“I can’t see the wood for the trees.”
This is one of my favourite sayings. Especially when there is so much going on around me, I often miss some very obvious messages that are right under my nose.
Why is it so easy to miss the obvious?
It’s very human of us to over complicate matters. Especially when life’s workload starts to increase over thinking kicks in. We let our minds go into over drive & get too analytical. That’s when stress, confusion & indecision can block out the clear signs. We miss the simple, straightforward solution (the obvious) that will allow us to get everything done smoothly & organically.
Hold on did I say there is a simple solution to everything?
Yes I did.
Where do I find this simple solution that is ‘so obvious’?
Right inside our heart or ‘Soul!’ The part of us called ‘Soul’ is all knowing. Soul has been around for many, many lifetimes. All these life experiences are kept in our Soul library. Soul uses this knowledge to help guide us. Soul is our tutor within.
When the doubt & busy thinking takes over & ‘we can’t see the wood for the trees’ that is when we need to slow down & connect with our Soul. The simple solutions come in soft whispers. If we sit in stillness & quiet the busy mind we will hear our messages more clearly.
What have I been missing of late?
Right now I’m feeling things are shifting for me. Life needs to get uncomfortable to keep me on my toes. We’re nearly half way through 2014 & it’s time for a check in with the desires I set at the start of the year. I’ve been cruising along playing it safe. In order to progress further down the track of my desire map it’s time to get very uncomfortable indeed!
The post I wrote here about the channelled message I received from the intuitive art piece gave me a big nudge as to where I need to be going next. Digging deep into my heart Chakra to reconnect with why I’m here & what I need to focus on next. I know just what that is but I’m resisting it!
The problem I’m having is this:
I acknowledge I have my own unique gifts to share with the world, these need to be revealed but I’m freaking scared to let them rip! To finally do things my way, speak out from within, and set free the voice that wants to speak is a huge step. Why? Because I’ve let her out before & I received a huge backlash of hate. Once bitten, twice shy. Isn’t it easier to just play it safe & do what everyone else is doing? Follow suit with the tried & tested method. Be one of the crowd.
I need to be doing things MY WAY. I’ve been looking externally for inspiration, instead of using the totally original source within. To just copy someone elses idea & put my logo on it is not authentic. Sure I can be inspired by others genius then find my ‘own’ way of doing things. If I don’t it will fail, as it won’t be my creative baby.
What I need to do is step away from the external & go straight to my source (Soul) & work from there. Asking my inner tutor for help & inspiration on how I can make my mark by letting my true light shine. Going forward if I create from my heart authentically I will get to where I need to be simply & easily. Wasting time copying others will slow me down. Eventually I will have to come back to what is best for me so why not do it straight off the bat.
In last weeks post I talked openly on the subject of channelling & automatic writing. This might have been the first time some of you have heard about this. It’s a new subject for me to be open about too. In a public speaking event I presented recently I spoke about psychic ability & connecting with the invisible realms. It felt great! Everything flowed & I was well received. I’ve been holding back till now, as I haven’t felt comfortable sharing this openly because of comments like these:
- “What a bunch of boll***s”
- “You shouldn’t say things like that people will think you’re weird & they won’t want to be associated with you.”
- “I can’t believe people actually pay money for this.”
- “You’re on a one way ticket to Graylands!” (The state mental health unit.)
Yes all the above are real life conversations I’ve had. It hurts. That is why I shut down being too open on my blog. What started as a free space for me to be me has gone a bit off track as I’ve been holding back.
I know deep down how others perceive me is their own business not mine. The haters & resistance are actually a BRILLIANT indication! I need to embrace them as they are showing me I’m going the right way. It’s nature’s law to have an opposite reaction to every action. To fly forward there must be a pull back. However it has been my greatest struggle not to attach to what I perceive as a negative comment.
I have a great network of like-minded friends who support me. If the mainstream think I’m kooky, then that’s just lovely! My blog is not aimed at the mainstream. This is my space to be as ‘woo woo’ as I like.I should not be restraining my flow in here. The more I hide away the more I will stray from the direction I should be going. Then it will all get too hard & a struggle. Who wants that?
It’s time to come out of hiding even more. Really release the beast. Let my light shine & show others they shouldn’t be afraid too either in their own unique way.
I’ve come up with an ‘action’ plan to assist me to feel comfortable in ‘coming out’ the spiritual closet even more. To feel safe & comfortable with who I am is key for this process. It’s okay to be me.
Action Plan May 2014:
Firstly I need to heal any past hurts related to speaking my truth. I have a number of different guided meditations to assist me:
Each meditation is a powerful tool to take me inward with practical steps for healing & letting go of that, which has hurt me.
Alchemical Oils:
I’ve been working with these six Scared Self oils particularly closely in order to open up my heart & honour the true Soul within. (For more on how alchemical oils work check out this post)
- Authentic – “I reveal my true self”
- Trust – “I trust myself”
- Receive – “I appreciate & acknowledge all of me”
- Integrity – “I honour my commitments to myself”
- Radiance – “I let my inner beauty shine”
I’m using some very gentle & loving vibration crystals for this process. A softer energy is needed. This healing needs to be long term so I’m prepared to take it slow in order for the results to stick. No flying in like a bull in a China shop & face overload.
- Rose Quartz – the crystal of self-love. Very gentle, yet powerful. Opens the heart up for unconditional love. Perfect for giving & receiving. A calming & reassuring stone for deep inner healing.
- Strawberry Quartz – Grounding & nurturing. Balances the heart & base Chakras. Brings in much earth element energy.
- Fuchsite – Assists in understanding other people & their viewpoints. Teaches true self-worth. Another crystal that works well for heart Chakra healing.
My heart healing tool kit
Healing Sessions:
It’s a no brainer for me to receive healing sessions for this situation. It’s just as much part of my job to receive healing as well as to give healing. It’s how I walk my talk! Energetic healing can assist in shifting stale energies, blocked emotions & balances the Chakras. If anything an hour on the healing table is the prefect way to relax & unwind. Here’s what I’ve been receiving recently:
- A beautiful Reiki distance healing from one of my dear friends
- Distance Healing & Intuitive Guidance from Amy of True Shining Self
- A crystal Bed healing session – a magical experience as always
- Self-healing with sound – these sessions I initiate myself with a range of different sound tracks. My favourite at the moment is the Crystal Keys by Lia Scallon. It’s during these sessions & guided mediation I use my oils, crystals & coloured chakra silks.
Keeping written notes about the challenges I face & how I over come them is so important. To look back in old journals too see how far I have come & the stories I have written is very empowering. It’s easy to forget things when we are caught up in the moment. Journaling is a great reminder. It’s very therapeutic to put our thoughts into words. Sometimes once a situation has been committed to paper you can look at it from a different angle. Often it doesn’t seem so bad once we’ve got it off our chests.
This plan has been well under way now for a week. I’m feeling a lot more centred, confident & focused. It’s back to the drawing board & the blog planner now to get some ideas of how to move forward with my posts. I can feel the excitement bubbling up inside…. Time to get super woo woo!
Is there anything you are struggling with at the moment based around speaking out & not being one of the crowd? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
Love K xx