Nearly every source you come across from the ‘spiritual genre’ will mention meditation in some form. It does seem to go hand in hand. How else can you access your inner library of knowledge if you don’t sit stillness & go within? Sounds a bit stereotypical to say ‘if you’re on a spiritual journey you should be meditating.’ I hate to attach labels & put people in boxes but I agree! I can’t express how important meditation has been to my awakening process.
Actually, my view is ‘everyone’ should give meditating a try. Even if you were not consciously doing the ‘spiritual thing’, meditation I feel would be of assistance to everybody.
The benefits of meditation are:
- Helps aids relaxation by calming the mind allowing the body to fully surrender to stillness.
- Studies by Harvard Medical School show meditation can lower blood pressure & reduces the body’s reaction to stress hormone levels.
- Therefore meditation can assist the body’s natural ability to heal, as it is less likely to be run down.
- Meditation brings balance to the emotional body. Being in stillness helps to connect with any challenges you may be having. It may bring these emotional blocks to the surface. This enables you to address them & take action if necessary bringing peace of mind & possible closure.
- Mediation acts as the bridge to connect you with your spiritual guides as well as your own Soul. Perfect for asking & receiving guidance.
The final point is what I’m here to talk about today. Receiving guidance through meditation. For me personally meditating is how I figure things out in my life. Yes I have great mentors & like-minded friends I can check in with & bounce ideas off. However the only being that truly knows what is best for me is my own Soul. It is through meditation I connect with my eternal being, the inner tutor, to tap into the vast knowledge bank that has been collected over the thousands of years it’s been around.
For those who haven’t tried this method it might sound bonkers but I personally have found great success in it. It is a process though. It does take time to really get out of your busy human head & sink into your heart. Getting out of your own way to hear the Divine guidance can be quite challenging. Consistent practice & trust will help greatly. Self-doubt & over analysing can very easy block out these messages.
When ever I have a pressing issue that is showing up with no obvious solution (well sometimes it is obvious but I’m missing it by over thinking) I turn to meditation.

Create your own sacred corner for a beautiful meditation practice. Here’s how I set up the space in my healing room for sessions & meditation. I love scented candles, diffusers, incense & salt lamps. Ambiance is everything! Subtle glows & beautiful aroma’s. Assists greatly in bringing balance & peace to the mind.
For example I used meditation & Soul guidance to figure out the type of people I wished to attract as my healing clients. Those whom I am aligned with & can best assist. I simply set the intention for the meditation to ask, “Who are the sort of people I wish to work with?” I had an idea of the qualities I was looking for, basically people just like me three years ago! The answers my Soul gave me were very precise a string of simple words.
Open, honest, authentic, keen to learn, growth, self-motivated, change, desire, compassionate, responsible, takes action, love, passionate.
I could then lock in these characteristics as to whom I’d like to drawn in.
The next step was to find where these people were. Where were they hanging out so I could leave my business card there or meet them in person? When I first started out my business endeavours I left my cards anywhere that would take them. Of course this either attracted the wrong type of person or no one at all as I was leaving them places that weren’t aligned with me or my business.
Again I set the intention for my meditation to be “where are my clients & where do I need to leave my cards?” The answer again was very simple and 20 minutes away from where I lived. I was guided to a fantastic vegetarian café that held meditation & yoga classes. The very next day I headed down there for a solo breakfast & an active marketing mission.
Straight away I felt this was the right place for me. Even better I could eat every single thing on the menu so I was spoilt for choice. As I waited to order I clocked a table full of business cards. The ladies in front of me had just finished a Pilate’s class. They radiated happiness & were merrily chatting away. ‘These are my clients I thought.’ People who take care of themselves by investing in their health & come to eat healthy food at places like this. Also it was 11am on a Wednesday morning, the time that works best for conducting sessions. If they were out exercising at this time maybe they’d be available for healing sessions on other week day mornings.
The café staff were lovely & friendly too. Of course the food was amazing. After my breakfast I politely asked if I could leave my cards on the table. The manager came out to chat. She was very welcoming & happy for me to leave my cards as my business was aligned with their intentions.
I literally bounced out of the place happy that my marketing mission went well. The added bonus was I had an amazing few hours of ‘me time.’ Blessed to have a schedule that allows for such indulgences.
The best bit is still to come….
Within two weeks of me leaving my cards the café staff called me to invite me to be the guest speaker at a new series of events they were hosting. They were looking for someone to give an hour-long presentation about a holistic modality. Out of all the cards on the table mine had leapt out to them so they called me. Wow! The power of manifestation & mediation blew my mind on this one. All within two weeks. It cemented my belief this does actually work.
If I hadn’t been guided to go to the cafe when I was this opportunity may not have come about. From this talk, that went very well indeed, I attracted new healing clients & gained experience in presenting on a metaphysical subject matter. This had lead on to other speaking engagements & expanded my offering. Lot’s of wins from one marketing expedition.
Here’s an important part of the process to remember:
The key is to all this is that you need to take action on what you are told in meditation. Just like I did. I was told to go to that certain café so I did, quickly. The energy was fresh & I jumped right on it. That resulted in the manifesting what I desired.
It’s easy to get side tracked & forget what we have been given or we don’t trust in it enough. The result we don’t follow through & the amazing opportunities don’t get manifested. To avoid this here are my key pointers for when you are using mediation for specific guidance:
- Make sure you are sitting up right or standing for the meditation so you are fully aware & don’t risk falling asleep.
- Have a pen & paper close by. Write down any guidance either as it happens or immediately after you come out. This can be saved for later so you don’t forget.
- Take action & do something with it! Quickly or you may miss out.
No more procrastination or allowing self-doubt to kick in. Get straight onto it ASAP then the former won’t even get a look in.
“When we are silent we allow life to seek us out. We allow life in. We drop in to the world around us and we feel what the world has to say.” – Claire Obeid, The Wellness Project
Let me know how you get on in the comments below.
With love K xx