Posts Tagged ‘unlimited tea’

Chapels on Whatley

No recipe today, instead it’s back on the tea trail. A few weeks back I had a girly catch up afternoon at a lovely place in Maylands, Perth. Chapels on Whatley is an eclectic mixture of antique furniture, art, home wares and a teashop. My friend had already been before and raved about the unlimited tea drinking. Just up my street. Two hours of unlimited tea for $5.50. They are strict about the two-hour time limit. After reading some reviews it sounded quite scary that you may be in danger of being de-tabled as soon as your time is up. Understandable as everyone should get the chance to have some tea.

I should know better than to read reviews, especially one’s that bag out the service & I was right. I went with no expectations so I had no disappointments. We had a lovely time. The place was heaving with the tail end of the Saturday afternoon lunch rush. We arrived about 2pm. Great time as we did become exempt of the two-hour limit & were left quietly to enjoy our endless tea for nearly three hours.

Breakfast and a simple lunch menu are offered. Expect the stupid higher end prices Perth is now experiencing. Think $15 for a vegetarian bagel. We skipped lunch and went straight for dessert. (Under $10) There is a vast selection of sugary goodness, including homemade macaroons that were huge. We opted for the homemade profiteroles with ice cram and berries. Yum yum. Alas I scoffed mine before taking a photo.

This was all washed down with (I lost count) five or six pots of tea. Chapels imports over 60 varieties from throughout China. We tried white, green, black, infused herbal of different kinds, there were so many to choose from. The deal is you order one pot at a time you can have a pot each but not more than two pots at a time per table. We just shared a pot each time so we could get through more flavours. The tea wear is fabulous. We started with fine bone china before the glass came out for the infusions. Not a tea drinker, fret not. Chapels serve the very tasty Yahava (Pronounced ‘Java’) coffee from Margaret River or the usual range of soft drinks. Chapels is a licensed venue so not BYO.

What a divine way to spend the afternoon sipping tea and catching up on news. There is plenty of parking around or over the road in the train station. Perthlings check it out for sure!

Tea’s up!

Love Seren xx

Seren Blog Chapels tea

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