What a mighty ride the energy of the past six weeks has taken us on. If there was ever a time to get clear on our lives its been now. Tomorrow’s, Saturday 17th September, Full Moon in Pieces (3:07am WA time) and the Lunar Eclipse is the grand finale to the Eclipse season. This cycle has been a huge reset and release.
Have you felt the growth spurt over the past six weeks?
Yes I did! Going through the spin cycle over and over seems like the best way to describe what went on for me. Each cycle spun out the excess moisture to leave a fresh, dry layer underneath. The chaos, as always was followed by the calm. In between each spin the stillness that followed brought a great sense of peace and clarity. Breathing space to reap the beauty of this life and the abundance all around. Any challenging times are for our best and highest good.
The process unraveled quite elegantly even despite the choppy seas. I found less need to hold on or work against the flow. Gracefully I let go as guided. Fully trusting it would be harder to cling on, as I would eventually become exhausted so better to surrender and stay in power.
All the effort is starting to pay off. The bumpy untraveled road usually leads to somewhere new and exciting. I have noticed many synchronicities this week, signs that the diligent work has all been worth it. Sticking with my intentions and desires I’m now seeing the opportunities arise for which I’m very grateful.
Oh don’t get me wrong it’s not been entirely easy and straightforward. I have been tested just to make sure I’m committed to what I’m putting out there. Some days I wanted to jump ship ‘thinking’ the road I was on was no longer sustainable in the long run, instead of listening to my heart.
Had I become tired of living on the edge?
Only last weekend temptation arose with quite a big fat dollar sign attached to it. My qualifications and experience fitted and the location was good. It would mean giving up pretty much everything I worked so hard in building over the past three years in exchange.
What price would I pay for perceived financial security?
That is a road I am not ready to revisit at present but I did think about it. The moment I acknowledged this the ‘right’ opportunities for me started showing up. Those that are aligned with what I desire and have been working towards. Opportunities that make my heart sing.
It still amazes me when the universe plays this devils advocate. “Can I tempt you today?” Dangling the golden carrot that might spark an interest. The carrot is usually linked in with our fear patterns and learning cycles. For me it’s usually the money test. The universe has our best interests at heart. We are alway given options to keep going or change direction. Either way there will be something to get out of it.
Coming back to the fear side however. It would be fine to go with the more financially fuelled route as long as it wasn’t chosen out of fear. If the passion and the love for what was on offer was the driving force to change direction then awesome. The extra financial benefits would be the icing on the cake. If fear was controlling the decision I feel the experience would fall short and another direction change would be needed sooner rather than later.
Personal power is super charged that is why we are more than likely making well informed and heart lead choices. Not giving into the fear based temptations. There is a brand new doorway opening in front of us.
Are you drawn to step through it?
Our Solar Plexus Chakra’s are literally on fire. Keeping us strong in our centre so we can connect with our inner guide, our Soul. For Soul has the blue print to our agreed life path. Listening, trusting and taking action on this guidance will bring in so much love and joy. Loving the life we live.
Following Saturday’s cosmic conclusion to this magnificent (and head exploding at times) Eclipse season I think we all deserve a breather. Vibrations have been raised. After the shake-ups we’ve come out higher each time. I’m feeling the energy will lighten up and we can embrace how well we’ve done. Remember to always give thanks for everything we have received. The attitude of gratitude does go a long way.
Heads up enjoy the rest as next week we’ll be off again for Equinox and the end of Mercury Retro 😉
Don’t forget to put your crystals out for a charge and sparkle up tonight. They will love you for it.
If anything resonates in this post for you, feel free to leave a comment below or over on the Seren Holistic Lifestyles FB page. I always love to hear from you all.
With love,