Posts Tagged ‘universe’

Living a Life I Love!

Hello there! I’ve been dropping some hints over the past few weeks to a grand ‘big reveal.’ Today is the day. My apologies go out to those who know me personally for not getting told this news sooner or personally.

What I’m about to share is a huge move for me, probably one of the biggest decisions I’ve made thus far. Believe me I wanted to shout it from the rooftops the moment I decided. Somewhere inside, after everything I’ve learned I just wanted to keep it to myself, let it be sacred, special, unique, my own. I needed to let the idea sit first to make sure I was comfortable with my choice. If I shared too soon chances are I would certainly meet some resistance that may sway me to change my mind.

I love an analogy I heard recently about comparing my situation to a brick wall. You build the wall with bricks and mortar. Before the wall is solid and strong you have to wait a while. Allow the mortar to dry & the bricks to settle into position before it is stable & supportive. This is just what I did. I am settled, strong and standing firm.

Oh okay already what is my news? I quit my day job. After working nearly four years at the same place I walked out of the door on Friday no longer an employee. It was emotional, I am so grateful for the past few years & a role I’ve learned so much in. It was super hard walking away from a team I truly love & who feel like family. It’s a heck of a lot easier to leave somewhere you don’t like!

Why did I leave if I liked it so much? I needed to create the life I love. Doing what I love everyday and making a living from it. That was my brief fifteen months ago when I started down my spiritual path. Now that dream has manifested into the opportunity I have now.

What am I going to do then? Basically I’m going to be pretty much doing what I have been doing for the past two years apart from I will be in control. I am now officially my own boss, as of yesterday, day one. I will be teaching yoga on a full time roster, seeing more healing clients and freelance designing from my home office. Of course I’ll be blogging. All this will be done under my trading name Seren Holistic Lifestyles. Growing the Seren brand will be a big exciting project in itself. I even have a business coach to help guide me along the slightly scary path of ‘business owner.’ I shall master Excel spreadsheets.

How did I come to make such a massive life overhaul? For many months I was trying to create space so I could see more healing clients, doing the work my Soul loves to do. I kept asking my inner guidance for the answer. All I got was ‘wait’ or firm ‘no’s’ when I suggested something ‘I thought’ I should give up to make room.

You see I was trying to control the situation & not hand over to the powers that know best. When you surrender to the universe you have to trust the answer will present in due course. Most of the time it’s not what you thought it would be. I asked for space to create a life I would love to live. At first I thought it meant dropping off a yoga class a week. Then I wouldn’t be so tired in my day job & I’d have more energy on weekends for clients. That wasn’t the answer. Teaching is a huge part of why I’m here and the perfect complimentary modality to my energy practice. Finally I did what I was told and ‘waited.’ Sat back, was patient and then the answer came through.

It seems so obvious now that the 9 to 5 city job had to go. I’d not been happy with the lack of creative work for a while. Sitting it out waiting on other people to bring in the clients and some decent work. What I should have been doing & what I am doing now is attracting clients I wish to work for from industries aligned with who I am. The messages were calling out from the start I just wasn’t connecting with them.

Why wasn’t I receiving the messages? Fear was holding me back. My city job was secure, a regular wage every week and paid holidays. Why would I give that up to be self-employed with a bucket load of risks? It is time to get uncomfortable. Change is needed. The fear and risks of self-employment shall empower me to get things done, work hard and achieve my goals. I need this. I also reminded myself I travelled the world for a whole year living off my savings & not getting paid. Since then I’ve taken many unpaid leaves & never hit any problems. I had just forgotten. I’ve done it before I can do it again.

Once the penny dropped I could very much hear the celestial choir singing out. Oh how obvious it is now. Work for myself, set my own goals, have the freedom to do as I wish on my terms. Have 100% responsibility for my own life.

I am happy. I am well supported. I’m stepping up to the greatest adventure yet and I’m ready for it.

There you go! I’m sure I’ll still be as busy as ever if not more but I’m now officially living a life I love.

Who’s gonna join me?

