Some of you may have noticed the pace pick up the second half of this year? It’s seems like time is flying by & we’ll be at the end of 2015 in a flash. The planet is accelerating & as it does we as light beings expand too. This expansion is high speed. It’s nothing to be afraid of it’s actually a fantastic period to become empowered & live a life of excellence.
The energy is electric this month. Today marks Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. New cosmic doors are opening. I’ve been feeling the build up for a while. A slower pace was required of me for the past ten days that’s for sure. I pulled away, retreated & looked after myself first. Shying away from too many commitments & honouring the commitment to myself rather than putting others needs before mine. It was a challenging week energetically but I’m reaping the benefits this week I can tell you!
We are also a week into Mercury Retrograde in Libra that started on 17th September & will conclude on the 8th/9th October. Mercury assists us to recognize the magic within us all. It pushes us out of our comfort zone to become the best we can be. Mercury (& our other divine guides) supports us by holding our hand through what can be a challenging time. We come out the other end wiser & in our power so anything is possible.
Clear communication is the theme of Mercury Retro. I spoke about this in yesterday’s FB post. For many years I held back speaking my truth as often when I did it wasn’t always welcomed. Annual sore throats, stiff neck & shoulders were all signs I just needed to keep going rather than holding back. Look out for these signs especially if you feel you are suppressing your truth.
The energy is fast right now as I’ve mentioned. Things can change in an instant. During Mercury Retro nothing is set in stone so it’s a good idea not to be making long-term plans at this time. If you do, be open to them changing.
This is why communicating needs to be on task & from the heart. Rapid & sudden changes can raise emotions, especially if people who aren’t so conscious surround you. People may lash out unexpectedly. Don’t take it personally; it’s more than likely not your fault. It’s easier to blame others than take responsibility?
Try your best to stay in your centre. I find being still, smiling & simply holding the space whilst others let off steam works well. It’s hard! You may feel the pull to snap back in reflection to the other person’s emotions. Giving them room to express will be less draining on you than fighting back.
I’m really liking the quick pace of rapid change we are experiencing. It’s exciting I never know what’s around the corner.
Have you observed how ‘short notice’ life is at the moment?
I look at my diary & see gaps. ‘Ahh that’s nice an easy day.’ Then *bam* something (or two even three things) comes up last minute. Planning ahead just isn’t serving me lately. On the fly is the way forward. When I’ve felt the pull to do something right then & there I’m all over it. The universe is being very supportive of this. Smooth planning backs up my quick decisions to show it’s the right way for me to be going.
It’s all about staying open.
Trust life is unfolding just the way it should be. Even if it’s at a crazy quick pace.
I’m definitely manifesting what I’ve asked for over the past few months. Now it is showing up in my outer world it’s time to take charge. It has been scary, as I wasn’t expecting it to show up so soon. “Am I ready for these major changes I so desired?” A little positive resistance is the perfect nudge to fly forward again. No time like the now. It’s all very exciting.
However amongst this speed there must be calm & slowness. The equal & opposite. My best advice is to find this ‘within.’ Take time to meditate, do some gentle exercise, read a book, be outdoors, anything that requires less speed on all levels. That way when the acceleration takes hold you are nice & relaxed to deal with it. Step off the merry-go-round & stop spinning, be still, observe & reflect.
This is the perfect time to take notes. Get journaling. Especially in high vibration periods it’s easy to forget what has happened. Logging our daily experiences allows us to then look back & see what we can learn. Notice the patterns, reoccurring messages & synchronicities. These all form our magical journey & help guide us on our way.
How are you fairing with this quickened pace? Riding the waves or getting pulled under?
I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below, please feel free to share.
Big love,