Posts Tagged ‘self-worth’

Dreams can come true

Dreams can come true. My dream is coming true right before my eyes. It’s been developing for a while & now I’m living it everyday. The funny thing is I didn’t realize at first that I was.

I’ve written a few times about my work as a healer. What started out as an interest so I could learn how to heal myself & understand energy has turned into a real life business opportunity. Twelve months ago yesterday when I set out on this journey of self-discovery my brief was “to work in an area I love & get paid for it.” This is now a reality. I love conducting healing sessions and following up with clients when they need to chat off the table. It does not feel like work, it is not a chore or a hassle. This is because healing is my Soul’s purpose in this life. (Whole new post coming on unearthing that discovery!) I’m working from home & getting paid for it. I am my own boss taking full responsibility for everything involved.

Wow I have my own real life business! I still can’t really believe it. I have a brand name, graphic style, ABN and all the trimmings! I was so excited blitzing Officeworks for cash receipt books, an appointment diary, stationery & folders to start out the new tax year officially. I have paperwork too to keep on top of; client registration and record forms. The first time I sent out a PayPal invoice and had it paid was so exciting. I even figured out how to put my logo on there.

I can’t really say there is a magic secret to getting what you truly desire, apart from setting your intention and working really hard to make it happen. It does take time and it can be challenging. I have learned you just have to go out there and make things happen for yourself no one will just hand things over on a plate. It’s no good being jealous of those who ‘have it all’ go out there and get it all for yourself too. It’s YOU who needs to take control of your life. (Side note: I’ve been channeling a lot of Archangel Michael’s energy of late which makes me very blunt & to the point in the most caring, heart felt way of course :-))

One big thing that has stood out in the process of developing my own business is this. Once I surrendered my control to the universe and let things develop organically everything just came together effortlessly. In the past I tended to push too hard at times, always focusing on the end result, forcing the path to fit into my ‘ideal.’ Once I ditched my ‘ideal’ and let things flow naturally I have even more than what I could have dreamed of when I started out. Regular weekly clients, a healing room and my own brand.  Now this is all in place I am slowly coming back to the original idea I had for my brief.

My first burst of inspiration came in around September last year. I thought it would be a great idea to run my own holistic retreats. I’ve been on a few wellness and yoga retreats myself and loved every minute. How nice would it be to facilitate my own? Design a retreat I would like to go on. Back when this idea first sparked I’d planned on hiring other people to give talks, conduct healings, lead yoga & meditation classes.

I made the mistake (or learning curve step) of sharing my idea too quickly. Wanting to get other people involved to bounce ideas off. My own fear of not being qualified or experienced enough to lead a workshop made me turn to other people. The other people were soon squashing my vision, telling me this won’t work or that won’t work blah, blah and blah. I was looking into venue hire because ‘the others’ were telling me it had to be central, near a beach, have parking and a good coffee shop near by. I listened; I took on board what they were saying and then binned the whole thing.

Something deep down didn’t quite fit for me with this idea of bringing ‘others’ in on it. Yes I will need helpers but not people who wanted to take away my control. It was my baby; I wanted to be a full time mother. If this is going to work I need to be leading it 100% to make it authentic to my vision and Soul.

Now many months on I’ve  realised I do have the skills and knowing to make this original idea a reality all by myself. It’s what I love doing most teaching people and sharing what I’ve learned. All in a hope they will find something of interest to improve their own life even just a little bit & then pass it onto their friends. To create a space to share and talk about my passion of energy healing, health and wellbeing is a dream I want to make a reality.

I’ve been really busy brain-storming in my journal. Scribbling ideas and notes of my new retreat/workshop vision. I don’t want to abort it like last time so I’m keeping quiet for now. I will share one thing though. I figured out the venue dilemma. I will be using my own house. I have the perfect setting as I live on a 120-acre rural property. This was right under my nose the whole time but I couldn’t see the wood for the trees. I have some friends and family who are excellent chefs so why not offer a homemade lunch straight out of our veggie patch? I can see it now a group of like-minded people sitting in the shade of one of our many trees, surrounded by nature, animals & light sharing the love of the universe.

