Posts Tagged ‘Super Foods’

David Wolfe Australian Tour – Have the best day ever!

I couldn’t miss the chance to see Super Foods guru David Wolfe speaking when he came to town last weekend. The response in Perth was massive. The event sold out so a second was put on earlier in the day due to a bigger venue not being available. Huge confirmation that us Westerners are super keen for such events and presenters. Please do come to Perth we want you, don’t be put off by our remoteness make the effort to visit it will be appreciated. It was great to see the WA leg of the tour incorporated some local businesses as well in the sponsor’s area.

I’ve never been to one of David’s events but from what I had heard and read from he knows how to put on a show. No disappointments at all. David lived up to his ‘entertainer’ label and kept the audience engaged for nearly three hours in an informative, light hearted and easy to understand manner. Of course there was plenty of humour too.

Where to start telling you the details of what I learned? Information overload for sure, in a good way. Most of the Super Food’s spoken about I had heard of, some I wasn’t too familiar with or have ever used. I took pages of notes so I’ll start at the top.

Being a creative person I loved the analogy of food and colour. The colour of the food relates to their healing properties. Eat blueberries for eye health, tomatoes for heart heath etc. It took a while to get my head around ‘black’ foods being the ultimate Super Foods. The photos of black lumps didn’t look appealing. What did I learn at art class? I mixed a bit of every colour in the spectrum to get a ‘pure’ black, same with nature. For example black rice is the most nutritious of all rice & has the most zinc in it. Theses colours switch on certain good genetics in our bodies. Think Chakras, they all have a colour too. We are not just feeding our one physical body but nourishing all four of our bodies the emotional, mental and spiritual. We see in colour so we should eat in colour.

Some of the herbs and Chinese mushrooms mentioned I could not spell or repeat the pronunciation. Their health benefits of longevity and anti ageing sounded awesome. It was sad that some Super herbs such as coca leaves are illegal thanks to the abuse and misuse of them. Some tribes in South American live to be over 100 years old from munching on raw coca leaves straight off the tree. Apparently they are the happiest people on earth. Hmmm funny that?!

Salt came up too and my beliefs were questions. I’m a hard-core pink Himalayan advocate that is still good. David was telling us to go wild & gather the salt from pools by the sea. Get it straight from the source the ocean. No factories or packaging or transporting. Makes sense as long as you are near to sea. The ancient remedy of drinking warm sea salted water is a proven method for good adrenal health as well as a tonic for almost any aliment. We can get our potassium from eating raw foods but it’s hard to find salt in natural foods so we do need to ‘add’ it to our intake. Definitely not the white crappy, chemically bleached ‘table salt.’

There was lot’s of talk about marine plankton and blue green algae. I’m a huge spirulina and chlorella fan. They have massive antioxidant benefits as well as essential omega oils. Again watch what brand you buy there are very few that are harvested, processed and packaged correctly. It makes all the difference to the quality. I personally use Green Nutritionals Hawaiian Pacifica brand that come in dark glass bottle with oxygen tight lids. Our future nutrition is going to rely more on the ocean as a resource. I’m quite excited about the concepts of home grow Spirulina tanks!

In the question time right at the end someone asked the ‘gold’ question. “What do you think of vaccinations?” It’s an area I have been questioning myself & chose not to have travel vaccines last year & I was just fine (if not better as I’d not had a dose of evil chemicals). David clearly stated that no vaccination in the world has ever passed a double blind random control cross over study. That is the ‘5* standard’ scientific test. He said when they do he would happily have them but until then there is clear evidence that vaccines are not 100% safe.

What really resonated the most with me was that we were asked to question those ‘learned’ beliefs that society, scientists, doctors, who ever have drilled into us that ‘are right.’ Especially when the subject of Breatharians came up. We rely too much on what others tell us to be true without going out there & finding it out for ourselves & seeing what works for us. What we can believe is that if we eat straight from nature, out the ground, unhampered & organically we will thrive. It’s the vicious cycle of eat chemicals, get sick, see doctors, treat it with chemicals, then eat more chemicals which is throwing our bodies into mayhem. Eat how nature intended. She did not put batter on chickens for a reason. ‘We’ did and then we get sick from it.

A grand night out and a huge kick up my butt to keep on track. I got home to see a loaf of fresh bakery white bread that would have been lovely toasted with lashing of organic butter. No, I did not partake thinking how bloated I’d be and the fact it would not serve me nutritionally at all. Feed your body love & it will return the love right back to you.

Love Seren xx

Seren Blog David Wolfe stuff

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