Love K xx

Seren Live a life you love

A Chance Encounter

Hello dearest readers. How have you all been? I’m back from my blogging break all refreshed & ready to go. It’s done me the world of good to step back, take some time for myself & just be for a while. There is so much to share with you it’s hard not to write a 3000 words essay right here & now.

I’ll start with a great story about a chance encounter. Whilst away in Melbourne for an extended long weekend I dropped by the Hay House Publishing ‘I can do it’ seminar. One of my favourite authors Doreen Virtue was presenting.  Any Angelic realm fanatic will need no introduction to Doreen. As she was introduced at the event ‘this lady has more decks than the Queen Mary.’

My plan was to get to the conference centre super early to snag a place near the front. However the other few thousand people attending had the same plan. It wasn’t too bad, the prime real estate was gone of course, I did get a good spot near the front but not in the ‘mosh pit.’

This was my first ‘metaphysical’ conference of sorts so I had no idea what to expect so I didn’t expect anything. The lady next to me struck up a conversation. We were both flying solo so it was nice to have a chat before the event kicked off. A fellow Doreen groupie there was no struggle for small talk.

The star of the show did not disappoint. Doreen is an inspiration. She has over come crippling self-doubt & a fear of public speaking to get where she is today. To stand up in front of the world to speak about ‘the invisible’ & not get pulled down by the haters is amazing. Over the two hours Doreen spoke about the Angelics, Indigos, listening to your divine guidance to live a life of light & the effects of the current energy patterns. I certainly could relate to this ten fold. Of course there was card readings! Three thousand hands shot up when asked ‘who’d like a reading?’ A few people also were selected ‘out of the blue’ & given very accurate personal messages. To witness this live was truly mind blowing.

A wonderful morning was wrapped up with a beautiful meditation accompanied by Doreen’s husband on the piano. I sat a while afterwards to absorb and reflect before I slipped away to meet my man for lunch.

I missed out on the afternoon book signing. I didn’t feel like lining up with the masses, I was happy with the time I’d spent there. On my way out I recognised a group of ladies walking a few meters ahead. It was the Wellness Warrior Jess & her gang of fellow holistic bloggers. She looked as fresh faced and healthful as her photos. A little star struck I just kept walking. It felt a bit weird to approach them like a mad, crazy fan & I didn’t really know what I would have said. I acknowledged their presence & was happy to have seen them all for real.

I wasn’t so shy & doubting the next day whilst sitting in the departure lounge of Melbourne airport. Apologies we need to back track a few days now as there is more to the next part of the story and it’s really the best bit.

On our first day whilst wandering the infamous Melbourne lane ways we stumbled across a kooky little shop called ‘The Haunted Bookshop.’ I had to go in. It was awesome. Weird and wonderful books, artifacts and Addams family type décor filled the tiny space. The guy behind the desk could have been Gomez himself.

There was a section on ‘Angels, Fairies and Goddesses.’ I was totally all over it. I noticed one of Doreen’s older books ‘Goddesses & Angels’ peaking out at me. Reaching up to take it I instantly got the highest pitch ringing in my left ear I’ve ever had. It even made me stop still. The book was in my hand but I couldn’t flick through, as it was shrink wrapped. A quick scan of the back cover I just knew I had to get it. I told my partner what had just happened, ‘I have to get this book’ and the ringing stopped.

Fast forward back to the departure lounge. I had the Goddesses & Angels book in my hand luggage the others I’d bought at the event went in our check in. I pulled it out and was just about to start reading when I noticed a tall, sparkly figure dressed in floating hippy clothes sit down in the gate opposite. It was Doreen Virtue. I grabbed my man’s arm pointing to my book ‘the lady who wrote this is right over there.’ Before he’d even said go over I was rummaging in my bag for a pen. There was no hesitation this time I just knew I had to go say hi and get this book signed. The ringing in my ear was definitely a special message. How amazing. I didn’t get to the signing at the seminar so the universe presented me with Doreen in a very personal, chance encounter.

