Posts Tagged ‘soul’

Living a Life I Love!

Hello there! I’ve been dropping some hints over the past few weeks to a grand ‘big reveal.’ Today is the day. My apologies go out to those who know me personally for not getting told this news sooner or personally.

What I’m about to share is a huge move for me, probably one of the biggest decisions I’ve made thus far. Believe me I wanted to shout it from the rooftops the moment I decided. Somewhere inside, after everything I’ve learned I just wanted to keep it to myself, let it be sacred, special, unique, my own. I needed to let the idea sit first to make sure I was comfortable with my choice. If I shared too soon chances are I would certainly meet some resistance that may sway me to change my mind.

I love an analogy I heard recently about comparing my situation to a brick wall. You build the wall with bricks and mortar. Before the wall is solid and strong you have to wait a while. Allow the mortar to dry & the bricks to settle into position before it is stable & supportive. This is just what I did. I am settled, strong and standing firm.

Oh okay already what is my news? I quit my day job. After working nearly four years at the same place I walked out of the door on Friday no longer an employee. It was emotional, I am so grateful for the past few years & a role I’ve learned so much in. It was super hard walking away from a team I truly love & who feel like family. It’s a heck of a lot easier to leave somewhere you don’t like!

Why did I leave if I liked it so much? I needed to create the life I love. Doing what I love everyday and making a living from it. That was my brief fifteen months ago when I started down my spiritual path. Now that dream has manifested into the opportunity I have now.

What am I going to do then? Basically I’m going to be pretty much doing what I have been doing for the past two years apart from I will be in control. I am now officially my own boss, as of yesterday, day one. I will be teaching yoga on a full time roster, seeing more healing clients and freelance designing from my home office. Of course I’ll be blogging. All this will be done under my trading name Seren Holistic Lifestyles. Growing the Seren brand will be a big exciting project in itself. I even have a business coach to help guide me along the slightly scary path of ‘business owner.’ I shall master Excel spreadsheets.

How did I come to make such a massive life overhaul? For many months I was trying to create space so I could see more healing clients, doing the work my Soul loves to do. I kept asking my inner guidance for the answer. All I got was ‘wait’ or firm ‘no’s’ when I suggested something ‘I thought’ I should give up to make room.

You see I was trying to control the situation & not hand over to the powers that know best. When you surrender to the universe you have to trust the answer will present in due course. Most of the time it’s not what you thought it would be. I asked for space to create a life I would love to live. At first I thought it meant dropping off a yoga class a week. Then I wouldn’t be so tired in my day job & I’d have more energy on weekends for clients. That wasn’t the answer. Teaching is a huge part of why I’m here and the perfect complimentary modality to my energy practice. Finally I did what I was told and ‘waited.’ Sat back, was patient and then the answer came through.

It seems so obvious now that the 9 to 5 city job had to go. I’d not been happy with the lack of creative work for a while. Sitting it out waiting on other people to bring in the clients and some decent work. What I should have been doing & what I am doing now is attracting clients I wish to work for from industries aligned with who I am. The messages were calling out from the start I just wasn’t connecting with them.

Why wasn’t I receiving the messages? Fear was holding me back. My city job was secure, a regular wage every week and paid holidays. Why would I give that up to be self-employed with a bucket load of risks? It is time to get uncomfortable. Change is needed. The fear and risks of self-employment shall empower me to get things done, work hard and achieve my goals. I need this. I also reminded myself I travelled the world for a whole year living off my savings & not getting paid. Since then I’ve taken many unpaid leaves & never hit any problems. I had just forgotten. I’ve done it before I can do it again.

Once the penny dropped I could very much hear the celestial choir singing out. Oh how obvious it is now. Work for myself, set my own goals, have the freedom to do as I wish on my terms. Have 100% responsibility for my own life.

I am happy. I am well supported. I’m stepping up to the greatest adventure yet and I’m ready for it.

There you go! I’m sure I’ll still be as busy as ever if not more but I’m now officially living a life I love.

Who’s gonna join me?

Love K xx

Seren Live a life you love

The True Me

The energy of the past two months has had a strong focus on being authentic. Many people I know are stepping up & taking action in their own lives. Doing what they love instead of what is safe & expected.

Being authentic for me is all about releasing what I’ve kept hidden for the best part of my life. I’m allowing the ‘true me’ shine through to the surface. Instead of keeping her hidden because others might not like it & think I’m weird or loosing my mind.

