Posts Tagged ‘oracle card reading’

Leo New Moon Card Reading


{ORACLE READING} It’s New Moon in Leo today and the Solar Eclipse, 2:30 am WA time. How has your creativity been flowing over the past four weeks? Mine has been off the scale, planning, plotting and beavering away secretly in the background. These are all the seeds I am planting for projects later on in the year and even next year. Stepping out of the shadows and breaking free of my perceived limitations. There are no limits the universe does not have a roof!

Some of us may feel it’s a time for a huge life overhaul, even a rebirth or real birth. The birth of the being you are right now. We may only have one physical birth in our human life, but that does not mean we cannot have many energetic births over our lifetime here.

Under this New Moon energy, the energy of NEW, can you bring forth into the world something love and heart centred? Do you light up at the thought of this creation/idea? Could it even bring some joy to others as a knock on effect?

I felt drawn to sharing a card reading today in celebration of New Moon. Focus on the three cards in the image. Which card are you instantly drawn to first? Avoid second-guessing, follow your intuition. It’s interesting that these cards all read fantastically by themselves or as a collective. Maybe all three cards are attracting you? Then perhaps read them from left to right or however, you choose.

Scroll down the page below for your reading.

Today’s cards are The Soul’s Journey Lesson Cards by James Van Praagh, published by Hay House Life Styles.





{Card A}

Adversity – Sometimes the road can be rough, this builds your strength. A muscle does not grow stronger if the only thing it lifts is a feather. Look at all challenges that present as ways of learning and growing. There is always an equal and opposite. A perceived negative will always have a flip side of positive. What can you learn from what you are going through right now? Look for the love and the positive this way you can release the struggle quickly and trust the hard work will pay back xx




{Card B}

Doubt – We will never know everything and who would want too? If we knew the all the answers life would become dull very quickly as there would be nothing to discover. It is very true all we need to know is inside of us already yet we rarely will learn it all in one lifetime. The journey and the learning are infinite. Do you doubt yourself today? If so step back and ask why. Are the people around you or external sources trying to influence your decisions? They do not know what is best for you and books all only carry suggestions. Take what you need and leave the rest. You can always come back to it later. Appreciate the resources available but ultimately choose what is feeling like a good fit for your life right now. I’m feeling some of you maybe racing along to keep up with your peers. Stop following someone else’s route, turn around and find a track that suits your needs xx




{Card C}

Empathy – There are always two sides to everything, the equal and the opposite. We can never know what is going on inside of a person or how their day has been. If someone is lashing out at your today, try not to take it personally or write that person off as mean. Something may have triggered an emotional outburst. It may feel right for them to project in that exact moment but I’m sure they will step back later and realise there could have been a more loving way to handle the situation. Even the person who is shiny, happy and openly loving today might be dying inside. They may be hiding deep wounds or emotions but staying upbeat as their way of dealing. We just never know.

Have empathy for all you come in contact with today. Also, be loving towards yourself. If you find yourself reacting in a way that your realise later wasn’t from a place of love, be kind, don’t berate yourself, acknowledge, learn and move on xx

Oracle Card Reading 26th October 2016


{ORACLE CARD READING} Now the heavier energy of the weekend has passed I felt it was time to pull some cards!


Focus on the three oracle cards in the image. Which card are you instantly drawn too first? Try not to second guess it, follow your intuition. This is your guidance for today & over the next few days.


Scroll down the page and under each image there is a channeled reading from me.


Make sure you tune into the image on the card too. There may well be some extra meanings that only you can intuit. Notice the colours, shapes, animals & beings as they all hold messages.


Today’s cards are the Magical Times Empowerment cards by Jody Bergsma, U.S Games Systems Inc.

Enjoy, love,










{Card A}

CHANGE – This has been a theme all year don’t you feel? You are now morphing and emerging into a brighter more empowered version of who you were yesterday. Each day we grow and move. These shifts may be subtle or mind blowing massive. Everything you have gone through up to this point is of value to your life adventure. Be grateful for these experiences. Try not to dwell on what could have or should have been. Everything is exactly how it should be. Trust these changes you are going through are leading you in the right direction. Sometimes the road is rocky and other times it is smooth, know each path is equipping you for the next shift. Enjoy xx

Crystal – Amethyst




{Card B}

ANTICIPATION – It’s an exciting time to be here on earth. You chose this incarnation so enjoy it! There is so much opportunity around you right now. Stop for a moment and take it all in. Can you feel the anticipation bubbling up inside for amazing new experiences that are presenting?

Sometimes we close down or don’t pay attention to what we already have. Love is everywhere but we need to let it in. Drop down your barriers, open your eyes wide and invite in all the goodness that you are here to receive. You deserve it! Xx

Crystal – Fuchsite




{Card C}

DANCE – Life is a dance choreographed by your heart (Soul). Allow yourself to be lead in a beautiful waltz by tuning into your Soul rhythm. We can hear the music of our heart when we are still and inward. Then elegantly glide, sway, shimmy or shake in the direction you are drawn. There are no rules, go wild dance if you like as if no one is watching. Dance through each day connecting with everything that brings you the most joy xx

Full Moon & Solstice Oracle Card Reading


{ORACLE READING} Riding on the energy of the Full Moon & Solstice this week I felt drawn to sharing an Oracle card reading for you all.

Focus on the cards in the image. Which card are you instantly drawn too first? Try not to second guess it, follow your intuition. This is your guidance for today & over the next few days. Scroll down the page for your channelled reading.


Card Pull 22 June 16 3 cards


Today’s cards are from The Little Sage home grown in Australia with love. Click here for more details.

With love,





Your guidance is here…


Solstice June Card A


{CARD A} Manifest – What an excellent card for the current energy! Get your manifesting shoes on anything is possible. Have you seen the seeds you sowed in January flourish into something beautiful & maybe unexpected? There’s the confirmation if you needed it that we all have the ability to manifest our dreams. Coming into the final six months of the year what would you like to achieve next? Sit with your dreams, visualise yourself already living them everyday & take steps to make it happen before the year is out. Good luck & love to you xx



Solstice June Card B


{CARD B} Life Lessons – What have you learned from your recent experiences? Good or bad there is something to take from all of this. Closing the loop on repetitive patterns that may not be serving you right now is a strong theme. Can you let go of these? If everything is panning out beautifully keep up the good work. There is always more learning & growing to be done. What can you do to take yourself to the next level now? Don’t get too comfortable new lessons are on the horizon. Go forward with an open heart, compassion & a sense of adventure xx



Solstice June Card C


{CARD C} Inner Child – Have you become disconnected from the cheeky, fun & curious side of your Soul? Life is not about being all serious, perfect & together. Get messy! Today’s guidance is giving you full permission (not that you every need permission from anyone) to have some freaking fun. What brought you great joy as a child? Were you your happiest when exploring in nature, dancing in the garden with the fairies or losing yourself for hours in a colouring book adventure? Reconnect with these simple pleasures. Take the day off from being an ‘adult’ go wild like a child xx

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