Posts Tagged ‘peace’

Boxes & Labels

Who likes variety? Changing things up, trying new things, never getting stuck in the same old, same old routine. Who doesn’t like variety? It’s okay to do & like the same thing, have a routine, know where you’re at & what you are getting. I’m the former I need variety. I do have consistency in my life and a routine but I switch things up on a daily basis to keep life interesting.

My need for variety does cause other people some issues. For example the usual question one gets on first meeting “what do you do for a living?” It’s very hard for me to say the expected ‘one thing that I do.’ I reel off my list of different modalities that form ‘my career’ & a blank stare usually meets me.

I dislike being a ‘one thing’ person. It’s not me. If I just do ‘one thing’ and I get frustrated pretty quickly. At the end of last year a friend was questioning me in terms of my career “what is it to be then? Are you a yoga teacher or a graphic designer? Which is it?” I felt they were implying I should choose just one career to follow & put a label on myself so I fit nicely into a box. My reply “both and more.” This fits very nicely into ‘my box.’

Why do we have to be one thing just because somewhere along the line society made that ‘rule’? Gone are the days of graduating school and staying in one career (often even the same work place) for 45 years I feel. That model would not work for me. I’d go stale. Why can’t I be a graphic designer and teach yoga? Now I can add energy healer, business owner & writer to that list too.

Okay I’m not Super Women and in order to do everything I desire there needs to be a balance. I’m slowly pulling that together now. Combining all my skills and passions into a more stream lined balanced version. The big reveal is coming soon dear readers just a while longer till I’m ready to share.

I’m envisioning my life as a smorgasbord with many pieces of loveliness all on the one tray. I can pick & choose which piece to sample day by day. Just because I do lot’s of things doesn’t mean I’m any less ‘good’ at any of them because I’m not doing that one thing day in day out. The saying “Jack of all trades, master of none” does not resonate.

Doing a little of each of my jobs every day keeps my interest alive, it makes my life exciting & I want to get up in the morning. When I get a bit stuck on a design or blog post if I’m lacking inspiration I take a break, refresh go do something else, do some metaphysical study or yoga. Then I can come back to my creative work refreshed. Some days I will just focus on yoga or healing & not do anything creative. It will be organic & flowing the way I’m guided it to be.

I’ve re written the saying above to this: “Jack of all trades equals master of one.” You & your own life, may you all be your own Master.

Love Seren xx

Crystal Healing – LOVE!

“It’s love that makes the world go round!” W.S. GILBERT, Iolanthe

Welcome back to my crystal-healing segment. I’d taken a hiatus for a while here, not sure why exactly. Then last week I had a huge pull to talk about crystals again. I’m never far from a crystal, maybe less than thirty centimetres. It makes sense for me to start writing again about something that is an everyday part of my life.

Today I shall introduce you to a combination of crystals that may assist in attracting or maintaining that loving feeling!

Disclaimer: This is just my personal take of how certain crystals can work together in a positive way. This is not a set in stone (pun ha, ha!) method to snag the man or women of your dreams 😉

Personally I like to use these crystals for my own self-love stimulation. If I’m happy and outwardly glowing I hope that will rub off on those around me. Like everything in life it is in the intention you set before you start that is important. I set my intention to bring extra love & peace into my day by combining certain crystals together.

Here are my five love crystals of choice:

Rose Quartz: This crystal is pure love everything about it even the colour radiates happiness & joy. A fantastic crystal for healing the heart & emotional wounds as it brings calmness and balance. Rose quartz can promote self-love from within which in turn will open up the channels to give & receive love from others. Wear it next to your heart chakra for some extra loving.

Smoky Quartz: Great for dissipating negative emotions especially fear & promoting positive thinking. This allows passion & love to flow freely from the heart. A useful crystal for assisting in communication matters.

Jade: Very symbolic in ancient China for attracting love. Jade is the symbol for harmony, beauty, health, wealth and wisdom. It can assist in balancing emotions & purification. The green colour is also associated with the heart chakra.

