Hands up who loves crystals?
They are truly magical agreed? Just being in the presence of these sparkling, colourful, & energetic divine beings is uplifting. Crystals make me happy.
There are so many books, websites, courses & information out there we can turn too to find out more about crystals: how to use them, what they mean, healing benefits & what not.
Magnificent Crystals
However as I have evolved my views of what I have ‘learned’ are now changing. I am questioning this borrowed knowledge I’ve gathered from others. The external sources are great to get started but it’s the ‘internal’ knowledge where I will now find that I am seeking. The true learning comes from within us.
It is the ways I use my crystals I am now ‘unlearning’ what I have learned. Especially around the whole theory of ‘not allowing others to hold, use or touch’ your personal crystal collection.
“I don’t want other people’s energy being transferred onto my precious crystals”
I hear you say. Allow me to explain further dear one’s.
Crystals are energy bodies that are called upon to help shift stale energies, blocked emotions, enhance healing, bring balance and amplify love. From their work crystals collect & absorb energy from other beings or environments. When crystals are picked up & touched energy can be transferred.
This is where people can get a bit touchy about others getting touchy with their crystals.
I learned early on to ‘not let others touch my crystals.’ A huge big fat NO. I’ve had people literally scream at me whilst admiring (from a distance out of respect) ‘don’t touch my crystal!’
We form bonds with our crystals. They are special & we cherish them, which is lovely. It does seem natural that you may wish to keep them ‘just for you’ especially if you are working on some big stuff with them. This is totally your choice, if you feel this is what you wish to do then please do.
It seemed natural that I myself adopted the same principle. Having a melt down when eager fingers went reaching around my collection. I actually felt nauseous once when someone was getting well involved with my crystals uninvited. When I shared this with another healer she said:
“Just show’s how unconscious they are, *tut*, just helping themselves without permission.”
Hello fear, judgment & negativity those wonderful emotions we all try so hard not to attach too.
“If you touch my crystal then it’s tainted. It’ll have all you junk all over it, what shall I do it’s ruined”
You get the idea.
This notion just didn’t sit well with me; this is not what I’m about. I’m a giver, a sharer & just love getting everyone involved together.
That was before let’s come back to the present moment. I can’t remember when the switch in perspective happened exactly & I don’t think it matters. Now I feel I do not have the right to lock away my crystals & not share them with whom ever is drawn to them. Crystals need to be out there for everyone to experience.
Looking back now I feel I felt nauseous over people touching my crystals because it didn’t feel right to deny the interaction. When life doesn’t flow as it should it gets uncomfortable. I was uncomfortable thinking ‘they shouldn’t be touching’ which was a ‘learned’ behavior from external resources. It wasn’t my true feeling. I actually wanted to hand over the crystals for people to look at & share. ‘Here hold this beauty & feel its energy.’
This is why is it advised to cleanse your crystals often. They are high vibrational beings that we should honour & respect. It’s common courtesy to thank them for their work by making sure they are cleansed & charge. (Just like you feed & water your pets, crystals need looking after too)
Cleansing is so simple & effective. It really isn’t a huge drama. Share your crystals then cleanse them, easy.
Now when I go within my own Soul to ask about this subject it feels so right to share. Actually I feel a sense of joy & love that I am assisting these magnificent beings to do the work they came here to do.
If someone comes into my space & are instantly drawn to picking up every crystal in there then they can. It’s what they need. The crystals are singing to them to be held. They have a job to do & they are far more evolved than I & know what they are doing. The crystals do their work by attracting those they are here to help in this way. Some people may not be open to having a healing session with me but simply holding a crystal they are drawn too (consciously or unconsciously) they see around my house they will receive the energy they need right there & then.
Help yourself to any of these!
I feel now I do not ‘own’ the crystals (or any of the metaphysical ‘tools’) in my care shall I say. They chose me as a caretaker & I brought them home so their work can reach many people. They belong to themselves; I am merely providing a space for them to work out of.
Be free now to have a go with anything in my healing room: crystal, oil, essence, silk, book or oracle cards – if you are drawn to them please use them. I fully trust you will get the healing you need. After all it is your own deep inner wisdom attracting you to the crystal, not me. You are healing & empowering yourself by this self-selection. I am here to hold space & facilitate, it’s in your own power to heal yourself.
I’d love to hear your thoughts & experiences on this subject. Feel free to drop a message in the comments below.
Big love, K xx