It all kicked off on Saturday 7th June for Mercury Retrograde. These periods are becoming more intense (in a positive way) for me every time they come around. Huge calls to action have been presented to me from the onset. I literally woke up Saturday morning & felt I had a rocket up my butt – “get to it!”
Mercury brings us great messages during retrograde periods & we too become the messengers ourselves. I felt this to be 100% accurate last Saturday morning as I stepped into the yoga room to teach. My throat Chakra seemed to have a mind of it’s own.
The style of yoga I teach is dialogue based so it pretty much involves me talking non-stop for 90 minutes to guide the class through the sequence. Given that communications were super heightened it sure did make for an interesting class. Straight away I felt I was being urged to speak authentically. My Soul was literally taking over it felt quite out of body at times.
What was going on that was so different?
There was certain ‘firmness’ to my directions. It was no nonsense, straight down the line, come on let’s do this the right way first no more fluffing around. Mary Poppins springs to mind “spit sot, let’s get the job done.”
Usually I’m fairly chill in my teaching. I prefer to nurture the students & encourage them gently rather than go hard-core military style. It works well for me & it’s the way I like to be taught. If someone is barking at me & riding my ass it doesn’t make for a pleasant experience & I shut down. I was still teaching in my style but as I said above there was a stronger command going on. Still nurturing whilst being more assertive.
It’s easier to recognise now when I’m channelling a message from the invisible realms or I’m speaking from the Soul. My voice gets a little deeper & words start flowing from what feels like nowhere. However the words make perfect sense & fit the exact situation I am in. I’m like ‘wow did that really come out my mouth, I must remember that it was very effective.’ (Except I often don’t as it was just for the exact situation that moment) This is what happened in that class.
At one point I felt I was being too firm. “Am I being a bitch here?” No I wasn’t being mean at all. I wasn’t picking on people I was working with the group as a whole. I was being direct & to the point. My self-doubt showing up as usual. All I had to do was open my eyes & see everything was going smoothly. The bodies in front of me were responding in the desired way.
The feedback after class from the students was reassuring. The one’s who chatted with me were more than happy. Maybe it was time for a shake up for all of us & take a different approach. Mercury certainly was having a hand in it all.
What else have I observed in the past few days whilst Mercury has been doing it’s thing?
It wasn’t just in my verbal communication that I was being firmer. Emails & text messages have followed suit. Especially with conversations that started before retrograde. Looking back at the threads I can see how ‘around the bush’ I had been. Not communicating clearly my point. What I’d written in three paragraphs really only needed three lines. Hence a lot of back & forth with no real conclusion met. Basically a lot of unclear & ineffective communication.
This week though the authenticity is right there up front. I’m being very clear with what I need to say without trying to pad it out with too much ‘light-hearted banter.’ (You know the stuff I mean, getting far too personal & off track talking about other things so when I drop my bomb the impact is softened) The result has been so much better too. We all prefer the direct approach. My partner is always telling me to ‘skip to the end’ when I start a long-winded, fully descriptive story of how I figured something out. ‘I just want to know the answer, not how you got there.’ I often like to take the long way round.
It’s feeling good being more assertive. I’m getting things sorted out quickly & efficiently. There is still a fine line though I don’t want to come across as I said before like a ‘bitch’ if I’m speaking more directly. Lot’s of extra care of my heart & throat Chakras is needed right now. Making sure all communication from the two is flowing with pure intent & authenticity, not from my head/ego.
My tools of choice:
Sacred Self Alchemical oils – Clarity, Truth, Authentic & Receive.
Crystals – Blue Lace agate, Malachite & Atlantean clear quartz.
Blue Chakra silk.

Communication devices have a mind of their own too. I’ve had to reboot my modem & Wi-Fi nearly every day. My phone is doing funky things. Crashing, freezing, flickering & generally not responding. Both my email accounts have been playing up. Deleting messages instead of sending them. Not allowing me to directly hit reply & giving me messages that the server is not responsive or we can not connect to the internet right now. All very normal. I always take this a sign that I need not be dealing with emails right now & go do something else.
How have you been travelling since Saturday 7th? Have you noticed a change in the way you communicate? I’d love to hear your experiences, please share in the comments below.
Love K xx
p.s. For more information & daily coverage of Mercury Retrograde please check out Elizabeth Peru on FB.