I couldn’t have been happier. Doreen was so gracious and absolutely delighted to sign my book. She even asked if I wanted a photo. Of course I did. (Wish I’d taken my rain coat off now!!) We had a quick chat, did the fan thing, and then I was on my way. These moments are truly special. My intention for the seminar was to get a signing but on the day it just didn’t feel right. I wasn’t disappointed either, some where deep down I knew if I trusted in the powers that be I’d get my wish and I did. When I arrived in Adelaide a few hours later to meet with my mentor one of the first things I told her was “I just met Doreen Virtue in the airport!” What a magical day all round.

Love Seren xx

Seren Doreen Meeting

When surgery is a positive experience

For someone who has never had any medical procedures apart from the routine one’s blood test, blood pressure etc. to have two major surgeries in one year is quite epic. The first was the removal of all four of my wisdom teeth after years of agony & British dentists refusing to take them out. On my first visit to an Australian (British trained funnily enough) dentist I was told those teeth had to go. It would be a day surgery procedure with full on general anaesthetic (my first). It went very well & I’ve not had any post surgery problems.

The second surgery came about eight months later. Since the age of 15 or 16 I had an epidermoid cyst next to my left ear. It started off as an acne pimple from which the pore must have been blocked resulting in a build up of epidermis causing the cyst. I was always aware of it but being a teenager ignored it despite people commenting on ‘what is that lump on your face?’ The cyst was not weeping or painful. It was just there. As you can see from the below photos it was quite large, how I could just ignore that I do not know. I grew my hair and kept it covered.

Over the years I Googled what it could be leading to a self-diagnosis of it being an epidermoid cyst. Looking back now it is something I should have checked out ASAP, it could have been malignant. However as it didn’t grow or change appearance I was pretty confident it was a cyst.

My journey of awakening to a Soul lead life really helped me get on top of the physical manifestation on my face. It was in a kinesiology session that I was told that the cyst was unbalancing me. The therapist who was also beauty trained took a keen interest in my cyst. She gave me an organic herbal treatment to try to see if it would reduce the size. A friend also tried crystal healing on it in a Reiki session.

Last year I came to realise that the cyst had grown at a time I was going through some super emotional things in my teenage life that I wasn’t facing up to. I wasn’t listening to what I was being told, trying to hide from hearing the worse. The result was the build up and manifestation of the cyst next to my left ear. Left being our spiritual and feminine side. My situation involved a female friend who was terminally ill.

Nothing metaphysical worked. It was time to get it sorted out. I asked my GP about a surgical removal. She said it was a very delicate area next to my ear that had some pretty important nerves attached. Confirming my diagnosis that it was an epidermoid cyst which 99% were not cancerous I was advised to leave it.

A friend who is very well connected in the surgical field took a special interest in my ‘lump.’ To the point she got me a consultation with an eye surgeon who was able to refer me to a specialist plastic surgeon. Everything happened so quickly from then. The plastic surgeon took one look at my cyst and was confident he could remove it with the help of an ENT specialist. Within two weeks I was booked in for the procedure under local anaesthetic.

It was a quite a bizarre day. Having my cyst removed after an 18-year relationship was moving. It was time for me to let go of the emotions that caused it to develop in the first place. I was ready to literally have that part of my life cut out and be gone. I was ready. Eighteen years is a long time. However it fitted perfectly with the ebb and flow of the universe. Eclipses move in eighteen-year cycles too.

I took myself to the surgery as being under local I didn’t need someone to drive me. It was strange laid on the operating table, fully awake, with the drape over my head whilst the doctors scraped and cut away the appendage. I couldn’t feel a thing. I was very confident in the surgeon’s ability and was reassured having the ENT specialist there guiding the scalpel away from my precious nerve endings. I was warned I could loose the feeling in that part of my face. It might effect my eye or mouth movement but this I was told is rare. The nurse quickly showed me my cyst once it was removed but I couldn’t see it properly.