Watch this space there are exciting times ahead I feel…

“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.” ~ Farrah Gray

Love Seren xx

Seren Business bits

Professional Spiritual Services

Something rattled my cage recently & fired up a spark. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion for sure I respect that but when people I care about get attacked for doing something they truly love I jump up to defend them. Especially when I believe what they are doing is helping the world not exploiting it.

It’s always been a hot subject when it comes to paying for spiritual services. Money is a form of energy exchange it is the way our world works, it brings order and meaning to material goods and services in a fair way. The issue I am bringing to attention is some people believe spiritual services should be free. It is a delicate subject but this discussion can be applied to any service provider, not just the spiritual ones.

I read a comment on FB where someone got very upset about an advert for a professional spiritual service. They were ‘sick of it being about money’ and ‘didn’t like those who feed off those in need.’ Neither do I. I am sure there are business services in all fields out there that aren’t above board and do dodgy things that may be seen as ‘praying on the needy.’ This comment was targeted at a service very dear to me that I know to be 100% genuine, authentic and I was more than happy to pay for. The business in question provides ample complimentary advice daily so it did get my back up that it was being attacked.

Okay here is the issue. The answers you seek are inside of you, every single one us has an infinite library of knowledge imprinted in our Soul for us to access. This spiritual knowledge is free. It is up to us to access it out of our own free will. We also have the ability to heal ourselves and even stop ourselves from developing dis-ease in the first place. However because some of us get ourselves in all sorts of fixes and tangles where our heads are so busy we can’t see the wood for the trees we may need extra help. Help from more experienced people to teach us how to tap into our inner information bank.

Metaphysical mentors and healers provide services just as a personal trainer, life coach or therapist does. These services involve time giving & I believe in paying that person for their time. It’s their time and guidance I am paying for to help me access the ‘free’ information from within. This monetary exchange keeps the balance. Would you get an hours training from your PT then not pay them? Water is a basic human essential need yet we all pay our water rates. If we all knew how to access our free spiritual knowledge for ourselves then I wouldn’t even need to be writing this post.

I feel it is truly wonderful that the gifted Earth Angels amongst us can earn an honest living from charging for their services. The work they do is amazing and why should these people have to give it away for free because someone decided ‘spiritual’ shouldn’t be charged for. They would be stuck in Soul destroying jobs that are not their passion just so they can pay the bills. I for one needed some spiritual guidance, I found a professional service I believed in & was happy for a monetary exchange to happen. It feels good to support these wonderful people in making a profession out of their natural talents. Everyone’s got to eat right?!

There are healers & mentors that only work for donations, trades or pro bono. If you do not wish to pay then seek out one of these people who offer just as good service.

This topic resonates even deeper for me. I am at the stage now with my own healing work that I am ready to place monetary value on my services. If I eventually want to give up my office job and earn a living from my holistic work this is a natural progression for me. My dream of owning my own business & managing my own brand is slowly becoming a reality.

For years I gave away my graphic design services for free. With my crippling self-doubt I didn’t feel worthy or good enough to charge people so I just gave it away for free. Deep inside my Soul was crying out for me to step up to the plate and own my worth. I ended up giving so much away it caused me great pain. Now I charge correctly and people are happy to pay me for the service I provide. Those who still want something for nothing do not even approach me now.

I hit the same mental roadblock again when I was given my Reiki Masters blessing to start charging for my healings. She explained to me the extra factors I had to consider when setting my price. Reiki isn’t just a one-hour session. There is preparation & continued development involved behind the scenes that clients don’t see. I work from home yes but I pay rent and bills for that space this also needed to be considered. I did feel awkward setting a price as the people who let me practice on them when I was learning were now the people whom I would charge.

