This year is definitely going to be another year of accelerated growth for me I feel. Some days I wonder how I’m going to keep up with the pace & everything I wish to do. Back to my intention of ‘simplicity.’
One of my biggest challenges has been to surrender my control & let life unfold how it should be. Even when there is chaos all around the equal & opposite ‘calm’ is right there next to it. The universe knows what’s it doing & will unfold just how it should be even if this seems like total mayhem to us.
This year, as life is always for me, is about taking action! Way back when I started this adventure I desired to run holistic retreats. I had that idea eighteen months ago & haven’t actioned it. Granted I have been developing my skills, learning a lot in order to be at a place to run such an involved activity. At the end of last year I turned to my Angel Therapy oracle cards for some much needed guidance for the year ahead. I asked the cards ‘what modality should I be focusing my energy on this year?’ Below are the three cards I drew.
Clear as mud hey! I needed a starting point & I knew deep down I had one. Action was needed. I feel my definition of ‘retreat’ was blurred. My original thinking of what a retreat should be was a weekend of pampering, healing, spiritual teaching & yoga. Way too complicated to get organised for a first event. A workshop however is a much ‘simpler’ way to get started. Workshops are still what I would call a ‘retreat’ as people are taking time out of their everyday lives to do something different.
A massive part of my life purpose is to teach. Workshops are a perfect setting to do what I love & use my natural skills to teach a group of like minded people something of interest too us all. I had an idea back in July 2013 to run an introductory workshop all about the Chakras.
The idea stayed in its box until December. Why? Fear was holding me back, fear of not being ready or knowledgeable. A fear no one would turn up or I couldn’t manage it on my own & I needed a team or assistance. The message in my card reading was very clear to overcome this. I just needed to visualise my success. Live like I already have taught a workshop; see it happening again & again. (Just like wrote in Tuesday’s post!)
Keeping myself clear & focused as the third card advises is so important too. When you put yourself out there to the world you are vulnerable, people may attack you or want to knock you down. Staying strong & clear energetically will help. There is a deeper meaning to this card too to remind me after I have taught such an event to disconnect from the energy & cleanse. Workshops are a massive energy exchange I must remember to return to my own energy field once I have shared what was needed.
My fear of not being qualified is one I feel many may have in this situation. I work with my Chakras everyday & in my energy healing sessions. Working with the Chakras consistently should be indication I know enough to teach about them right? There is so much to learn about these energy centres. It’s a subject I’m still learning about too as there are many more Chakras than the main seven. When something new presents that I’ve never come across before I go read up about it. ‘We teach what we need to learn.’ Even more of a reason to get this idea off the ground I feel.
When my business coach asked me to plan my calendar of events the Chakra workshop leapt out at me. This is an event I’m keen to host asap. It is time to take action on this idea.
Now I have! It’s official ‘The Chakras – Introductory two day workshop’ will be taking place on Sunday 16th & 23rd February. I decided two days would be beneficial so not to overload everyone in one hit. We learn more efficiently in small doses. When working with energy you never know where it will go & take us who knows the next workshop might be three days.
Not only is this an opportunity for me to share on a subject I’m passionate about I can use all my other skills too. Over the next few weeks I’ll be putting together unique hand out booklets for all the attendees. My design skills will be put to good use & I love nothing more than creating something direct from my own energy.
If you are in Western Australia give me a shout if you’d like to attend or for more details. Hit the workshops tab at the top of the page. Everyone else I wouldn’t say no to running an online course or a webinar if anyone would be interested?
Have a lovely Thursday, Kathryn xx