seen the road signs ‘Stop, Revive, Survive?’ Living in Australia where driving long distances is common driver reviver stops are an integral part of road safety. Taking a break to rest & reset can be applied to all aspects of life not just on the road. Burn out sucks.
When we get stuck in a rut doing the same thing day in & day out life gets very monotonous. It can quickly zap your energy & dull your passion. Even when you love what you do taking space to slow down & do something non-work related is very important. Advising your healing clients to put their feet up & read a book is great advice. Remember though you are talking to yourself at all times too. Heed your words.
Those of you who follow my work know I am a travel junkie. I’m blessed to have created a lifestyle that allows me to take my work on the road & even make a ‘bus man’s holiday’ of most trips. Experiencing new places & trying different activities is part of the expansion process. We all know how amazing we feel after a holiday right?
Energetically going away from home & your regular routine is refreshing on a spiritual level. It tops up our soul cup. Even within the same country the vibration of the land varies greatly. Obviously a city will be vibing at a different rate to the countryside or desert. This means you don’t have to go too far to get a change of energetic space, even a few km down the road. Getting out to the bush or over to the beach can work wonders.
I’m currently finishing up a five week interstate ‘work trip,’ just a few days left before I head back home. Being away mid year has given me space to slow life right down, which I am very grateful for. Life has been stripped back to simple. With less driving, loads of yoga & not so many social commitments there has been more time for guilt free solo chilling out whilst still keeping on top of my workload. Mixing up my usual routine has been very productive. It’s been a well-needed mid year change of pace & the perfect time to hit the reset button. Polar opposites of what went down for me exactly twelve months ago. That story is a whole new post on it’s own for the future 😉

Chilling out in the bush with no internet or phone signal. Total bliss!
June was quite full on especially around Solstice & Full Moon. What a double whammy combination we experienced there. Did you feel the huge shake up? I was very happy to have had the space to ride that one out with minimal interactions with the outside world.
For July I’m feeling the theme after last week’s New Moon is to REST. Honoring our beings by not pushing through like we usually do is key. Retreat is coming up strongly too. I’m always happy to have some introvert time.
This fits in perfectly as we are currently all going through a massive energy upgrade as our psychic senses are being tuned to a higher frequency & intuition is leading the way.
Have you experienced stronger psychic ability?
Visions are super charged & our third eyes are buzzing into action. It’s not your mind playing tricks on you. Just trust the guidance you are receiving & follow through with discerning action. Confirmation will come that your trust has paid off when everything falls into place with ease & grace.
With all this psychic activity going on you may have found your sleep has been erratic. A lot of downloads come through at night. It’s when the veils between the realms are thinner & resistance is less. Don’t you just love waking up in the morning feeling more exhausted than when you went to sleep? The only thing to counteract this is to take it easy & not feel bad if a duvet day is your best option. I find when I try & get things done when I’m not feeling sharp I end up redoing it all later on.
August is going to be big!
I’m seeing a bubbling pot of water that is just simmering now getting ready to boil. Then it’s full steam ahead, cooking on high into the final months of the year. If we don’t rest now & enjoy the slower pace of July it will be easy to run out of gas later by the end of the year.
Where there is expansion there is also contraction. To move forward there must be a pull back. Be in contraction right now, don’t push too hard & just allow all the new energy you are receiving to settle in. We are in an integration period.
It does seem like a no brainer when we are physically tried & mentally foggy we should rest but we often don’t. When we honor our needs we are showing ourselves great respect & self-love. This is what well being & nourishment is all about! If taking a step back for a few days to recharge the batteries whilst our physical body is catching up with our energetic body then so it is.
Is this enough outside confirmation to crack open a good book or get stuck into your favourite box set?
Enjoy taking it slow for the next few weeks. When we are truly still & being present instead of constantly doing strengthens our inner connection. The knock on effect is from the inside out; we will start to radiate our inner peace on the outside. Leaving us feeling relaxed, centred & whole.
Stop & revive this July, you will feel so much better all round for it.
Till soon, with love,