Carnelian: A great motivator that enhances physical energy. A real pick me up. It can assist you in stepping into personal power to create success, joy & happiness by opening up the heart. The deep orange colour is associated with the sacral chakra.

Citrine: The stone of abundance. This is one of my favourites to work with. I am especially drawn to its sunny yellow colour. Citrine has the power to dispel fear, anxiety and anger. Replacing it with joy & happiness. It can assist in building self-confidence & bringing about fresh starts. Citrine is very good at clearing blocked energy in the solar plexus.

Work with these crystals any way you are drawn to. I place clusters on my desk whilst I work or I carry them on me in my pocket or round my neck. You may wish to lie down & place them over the associated chakra whilst you relax. Go with your intuition there is no right or wrong way to use crystals & they won’t cause you any harm. Don’t forgot to regularly cleanse your crystals to clear any residue build up.

Lots of sparkling crystal love,

Seren xx

Seren Love crystals

Thank you <3

Just a quick note to say thank you so much to everyone who follows my blog & FB page. It is with huge gratitude I send out to you all for supporting me on this adventure. To know I am reaching just one person is enough to warm my cockles. It still amazes me how far a blog can reach. The emails and messages I receive from around the ‘world’ with such kind words of love are solid evidence I am doing what I’ve been put on this earth to do. I am here to be of service (in the spiritual sense not the waiting tables sense, even though there’s nothing wrong with the latter!) & spread the knowledge I have found of assistance to me in my life through writing.

Sadly there are haters but I don’t let them get me down. They actually help make my voice stronger & louder. I must be doing something right to generate such strong reactions. It cements that I am not a sheep & I’m not afraid to speak my truth. If others want to get in a tizzy over what I say that’s there responsibility not mine. No apologies!

On the plus side I can’t describe how happy it makes me to get such positive feedback from you dear readers. It’s your support that keeps me motoring on doing what I’m doing.

Please let me know if there are topics you’d like to hear more of, crystals, colours, Soul speak, oracle cards or just general life lessons? Leave a comment below, on FB or email:


Seren xx

Smiling at strangers

Smile! How good does that feel to stretch those cheek muscles. It takes less muscles (& energy) to smile than to frown. So why don’t we do it every minute of the day? That might be creepy & result in an aching face.

Back when I lived in London taking the underground every day to get around there was an under written rule to not make eye contact on the tube let alone smile at people. You would be classed as a nutter, stared at and possibly assaulted ‘apparently.’ How sad is that hey?

Since I’ve transformed my life into one lead by Soul – love & happiness radiating, I find myself smiling at random people (strangers) all the time especially on the train. I am ‘that’ person now! The one I used to fear or class as a crazy. It’s so nice to send a stranger a smile. The reception I get is so wonderful. How can you not welcome and recipitate a beaming smiling happy face? I get more people smiling back at me than scowl.

Just this morning as I was walking to the ticket barriers at Perth underground I saw the ticket inspector sitting on his stool. I was totally in mid walking meditation mode so I wasn’t 100% present in my physical body. I half smiled as I tagged off. The inspector then said “only half a smile today?” I stopped turned on my heel and said in my most cheery, heart felt voice “I’m so sorry, good morning how are you today?” He beamed back and said it looked like I was in my own world so that was okay. We shared a few more seconds of conversation before I headed off on my way with a full smile on my face.

I’m always dropping into my yoga classes the suggestion to ‘smile.’ Especially when I can see my students are struggling hard. It instantly lightens the energy and takes the serious edge off. It helps your body relax too, releases tension and floods your body with light. Smiling puts people at ease. I often finish my classes & my face is aching. One of my colleagues told me she could feel my smile through out the whole class. Job done. Smiles radiate love and that is what makes the world go round. Remember the law of nature what you give out you instantly receive back.

Give it a go smile freely and openly today, no fear or judgment. Shine your light bright!


Happy smiling Seren xx


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