It came to my attention recently how much an energy healing really does not last for just the one-hour session. I’m always telling my clients that the healing energy they have just received will keep going for the next few days. The gateway if open & if there is more work to be done the energy will keep on working till it’s finished. If clients experience anything out the ordinary or have a release they don’t understand I advice them to call me for a chat.
My personal experience with this came after an amazing Crystal Bed healing. The session worked very deeply into some fairly old stuck emotions. The healer advised me to take it very easy over the next few days & really listen to my body. Rest if I need too & try to stay out of dense, negative environments.
It’s normal for me to go through a bit of a detox after a session, sometimes a physical clear out like a head cold occurs. This time I was a bit of an emotional sponge. I couldn’t avoid one job related situation that turned out to be quite stressful. I was still processing the healing energy from my session & could see why it was advised I lay low & rest up. The situation left me feeling really deflated & raw. The negativity stuck to me like metal filings to a magnet because I was so open. That said it didn’t ruin the effects of the session, it just made me more aware of the after care steps until my energy had come back to full strength.
Here are some after care tips to follow if you’ve received an energy healing such as Reiki, Kinesiology, reflexology or a massage.
Drink water – Fresh, filtered water & lots of it. Water will flush out any toxins & acts as a conductor to flow the healing energy through your body. Especially if you’re experiencing headaches or other detox symptoms.
Rest – Don’t push on too hard. If like me you had an emotional release take the time to allow these emotions to wash through & finally be gone. You may find you need more sleep, if so allow this to happen.
Meditate – Healing sessions open a channel to your inner guidance. This channel is the most clear & strong after a session take advantage of this & connect. Ask any questions you have & sit quietly for the answers.
Eat good food – Nourish your body with fresh, organic produce. Avoid stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol & sugar. High vibration food will raise your own vibration.
Move your body gently – Exercise is great for shifting energy blockages. However opt for slow & gentle styles such as Pilates, yoga or walking.
Avoid stressful situations – As I found out you may not be as strong energetically whilst you are processing the emotions from you session. Try to avoid large crowds, shopping centres, confronting situations, negative environments etc.
Healing sessions are just that, healing. Try not to throw yourself back into the old stressful routine. Sessions can assist you in finding a path to an easier & flowing life.
Love K xx