How is the ‘true me’ breaking through? I’ve stopped trying to fit in to be like other people in order to be accepted.’ I overhauled my appearance. I cut my hair short to a style that does not require brushing or even very much styling. The messier the better. I’m done with the days of blow drying and straightening for that sleek and tidy look. I’ve put pink foils through in my hair too. I never dyed my hair crazy colours as a teenager so now I’m well into my thirties it’s definitely over due.  I’m even thinking of doing some totally ‘left field’ with it very soon.

My physical body has changed. With more self-acceptance and self-love I’m not longer hiding behind a layer of padding. After years of training & diets that didn’t work I finally love how I look without stressing about the former two. I’m also not caring or aspiring to be like anyone else but myself.

My wardrobe has had an overhaul. I just cannot be bothered with the ‘corporate look’ anymore which isn’t enforced in my work place anyway. The fancy suit dresses from Cue, tailored pants and heels are gone. (The local op shop is in for a treat!) I rocked up to the office last Friday in Lululemon studio pants & a hoodie, & no one batted an eyelid. I was so comfortable.

I’m not holding back on here either, not that I ever did. I’m writing what is coming through naturally. I talk openly about my ‘Soul’ & inner guidance, the invisible realm & metaphysics. These subjects can and do cause a stir. I’ve been attacked for speaking my truth; people have felt offended by what I’ve said out loud (I’m not responsible for how people react to my words when they are said from pure intention). I’ve been ‘warned’ take down deeply Soul based quotes on FB because you don’t know who is following my posts.

If people can’t accept who I am now then that is just fine by me. I’m sure there are plenty of people out there whom I can gel with just nicely. I am grateful for this resistance actually. With the law of cause & effect it means what I am doing must be right for me. I’m moving forward with my life. Everything has an equal and opposite effect so the negativity I receive is the exact equal to the positive I am transmitting out. If I wasn’t progressing there wouldn’t be any resistance. All good, I’ll take it as a compliment 😉

I’m stepping forward into my power. I’m finally seeing that I can do what I love & make a living from it. It’s time to drop the pseudonym now too. When I first started out this blog I wanted some anonymity, be a bit like ‘Gossip Girl.’ Now the veils have been removed it’s time to introduce myself. Hi my name is Kathryn & welcome to my business website – Seren Holistic Lifestyles.

Thanks for reading.

Love K xx


Boxes & Labels

Who likes variety? Changing things up, trying new things, never getting stuck in the same old, same old routine. Who doesn’t like variety? It’s okay to do & like the same thing, have a routine, know where you’re at & what you are getting. I’m the former I need variety. I do have consistency in my life and a routine but I switch things up on a daily basis to keep life interesting.

My need for variety does cause other people some issues. For example the usual question one gets on first meeting “what do you do for a living?” It’s very hard for me to say the expected ‘one thing that I do.’ I reel off my list of different modalities that form ‘my career’ & a blank stare usually meets me.

I dislike being a ‘one thing’ person. It’s not me. If I just do ‘one thing’ and I get frustrated pretty quickly. At the end of last year a friend was questioning me in terms of my career “what is it to be then? Are you a yoga teacher or a graphic designer? Which is it?” I felt they were implying I should choose just one career to follow & put a label on myself so I fit nicely into a box. My reply “both and more.” This fits very nicely into ‘my box.’

Why do we have to be one thing just because somewhere along the line society made that ‘rule’? Gone are the days of graduating school and staying in one career (often even the same work place) for 45 years I feel. That model would not work for me. I’d go stale. Why can’t I be a graphic designer and teach yoga? Now I can add energy healer, business owner & writer to that list too.

Okay I’m not Super Women and in order to do everything I desire there needs to be a balance. I’m slowly pulling that together now. Combining all my skills and passions into a more stream lined balanced version. The big reveal is coming soon dear readers just a while longer till I’m ready to share.

I’m envisioning my life as a smorgasbord with many pieces of loveliness all on the one tray. I can pick & choose which piece to sample day by day. Just because I do lot’s of things doesn’t mean I’m any less ‘good’ at any of them because I’m not doing that one thing day in day out. The saying “Jack of all trades, master of none” does not resonate.

