Public speaking is a gig I just LOVE to do. Probably because I like to talk a lot & sometimes it’s hard to shut me up. I chose to teach a style of yoga that is purely verbal. How great it that! I get paid to talk for 90 minutes plus all the extra time before & after class geeking out on yoga chat.
Public speaking isn’t without its challenges though. It’s easy to hide behind a comfortable learned dialogue. When I’m presenting unscripted on ‘woo woo’ subjects the nerves appear.
Fear shows up in my head:
- Will I be accepted?
- I might get booed off stage.
- They’ll think I’m crazy or not knowledgeable enough.
- What happens if I go completely blank?
All these thoughts rush through my head before speaking events. It’s natural. Nerves show up when we haven’t done things before or in new situations. Even now after teaching hundreds of yoga classes if I teach at a new studio I still get nervous. The flutter in my stomach shows I care – positive resistance shows I’m on the right track. If I didn’t care I probably wouldn’t get jitters & it would be time to move direction.
It all comes down to TRUST.
Trusting fully the Universe & spirit has my back calms me down.
Trusting that what comes through & out my mouth is exactly what needed in that moment.
Trusting everyone in attendance will get something out of it, even if they don’t realize it.
Surrendering & just let it flows.
However my greatest fear around speaking out loud is yet to be revealed.
It’s not the nerves I fear the most about public speaking it’s being RECORDED.
How cringe worthy hey to hear your voice back?
“Do I really sound like that?”
Doesn’t our own voice sound weird to how we hear it live in the moment?
Hence I have NEVER recorded myself at a public event.
I’ve side stepped many requests to record guided meditations, video’s & workshops for online access.
I’d rather spend hours writing & editing words than be recorded. My distance healing sessions would be far more economical on my time if I voice recorded them but no I’m super comfortable writing thanks.
Time to get over this fear. It’s holding me back from moving forward & getting my work out there on a greater scale.
The biggest push I’ve felt recently is that I need to start recording my live channeling work.
For those who don’t know what channeling is it’s basically connecting to the universal guidance. Either your own inner voice (Soul) and/or other high vibration energy that transmit messages through a physical being like myself so they can be heard. Channeling can take on different forms; writing, speaking, art, dance or music & much more.
The ‘intuitive reading’ part of my healing sessions is actually ‘channeled guidance.’ The information I pass onto my clients flows through me from a greater vibrational source or from the clients’ higher self. I don’t try to understand or figure out what I’m being told or shown I just relay it the best I can on ‘human terms’ so it can be understood. It’s not coming from me, it’s coming from ‘Source.’
Recently I discovered in my own healing session there is a collective energy wishing to speak through me. Don’t freak out. When I channel guidance I am fully in control I’m still driving the bus & I can stop any time. Channeling is SAFE or I wouldn’t be doing it. It does not possess or take over. Yes there are some channels out there that go into a total trance. This is not what I do. For me I am in a deeply relaxed meditative state in which I am still aware, just like when I facilitate a healing session. The energy & I work together, that is why it is called a collective energy. I am part of the collective, the ‘physical’ vessel on earth.
Channeling is still new to me, especially speaking out loud whilst connected. (Side note: I heard my guides laughing at me here. I’ve been channeling without realizing I think for longer than I give myself credit) Even in healing sessions I rarely speak out during the session I wait till the end then relay messages. Up to this point I’ve never channeled a collective, it’s always been universal. Check out Lee Harris who is an awesome channel who’s collective are called The Z’s.
I’m finally acknowledging it is time for the collective voice to be heard. (To date they have not given me their names yet that is how new this is.) It’s time to take what I do to the next level for the greatest of good. Therefore it would be more beneficial to record my channeling sessions.
Oh my – record myself speaking & publish it online. Freak out!!
Now I’ll share with you what I find highly amusing in my tale.
- I’m freaking out about the sound of my voice when it’s recorded yes?
- Not freaking out at all that the words I am speaking are not my own and are literally filtering through me from some invisible group energy that is not of our planet?
- Because that would be something to freak out about right?
- Won’t people think I’m totally nuts for doing this?
No I’m super relaxed about the guidance I channel, as I trust it is what needs to be heard for maximum healing. I’m just not relaxed about recording the whole thing & listening back.
Another important reason I need to get comfortable with recording is when I channel I forget what has been said. Yes I am in control but I do surrender my thinking brain to some degree. The words come out, I speak & once I disconnect often I don’t remember all of what came through. Even more reason to record it!! There will be guidance in there for me too I need to hear.
The messages are clear!
I did try one more avoidance technique before I gave in. Dictation software – this translates voice to text. It seemed like my perfect solution. Then I could just copy & paste the dictated words into my blog or where ever. Deep down I knew, felt & heard when I tried this:
“it has to be recorded.”
Hence my cheat’s way failed. The written text was choppy, illiterate at times & just didn’t translate. There was no way I could edit it, as I couldn’t recall the whole channel.
Okay, I get it I surrender to what has to be. It’s time to get over this fear. Now I’ve opened up about this in public I’m holding myself responsible to do it. The words of the collective are here to be heard & I must honour that. Watch or listen out on this space for more…
Big Love,