Sunday saw that I had a full day off from teaching yoga & from healing sessions. Of course there is always other work to be done. Like writing blog posts!
My intention for the day was to be ‘organic.’ There were a few things on my weekend to do list to be done before Monday. Important things like yoga invoices & availability for April needed sending out. I had my business coaching actions to complete for the fortnight too. The rest of the day would flow without me pushing or stressing.
The day started like most days do with a meditation. I signed up for The Wellness Project’s 21-day meditation program to add some new flavour to my sessions. Sunday’s track was a sixteen-minute mini Chakra balancing. The shortness of the meditation spurred me to invite my partner to join me in my healing room to listen too. I think we have meditated twice together in the past & it’s something he is open to but never does. It’s nice to share such activities & he happily joined in.
Green juice & a breakfast of organic Greek yoghurt & berries followed. All washed down with a pot of Yorkshire Tea.
Once my admin essentials were out the way I surrendered to my heart. Throughout the morning my Third Eye Chakra was buzzing like mad. This usually happens for two reasons:
- Someone I know is thinking about me.
- I’m about to have a creative Soul moment.
I felt both were going on as I received some online correspondence & I was tearing through my notebook scribbling down ideas.
A friend in NZ had had her second baby well over a week ago & I hadn’t had time to get online to find a gift. I didn’t want to rush & send something quickly without any thought. Sunday allowed me the time to really get involved & pick out a few very quirky gifts. Shopping & giving brings so much joy it was nice to really dedicate the time the activity deserved.
The day progressed with ease & slowness. Nothing was a chore or an effort. At lunch I took a break to eat & read. Currently I’m working my way through Claire Richards autobiography. I find real life stories fascinating. Through out the book there were loads of references to Claire’s time in the British pop group Steps. Being a Sunday & having loads of time I started to Google. I must have worked my way through at least an hour or two of music videos & interviews. Bringing back happy memories from my teenage years. I remember in 1998 my first year of university a girl in my halls knowing all the dance moves to ‘5,6,7,8.’
Last Monday I started an online blog course ‘Bright-Eyed & Blogged-Hearted’ with the ever-inspiring Rachel from In Spaces Between. I’ve been doing the course work in small sections all week. On Sunday I decided I’d like to finish it all up before Module 2 started the next day. I didn’t put the usual pressure on myself to get it done. I dipped in & out at my leisure. Most importantly I just enjoyed the whole process letting what I’d written sit for a few hours before returning to edit it.
Our BE & BH private FB group is electric. Over 300 like minded bloggers sharing, caring & supporting each other. I happily dipped in & out of convo’s with the ‘gals.’ Giving feedback on newly written or revamped ‘about me’ pages & vision boards.
One blog task took a lot of time. Trying to figure out how to get an ‘opt-in’ box for my newsletter in The other WordPress (.org) has fancy plugin’s to do this. I watched the You Tube tutorials & scanned the help pages. Mail Chimp wrote me some code but it just wasn’t working. I have a ‘mend & make do’ option now in the side bar. Right at the top on the left, can you see it? Feel free to sign up & receive Soul sharing tip bits straight to your inbox! Thank you 🙂
I ignored the mundane tasks that needed attention. Like the laundry, cleaning & vacuuming. These tasks could wait till I’m tired & not creatively juiced up. What a waste to be rolling in the creative zone & be tied to the kitchen sink!
I really loved Sunday. By the time 5pm rolled around I was happy, enriched, inspired & content with my achievements for the day. A whole day of just flowing, doing things for love & joy instead of obligation.
When was the last time you took a day off to just flow? If you could spend the day doing 100% what you loved what would you do? Please feel free to share in the comments below, I’d love to hear from you.
Joy & peace,
Kat xx