Here we are the final month of 2016 & the third Super Full Moon (8:07am WA time) in a row to top it off. Just a few days ago I felt like I couldn’t muster up enough creative energy to write this post. Instead of intuiting a Full Moon message I was just going to drop by and say ‘I’m honoring the call to rest & don’t forget to put your crystals out for a cleanse.’
In between having this thought and today (or yesterday actually, Tuesday 13th) I pulled back and took some serious time out. Now I’m feeling topped up, clearer and inspired to write. After all writing is part of my healing, it’s something I love and once I connected with this core value the words started to flow.
Last week when I was tired and a bit overwhelmed with this year-end stuff I felt I needed to write out of obligation. ‘It’s Full Moon, I always write on this day I have to keep my consistency up’ my inner mean girl whined. I’m sure you all would have understand if I didn’t show up to post as I was putting my needs first.
Once I got over myself and out of my own way by creating some much needed space everything lightened up. All I wanted to do was write this post more than ever.
The moon today is in the sign of Gemini (opposite to Sagittarius) that is represented by the twins, two sides, the equal and opposites. Totally normal then to be feeling a bit like you are swinging rapidly from divine to cray cray in a blink of an eye. The downs are positive remember. Without them we cannot recognize the highs. Strive to have shorter downs and long ups.
Energy levels have peaked and troughed quicker than ever since August. Daily plans or schedules are subject to change quicker than the wind. Not getting thrown off kilter and staying open to the changes when they present offers a smoother ride. Getting emotional and wound up when things haven’t gone to plan is draining. Be in acceptance and surrender instead.
Recognising Old Patterns.
Under the light of today’s Super Full Moon energy we are being invited to have the final push of letting go and releasing old patterns. These are the one’s that are no longer serving us. Old safely nets we resort too or ways of reacting when faced with a challenge. It may feel right to be winding down for the end of the year but there is still work to do. However keeping life balanced and grounded will be the greatest challenge I feel right now.
One of my repetitive habits has been pushing on and over committing. It’s a huge lesson I’ve kept on top of this year but then let slip in a quest to get everything wrapped up (excuse the pun) before Christmas. When you are in a position of service (for the universe & humanity) it is hard to say no to people. Especially when you totally understand they need some assistance. However serving from an empty cup is not serving. It’s better to say no than do a halfhearted job.
Self Love Cards & Self Love Alchemical oil from Sacred Self.
To crack this challenge I have had really to pull back when I’ve felt myself start to feel run down and empty. Physical tiredness and lack of enthusiasm for things I usually love is a good sign for me to take a break. I always give a 100% when I’m working. No matter how crappy I feel I pull out the extra supplies to do my absolute best & leave my shiz at the door. There’s a lesson here as well to keep a little back for myself. When I push on because I’ve ignored the stop signs I crash. Not healthy waking up the following morning feeling like I’ve been run over by a truck.
Recently I paid attention when I started to feel flat and called in for assistance. Getting yoga classes covered, cancelling healing clients and saying no to social gatherings was hard. However I felt instantly better, lighter and less contracted once I created some space for myself. I’ll be no good to anyone if I completely burn out and get sick.
Looking on from the other side of a busy few weeks I feel back on form today from stepping away and saying no. It’s what I needed to do. Honoring my own being when I know I have nothing left to give is actually giving back to myself. The major theme of rest and relaxation is showing up everywhere. There has been no ignoring it.
There is still some denseness to let go of for us all today. The new energy for 2017 is on the horizon. I can see the new dawn rising but we still have to live out today first. It’s even more important now than ever to take proper rest. Healing is hard work! Change is uncomfortable and it shakes us up. With these big pushes of release we need to take time to allow our beings to settle to the new normal.
Changing Times & the 2017 New Energy
I read a fantastic intuited newsletter from Sarah Wilder of The Fifth Element Life today. Sarah highlighted how the core values of the Christmas season have become very blurred and detached. It seems to be all about showing up and joining in with the festive hysteria.
Have you felt unbelievable anxiety when faced with yet another Christmas function?
Yet you have dragged yourself along in fear of being branded a sour puss or Scrooge? When in fact you would love to have been at home having quiet time or out in nature doing something that nourishes you. The party scene is just not appealing, even though in the past it was. I’m talking 100% from experience myself here. However I did pull in the strength to say no to some social events or choose the less intense gatherings. Yes I did get questioned about my lack of attendance. Yet I was honest by replying I’m too tried and need to not be in big social crowds right now. Letting go of the perceptions other people draw of me is another healing lesson. Who cares what everyone else thinks when I’m putting my needs first. I’m ready to let go of old outdated social expectations for sure.
These final challenges of 2016 are setting us up for the fresh start next year. Set clear boundaries now and start new ways of living for the next nine year cycle. Choose the light path that ignites your fire rather than following along with the crowd that could potentially dull your flame.
Keep Going!
Stay strong everyone, you’ve so got this covered. Intuition is also highly activated. Pay attention to any messages from within or external signs that offer confirmation to your questions. Be on the look out for emotions running high in yourself and others. With the energy building up to carry us forward tensions may rise. Keep a solid connection to your heart space; steer clear of drama and making sure you stay super grounded. Walking bare foot on the earth, salt-water baths or swimming in the sea, being around trees, animals and all things nature is a winning combination.
Don’t forget to out your crystals out for a cleanse and charge too. I hope you enjoy today’s Super Full Moon. Even if you feel a little out of sorts trust it’s all part of the shifting and upgrading experience we are all here to live.
With love,