For the first time in 68 years the moon is at it’s closest to earth tonight. This is a Super Full Moon and a half it’s our second in a row, the middle child of a trilogy. The final Super Full Moon occurs in December to close the year. Depending where you are in the world the time will vary but for those of us in Western Australia the moon will be at it’s fullest at 9:54pm tonight (Monday 14th November).
All weekend the vibration has been accumulating since Friday’s 11/11- gateway cast light onto our life purpose and passions. Did you feel the pull to get on task and do more of what you love? If you follow your hearts guidance the magic will start to show up in mind-blowing ways. Last months Super Full Moon I wrote about being in gratitude for taking action on my dreams and pulling them into reality over the past six months. (Need a recap? Click here.)
Tonight’s Super Full Moon carries on pushing us to live our loves. Doing things that bring us joy doesn’t have to be reserved as a special treat or reward. Do things you love every single day! No one wants to look back at their life with regrets wishing that you’d spent more time weaving fun into the everyday. Don’t wait for a catastrophe to land to start living. Every day is precious; you never know what is around the corner. Get out there and freaking enjoy yourself. Put lashings of passion, soul-loving activities on your daily menu.
There is nothing selfish at all about a healthy dose of self-love. The knock on effect of each of us being happy and bright will send magnitudes of love into the universe. This will raise our collective vibration on the planet assisting in transmuting any murky darkness. If we are happy and content this will radiate out to the rest of the world. Where’s the selfishness in that? We are all helping each other.
My words above have been inspired this week by a story I have been following for a few years from an incredibly brave, passionate and determined young women. Kirstie Tancock is a living example of never giving up and getting the most out of life no matter what cards you are dealt. Kirstie is a crazy talented pole fitness instructor living with cystic fibrosis who has gone through two double lung transplants in her 27 years.
When Kirstie’s illness worsened stopping her from doing what she loved the most she kept fighting and focusing on her passions. After both her transplants Kirstie was determined to get back to doing what she loved, dancing, and sharing this with others. Even though she had to learn to walk again first before even thinking about jumping on a pole. The photos on her Instagram are testimony to a lady who leads from her heart and does what she loves every day.
Even now in the closing chapters of the story Kirstie is striving to do as much as she can to create more memories. From what I can perceive Kirstie is going to squeeze as much as she can out of the time she has left. Kirstie’s light has assisted so many others in similar situations by bringing comfort, humor and a raised awareness for organ donation & CF. The perfect reminder for us all to be in gratitude for everything we have especially our health.
Over the past few months we have cleared out our lives on all levels. Simplifying and stripping back what no longer is necessary. I have found this process very liberating letting go of all that accumulated ‘stuff’ that isn’t filling a purpose anymore, physical and metaphysical alike.
The Super Full Moon energy may be transmitting strongly for you. Often the moon energy can effect us is quite a noticeable way. We can feel over sensitive, out of sorts and physically achy. On the flip size the moon can jazz us up, make us restless and disturb our sleep. Even if we are experiencing heightened energy build up remember you are driving this vehicle. Keep your hands on the controls. Staying grounded, drinking loads of fresh water, resting and honouring what your body needs in the moment is very important. If the moon is kicking your ass acknowledge this and do what you can to stay in your power.
Ride the wave of the awesome Super Full Moon energy and work ‘with’ it. Celebrate all you have achieved so far this year. It’s a great night to tap into spirit’s energy for guidance to get clear on the direction you wish to take next. If you are still a little unclear on your direction meditate under the moon and ask for some assistance.
Our psychic senses are always elevated at this time too. Pay close attention to any visions in your minds eye (your Third Eye Chakra) and also your dreams. We’ve already experienced a whole month of vivid dream states. Spirit speaks to us most clearly when our conscious mind sleeps. There are messages we need to hear. Upon waking or completing a meditation take note of anything you can remember.
Crystal Cleansing Night
It’s the perfect night to get your crystal kids out for a charge up. They may not have ever experiences this kind of moon cleansing before so give them a treat by putting them under the night’s sky tonight.
I always love hearing from you all. Feel free to leave me a message in the comments below and let me know how you’ve been getting on over the past few weeks since New Moon.
Till soon, with love,