If we haven’t had enough super charged energy already this month there’s even more coming in today. Welcome to the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere (Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere). The longest day of light which is the perfect way I feel to round off an incredible year. With all this extra light it is feeling so bright and uplifting right now out there.
To be in keeping with the buffet of energy alignments we’ve experienced recently not only is it Solstice, we have Mercury and Uranus in Retrograde and the Moon is in it’s Third & final Quarter (yang phase). Totally normal then to feel like you don’t know if you are coming or going, floating or sinking and in need of some hematite boots ;-).
I’ve been reporting a lot about the need to rest and relax over the past few weeks. Taking action on this guidance has served me well and I feel so much better for it. It really is that simple when you work knowingly with the Universe – ask for guidance, receive, take action and reap the rewards. At times I felt I was hanging on by a thread, feeling tried and worn out after a busy (but fantastically evolving) few months. Taking some time out was just what I needed to revive. Finding the equal balance of working hard then resting up was challenging but I’m glad I made the space to recharge. Now I’m feeling stronger again and clearer to finish off the year with a bang.
If you are feeling like you are running on empty. Getting grounded in any way that works for you will assist greatly. Be outside feet on the earth, salt water bathing or swimming, eating fresh alive root vegetables, drinking a ton of filtered water, meditating and gentle movement all help to keep our energy flowing. These techniques also help to shift any stale energy or blocks that need to come out. Honour any need to cry, scream, laugh or sing, as sound is a brilliant healing tool.
Basically go with any intuitive guidance or feelings that come up that ask you to let rip.
Today is the perfect day for a sacred ceremony. Create a peaceful space inside or out, something beautiful and relaxing where you can sit quietly and give thanks for this magical year. Solstice is sealing the energy of 2016 so we can start the prep work for 2017 over the next ten days.

Create a sacred space of your favourite crystals and cards
Here are some ideas that you may wish to partake in under the Solstice energy today.
Reflect on your year as a whole. Make note month to month what you have accomplished and how you achieved it. If a route you took worked out really well apply the same techniques for your next project. If something didn’t work out so well, record the process you took and see what you could do different next time.
Observe how you have changed and evolved over the year. Especially since the June Full Moon. Did you take any leaps of faith or start a new project? How did this play out for you? Are you seeing the rewards for following your heart? This is the perfect confirmation that you are doing awesome and are on the right path when dreams have become a reality.
Do you any new ideas brewing for the next six months you would like to get rolling? Write them all down and commit them to paper. Make sure you keep them super secret and private just for you for now. If your idea hasn’t had time to form solid roots other people can swoop in and sway your decision to follow through. Sacredness is a must. Then start to do everything you can to get the project off the ground. Mood boards are great for brainstorming visually what you would like to make a reality.
I’m a huge advocate of a daily meditation practice but anyone can have an extra special meditation at Solstice. Ask your guides and your own Soul (Heart space) “is there anything you need to know right now?” Maybe you have questions about your future direction, projects, plans, love life or family that you would like some guidance on or acknowledgement for.
Sit quietly and ask. Pay attention to any feelings, sensations, reactions, visions or words inside of your minds eye/ears. The voices in your head do not mean you are going mad! This is your invisible support team contacting you. Write down anything you receive from you spiritual q & a so you don’t forget. Then take action on what you have been given over the coming weeks.
Oracle Card Reading
I just love a good card spread at these pivotal energy hot spots. My favourite online tarot reader Vix over at New Age Hipster has this awesome Summer Solstice Spread. I’m totally going to use this spread today. You can use any kind of oracle deck or tarot for this. Even mix it up and use a few different decks in the one reading. Maybe you’d like to surround your cards with beautiful crystals. Go with any you are drawn to being close with. Dot them around your spread to make a mandala or grid to enhance the sacred energy. Notice how the cards magically relate to the crystals you have intuitively chosen as well. Get creative, there is no right or wrong way to give yourself or others a reading it’s all in the intention!
Photography by Mocha Pearl.
What can you do today that will fill your heart with joy? Take some time out to play in any way you desire. Let your inner child free and nourish your Soul by having some well deserved you time. Have fun and enjoy yourself!
Carve out some yoga time at home over the festive season. Especially between all the family commitments and celebrating. Yoga is great for calming the mind as well as working your physical and energetic bodies. Check out these online yoga classes from My Yoga Works. A firm favourite of mine is Yin for the Holiday’s lead by David Kim (Who is my Yin Yoga teacher trainer). You can get a two-week free trial to the online membership too. Try before you buy!
Thank you…
To each and every one of you for your support of my work this year. Wishing you all a magical Summer (or Winter) Solstice today. I’d love to hear what you get up too, feel free to drop me a message in the comments below or over at the Seren Holistic FB page.
Loads of love and sparkle dust,