It’s good to feel on top when everything works out how you desired especially when you’ve been breaking your butt over it. Celebrating your wins is important I learned from my business coaching sessions. It’s nice to reward yourself for a job well done, recognizing your talents & appreciating what you do is valued. Especially if, like me, you are self-employed, who’s going to pat you on the back if you don’t do it yourself right?
How you celebrate can take on different forms:
- Shout it from the rooftops, ring your bestie, splash it all over social media, anyway to get it out there on what a grand achievement you’ve just pulled off. Let everyone & anyone bask in your joy & happiness. Share the love!
- Reward yourself with a gift. Be it small or extravagant. A massage, the eBook you’ve been dying to read, a shiny new crystal or breakfast at your favourite spot.
- Sit quietly alone to connect. Tell yourself what a wonderful, empowered & brilliant Soul you are for walking your talk & reaching your goal. Party for one right here, cue solo happy dance.
- Simply smile & say well done you.
- All of the above!
Celebrate in any way that makes you feel good about your win.
For me I’d always go with numbers 1 or 2. What better to let the world know how great everything is going for me? Especially to confirm externally that taking that leap from secure salaried job to freelancer is working out.
“Everyone that thought I was mad & just ‘playing’ at this healing/yoga/teaching thing well get this it’s all working out brilliant just look at what I did….”
Focus in closely on the sentence above. It’s not flowing from the heart is it? It’s coming from my head, oozing with self-doubt searching for confirmation & I’m basically talking to myself. Putting it out there to validate (to myself) that I’m doing okay. Looking for external gratification from others for a job well done instead of sinking into my heart space & just thanking myself privately.
I don’t need to broadcast it to the world how well I’m doing. Knowing inside that my efforts have paid off is enough. Just as in numbers 3 & 4. It’s nice to keep things sacred, just for me. ‘Knowing’ & ‘acknowledging’ to myself I’ve done well is the highest reward possible. Gratitude toward myself will nourish my Soul, enrich my heart & solar plexus Chakras & bring me joy. This will then radiate outwards. Others will pick up on my success by my presence, the smile on my face & the positive energy I emanate. “Everything must be going really well for you Kat, you’re glowing & always so cheerful” is a comment I often hear. The external will congratulate you without fishing for it 😉
It’s fine to share your wins on social media, don’t get me wrong. I’m slowly starting to get back into it but from a place of love & gratitude, instead of ego & head inflating intentions. Posting to thank the beautiful people who have trusted in me for a healing session, Reiki training or sending kind words of support. It’s awesome to celebrate those kind & loving people who encourage me too. A double celebration!
Another nice (from the heart) reason to share wins in public is you never know who will read them. Someone in the world may well be searching for some inspiration to start their own business or follow their passions. Reading about others out there who are doing what they’d like to do may well be the encouragement they need to take the first leap. Share from the heart to inspire others to discover the greatness within them.
Even number two started to not sit that well with me. Buying something ‘material’ as a reward. More ‘stuff’ to accumulate. Why not make a donation to charity instead? Give a gift to someone else just because (homemade edible treats are perfect). Reward yourself with an afternoon off to walk on the beach & watch the sun set.
What I do now is wait to buy something I’m really lusting after & use this as my reward. (Gives me chance to really decide if it’s a want or a need as well) I’m not a huge spender anymore. Pretty much what I invest in has some sort of healing benefit not just for me but also for others. Like an essential oil, a crystal or card deck I can use in my sessions or share with my partner. That way it will give me that extra push to work hard to get it as more than just me will gain.
That was my take on celebrating your wins. I hope you have found this useful in some way. I’d love to hear how you celebrate your own wins too in your own unique ways. Please feel free to share in the comments below.
Big love & I’ll look forward to connecting with you all again soon,