Doing a little of each of my jobs every day keeps my interest alive, it makes my life exciting & I want to get up in the morning. When I get a bit stuck on a design or blog post if I’m lacking inspiration I take a break, refresh go do something else, do some metaphysical study or yoga. Then I can come back to my creative work refreshed. Some days I will just focus on yoga or healing & not do anything creative. It will be organic & flowing the way I’m guided it to be.

I’ve re written the saying above to this: “Jack of all trades equals master of one.” You & your own life, may you all be your own Master.

Love Seren xx

Energetic Exercise

Over the past few weeks I’ve really noticed when I haven’t exercised as much as my body needs too. Just like stale air in our home can build up if we don’t open the windows & make the place feel yucky energy in our bodies can get stale if we don’t clear it out. I’ve been feeling sluggish & heavy within my body, not a good sign. We need to be flushing out our systems & moving the energy through to prevent a build up which then can manifest into physical symptoms. Exercise is perfect for that.

We are constantly evolving and what worked for me a year ago may not be having the same effect today. This is very true for how much exercise I need. I’ve pulled back on my yoga practice to a ‘maintenance’ level as far as my physical body is concerned. I’m not practicing half as many classes a week as I used too.

Another shift for me is that exercise is no longer about keeping the kilos off. This has been my biggest “ah ha” moment of late. In the past I’d slog it out at the gym, group fitness classes & at yoga with the aim of loosing or maintaining my weight. Epic fail. My weight was constantly yo-yoing. Once my focus shifted within & I ‘gave up’ focusing purely on weight loss magic things happened.

All the work I have done spiritually has made me realize how essential it is to work all four of my bodies in unison – physical, emotional, mental & spiritual in order to be balanced. When I was just focused on the physical body and disregarded the other three of course I wasn’t going to get anywhere. Inside had to change first in order to manifest on the outside. Once I realized this & listened to what my Soul was telling me literally my physical body took on the shape it was meant to be with a lot less effort and complicatedness. Soul is simple.

Sorting out my emotional baggage, getting on my spiritual path & focusing on doing what I love has been the best diet & weight loss program ever. I no longer need a layer of padding around my solar plexus to hide behind. The self-doubt has gone & so have the kilos. It was that straight forward for me*.

For the past year easing off the hard-core exercise has been good for me. It’s been about maintenance, relaxing, nourishing and taking it easy. It’s time to ramp it up again. As I mentioned above physical exercise goes far deeper into the invisible plane. I’ve started to notice the more healing & teaching work I under take the more exercise I need to be doing.

Why? I need to clear my system of any stale energy or emotions that might attach to me from my work. No matter how much protection or spiritual hygiene one does before or after a session a physical release is also needed. Exercising is part of my spiritual hygiene now. Energy, especially emotional energy, can get stored and stuck in every cell of our body. A physical flush out helps release this.

The Bikram Yoga I practice & teach is an amazing release for me. I can literally feel the blockages being sweated out my pores & left on my mat. Yoga of any kind is beneficial.  Yoga asana work deep into the body to a cellular level. It’s not muscles and joints that get worked out, the respiratory, circulatory, lymphatic & endocrine systems get a good going over.  The constant compression and extension of every part of our body inside & out helps flush fresh high speed oxygenated blood through it. Within this blood the stale energy is released & pushed through as well.

For example different energies get stored in different parts of our bodies. Self-doubt is stored in the stomach and fear in our kidneys. During a deep backward bend by compressing into our kidneys that fear is released. Ever get a bit scared when backward bending? It’s totally normal as its all that fear being released.

It’s important to keep our physical body strong & healthy in order to bring in more light. Light (love) raises vibration & assists greatly in the connection with Soul. Recently I’ve started getting headaches & feeling really lethargic. Signs I have not been releasing as much energy as I need to be. This has kept me away from the yoga room. When what I needed was to get in there! My vibration was lowering, as I wasn’t keeping on top of my practice.

Further assurance came when I took a well over due yoga class. I’ve missed yoga. I need it more than ever now to keep clean & clear. Lying in the pool of sweat, with the lights dimmed after class I was so at peace. Opening my eyes who knows how long later I was alone, content & lighter in more ways than one.

I’m sure my body and Soul will tell me when it’s time for a change again. Something new in the exercise field or just dial it down again. Till then the hot room is calling me home.

Love Seren xx

*Disclaimer – this is my own personal journey/experience. I’m not endorsing what I do is a magic way to loose weight & be healthy. Please seek professional advice before taking on a new diet or exercise program.

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