Posts Tagged ‘raw chocolate shortbread’

Raw Chocolate Shortbread Bars

You’ve probably guessed by now I’m a bit of a raw dessert fan, especially if it involves chocolate. When I was given a couple of raw chocolate shortbread bars last week to try I was hooked. Even more exciting was the website that the recipe came from.

The Rawtarian is a rather fab collection of all things raw. The desserts are simple and straightforward. Most of the recipes only need a blender to whiz everything together followed by a few hour in the fridge or freezer. There are some that require dehydration and a bit more love. I’m not sure I’m ready for the raw soups, maybe next summer 😉

The first on my list to try for myself is the Raw Chocolate Shortbread Bars. Click right here for the full recipe & instructions.


Love Seren xx

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 ©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013
 (please share the love with full credit thanks)

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©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013

(please share the love with full credit thanks)

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