I hope you all have been traveling well over the past few weeks?
Some of you may have found the recent energy has been challenging. If it has been a bit dark & dirty for you trust this was part of the clearing out process. It’s not always pretty right? The positive result though…we’ve all had a huge shake up & now we are invited to wake up!
Today (Wednesday 9th March) we welcome the first Super New Moon in Pieces & Solar Eclipse of 2016 at 10:56am Perth, WA time. What a potent combination of events! We are being pushed to step up into our greatest power yet as we are given the opportunity to start a fresh. Today’s cosmic connection is a big fat reset button waiting for YOU to push.
This is BIG. It’s juicy, intense & flipping magnificent. Use this energy well & to your best advantage.
Do you desire to take life to the next level?
Set your New Moon intention tomorrow by aiming higher than ever before. No more staying small & hiding away for whatever reason held you back in the past. The only limitations are the one’s you perceive, let them go. Use any fear or self-doubt as the green light you need to just go for it.
Then take some action. One small step is all it takes to start the momentum flowing.
{A Super New Moon Gift}
To celebrate this weeks Moon events I have recorded a live channel for you all. I asked my team of galactic guides for any messages they may wish to share around the theme of the Super New Moon & Solar Eclipse.
The result, a short 7-minute channel recorded live & unedited on Saturday 5th March 2016. Find a comfortable spot where you won’t be disturbed, sit back & relax. I hope you enjoy listening.
With love,