Following the advice I was given I set my prices after deeply meditating for the answer. The answer came. I set my price and told my clients. I owned my decision. No one questioned and some were even ecstatic that I was taking payments. They’d actually been hanging out to pay me in money rather than bring gifts.

Paying for spiritual services isn’t for everyone. For me I am in support from both sides of the table. Professionals in the spiritual industry have just as much right to earn a living from their gifts as everyone else. They assist people in becoming the best they can be from a place of pure intent & unconditional love. I invite you to support them if you can or wish.

Love Seren xx

Seren Blog Spiritual Services

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This post has been brewing for a few weeks now. Today is the day I am sitting down to write it. As I cranked up Word the Davie Bowie song ‘Changes’ popped into my head. Love these messages from the universe. Instantly I hit up You Tube and had a listen before I got started.

May has been a massive month for me. Changes are for sure happening on all levels. I’ve had massive clear out’s & clean up’s in my physical spaces. I had a pull to get everything in order that I have been putting off. Huge pushes from the universe have guided me to really get my act together and pave the way for new beginnings to start. Action is needed right now, no more procrastinating.

The theme of the month has been centered on self-worth. Number one I had to actually recognise my self-worth & embrace my natural talents. I’ve been cruising along on autopilot in my day job. I’ve been feeling a lack of fulfillment & a twinge of boredom. I questioned whether I was in the right place for the person I am today. Did I need a new challenge? Was it time to go looking for a new opportunity? I am too comfortable I need to be uncomfortable.

My push came when a new opportunity did arise but I needed to get all my work together from the past three years in order to seize it. Once I did this and took a long hard look at what I’d achieved in this time I was astounded. I’ve done some great work. There was even too much to choose from, which should I select? It made me really value what I have here & own my self-worth. Yes we’re in a slow period right now. Down time gives me the chance to do some of my own work, my true Soul based projects. Instead of getting ‘bored’ & ‘frustrated’ I simply need to search else where for a challenge.

Nothing came of this opportunity in terms of the predicted end result. I did get the result ‘I’ needed. It was ‘process’ I had to go through to learn my lesson. The beauty of working with the universe is you never can predict what the end result will be, often there is no end result it is the process that counts.

My car was well over due a service by nearly a year. I’d asked my guides when I should get this done & I got a firm ‘Thursday’ back so as instructed I booked it in.

Good job I listened as I needed new rear breaks and a lot of other work which could have been spread out over two services. As I’d waited so long to get it looked at, it all needed doing at once, massive expense. My car is vital to my every day life & I should keep on top of its up keep. I won’t wait as long next time as more importantly for safeties sake.

At home I’ve felt a push to get my healing room sorted out. The room I dedicated to a treatment space had multi functions. This month I felt the need to make it simply a single purpose area. I’m nearly at the stage to start marketing my Reiki work to a wider audience therefore I need to have a professional setting to conduct sessions.

I cleared out the random bits and pieces that had accumulated in the room because they had no-where else to live. Most of this went in the recycling or in the bin, as it was just accumulated crap. I hung my certificates and some new artwork on the walls. A successful trip to Ikea for soft furnishings, a rug, curtains, a throw, coasters, a water jug and glasses finished it off. Since I made the decision to leave my table out all the time my bookings have been non-stop. I have clients scheduled every weekend now. All I needed to do was make the space & literally “build it & they will come,” they sure did!

My confidence and again self-worth has accelerated with regular hands on practice. This period between powerful eclipses has really helped me to get on track with how I should be using my natural talents. I’ve found when I’m using my talents to assist others it never feels like I’m working. Leading with love is effortless & so rewarding.

Everything I have put into motion during May will come into full bloom in around November. It will be again an unknown, exciting action packed period as I step into my power, own my own worth & see where it takes me.

What changes have you gone through this month? Feel free to share in the comments below.

Love Seren xx

Seren Changes

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