It was all done and over with within 30 minutes. I did get to see the cyst after in the specimen bottle. It had to go to the lab to be checked so I couldn’t keep it. Gross I know, why would I want to keep it! It was fine, as predicted not malignant just a solid ball of skin crap. I took myself home & was back in work the next day.

This surgery was massive for me. I did feel so balanced afterwards & still do. I’m no longer carrying around years of denial or hurt. I was free. The healing process was amazing too. I had no problems at all. I wasn’t given any drugs just Vaseline to keep it from drying out. Once the stitches were removed I used organic rosehip oil to help the scarring. Within a few weeks there was no sign the cyst was even there. Nearly a year on all I have is a tiny white line. This was more confirmation that the time was right for the cyst to be removed. I even had my hair cut really short as I no longer need the hair to hide the cyst behind. My mentor even commented she felt I would do this and even cut my hair shorter, which I did. All part of the process of me living to my purpose and letting the true me shine.

When your mind is in the right place and your Soul is guiding you on the correct path the outcome will be nothing but positive. I am so happy I had the cyst removed. The times I was told it couldn’t be removed I can see now it wasn’t the right time for me to let go. As soon as I was ready the solution was presented to me simply and the process flowed. The universe was just waiting for me to be ready it won’t and can’t step in unless we give consent. That was given and off we went!

Love Seren xx

Seren Blog Cyst image

Be More Random

The last week of May seriously messed me up as I explained in my hibernation post. June rolled in and the cloud lifted, just like that. Seven days made such a difference. Resting up and taking it easy did the trick. It helped immensely I had a long weekend to really rejuvenate. I’m out the other side, happy, shining and ready to go.

Digging really deep and asking lots of inner questions lead me to realise what I’ve been missing recently. Randomness! My days are like most of yours I have a job that requires me to be there from 9-5. With this structured non negotiable I need to make sure the rest of my waking hours do not fall into the same boring routine of eat, sleep, work, exercise repeat. My Soul gets very grumpy when I forget this and that rigid structure becomes all day, every day. She needs to be random!

Saturday June 1st I was random. I took myself off to an Xtend Barre class then went shopping at a mall I never go to. It was lovely. I even bumped into a friend randomly & met some new people. I could feel my Soul jumping for joy, clapping her hands saying ‘how nice is this.’ The change of space was just what I needed to freshen things up.

My other job teaching yoga is very structured too. I have regular time slots I teach because of my day job. It is mixed up on a two-week rotation (more for the students sake!). We are able to switch and swap classes when something else comes up. I have been reluctant to do switches lately, as I didn’t want to upset my balance. Oh how wrong was I and stuck in that rut. I was on plateau central and needed step off. I had to trust the universe that the balance will come if I made some changes.

Over the weekend I helped out two different teachers get covers. It was epic, getting everyone sorted out across two studios on different days and times. Resistance did kick in I was over thinking, staring at my roster looking for an answer. The answers came when I asked for some inner guidance. We fixed it everyone got the covers they needed.

What did I get out of it? Four different classes at times I never or rarely teach. I was so excited about this. New people to teach, also students I know & never get to teach would be at these classes. Mixing it up for all of us. Randomness ahoy Soul! I had to juggle the day job a bit but hey it’s no biggie. When I trust that the best solution for me will present itself & surrender control all will run smoothly.

It’s not been that easy, of course there were challenges in all of this. One class I was not sure about as it meant teaching two classes back to back on a school night. I’ve not done a b2b for ages so why not go freaking crazy balls that week.  By taking on the double I get a whole Saturday off! I’m usually out and about on Saturdays doing self-love things after teaching and buying the weekly food supply. The Saturday I switched is a blank canvas. All I need to do it throw some paint on it. How lovely.

Now I will be more aware when I’m feeling the grind of every day life that I need to mix it up. Get uncomfortable when I’m too comfortable. It’s not that hard and if it’s the right thing for me it will all come about. However, like with everything, I need to take action for myself. Trigger that spark of thought for something new and then give the universe permission to help me out in showing me the way.

Have you done something totally random recently and loved every minute of it? Please share in the comments below.

Love Seren xx


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