Monday this week saw Mercury go into Retrograde. It will stay this way till 10th November. What does that mean for us? It can be a mix up period where we receive strong messages on what is good for us in our life. Retrogrades are all about clear communication. They assist us to speak out our truth & get things clear. It’s a great period & nothing to be afraid of.
The weeks leading up to retro I found I was clearing out my physically space without even realising it. What started as a quick vacuum in my healing room turned into a major overhaul. There was so much rubbish lurking in my drawers. Things I was holding on too ‘just in case.’ I filled bags with stuff that really didn’t need to be there. I created so much space I actually ended up moving a whole three-drawer unit out to another room.
The rest of the house got a good going over too. Couches we’d been given that had been sat in the shed for weeks finally made their way inside. Furniture was rearranged into different spots that gave the space a whole new feel.
Three weeks before the Mercury Retrograde is the time our theme for this period comes to light. It’s like setting an intention, what needs to be worked on. We’re asked to take note of recurring themes or situation in this time. If similar issues are presenting to you over & over this will form the basis of our Retro theme. For me it is very clear I need to learn to let go.
I’ve mentioned this before in other posts. I need to clear out old energy and not be holding onto things that no longer serve. I’ve worked on this lesson before. I will keep working on it till I close the loop for good. Letting situations wash through me & not holding onto that energy, old and new.
When something comes up & it bugs me I need to deal straight away. Acknowledge why it has caused a reaction in me, see it from the other side of the mirror & then take action. Understanding from both sides of the coin is very important. If a person is involved standing in their shoes for a while assists in bringing clarity. If I need to speak up & say I disagree with the situation, as it is not in my best interest then I will. In some cases it’s just my head taking over & once I listen to my heart for guidance I can understand fully why it was presented.
Most importantly I shall not hold on. I will let things wash through me like water in a stream. That way I stay focused on the present moment & above all clear of dense energy. Children are so good at this. We can learn a lot from them. Every day is so new & exciting, what happened yesterday has gone, they move on.
Here in the Southern Hemisphere it’s spring. What a great time to get things started. Planting our seeds for the next six months or so. This period is amazing for making plans and getting the ball rolling. Living too our best every day. Why wait? What we start now we will see come into bloom in a few months time.
Don’t get too hung up on details though. The universe has a great way of delivering what is good for us in a way we might not recognise at first. An Angel Tarot card springs to mind here, The Five of Water. Three cups are spilled over in the image but two are full. Crying over spilt milk. Focusing on the spilt cups, the negative, means you may miss the two full cups that are right there too, full of opportunity.
The energy this week is fast. Things are moving & changing rapidly. This is a great test for those ‘A Types’ that love to be in control, as they will be tested. It’s time to flow & go with it. During this period details are not set in stone. It’s a great time to experiment with an idea without being locked in tight. Be prepared for chops & changes…
Have you got a theme for Mercury Retrograde? Think back to 1st October & what was occurring for you. I’d love to hear your experiences in the comments below.
Love K xx