I’m sure the title of this post is going to alarm a few people considering I used to be quite the party girl in my younger years. I still quite like a good party just sans alcohol.
Don’t get me wrong I do actually still like the taste of a good wine. I used to enjoy a drink as a way to wind down after a long week, to celebrate with or just have a jolly good time. There were a lot of jolly good times that often saw me not getting out of bed the next day. Not so good. The messy side of drinking often over shadows the nice, pleasant times. Those drunken arguments, black outs, loosing your keys/purse/best friend & wasting a whole day with a hangover to mention a few. I do not miss that wretched feeling of a hangover. I’m so sorry dear body for putting you through all that stress & strain.
Drinking for me was a way of escaping, having some time off from the ‘real world.’ Since cleaning up my diet & getting serious about my healing work it’s even more important to me to keep my body clean & clear. Alcohol was something that just naturally fell away. Sure I was advised it’s best not to drink a few days before seeing clients as it could effect the connection & flow of energy. Now I’ve found my passion & joy in life there’s no need to escape it & I don’t want to escape it by falling into the wine bottle. I have my feet firmly planted in both world’s – the physical & non-physical & I’d like to keep that balance.
Alcohol is a suppressive. As I said above from an energetic point of view it lowers vibration & can block out the connection to the higher energy sources. Some healers do actually drink for this reason, as it’s their only way to ‘turn off.’ I’ve found other ways that suit me better. I certainly love having a strong solid connection with my guides. It’s also very dehydrating. Our bodies carry an electrical charge & water is a conductor. Hence to function at our best it’s essential we keep hydrated with fresh, filtered water.
In August five months had passed by & I hadn’t even thought about having a glass of wine. It just wasn’t part of my ‘routine’ anymore. Before I gave up my city job I could only see healing clients on a weekend. I naturally abstained from drinking on the two most popular days for it. Suddenly a lot of time had crept by since my last wine & I never even missed it.
It’s not like I’m never going to drink again. I am not going to start putting restrictions or rules on my life which lead to disappointment & guilt trips. I did partake in a few glasses of bubbles on a recent trip to Melbourne. They tasted good. I enjoyed the happy buzz & the social interaction that came with being out. Wow did it affect me though. Even after two glasses I felt smashed. After the third day in a row of ‘having a few’ I felt awful. I just cannot tolerate alcohol anymore. Drinking really doesn’t suit me now.
My partner & I were chatting the other night about his upcoming birthday. I remembered he was gifted a bottle of Moet last year. Here is that exact bottle that has sat in the fridge for one whole year untouched. How things have changed. A few years back no way would I have let good French Champagne just sit there. Check out the gross stain and sand on the box. (It’s been in the outdoor boy fridge, no dirt in the food fridge!!)
I’m accepting this change for me as a positive one. Sure I have had some strange looks & told I’m a bit weird for not drinking anymore especially as it’s ‘for spiritual reasons.’ Good resistance to show I’m moving the way I should be.
Have you moved away from something that is no longer serving you? I’d love to hear your stories in the comments below.
Love K xx