After a big few months, actually it’s been quite the epic year, there seems to be a lot of reevaluating, direction changing and breaking free occurring at the moment. Especially as we wrap up the year of completion and get ready for a fresh new cycle next year. Let’s not rush ahead too quickly though. This year is not over and there is still work to do.
Today we are blessed to experience a grand energetic vortex – The 11/11. In Numerology 11 is a master number like no other. It is the perfect confirmation when I see an 11 that everything is working out just as it should do. I see it as a giant thumbs up from the Universe that my efforts are paying off.
Have you noticed that a lot of messages have been presenting this past week? I’ve observed some crazy on point signals. When I followed through and took action on these I can’t believe I didn’t notice sooner what was on offer. What fantastic opportunities are out there for the taking. The guidance has been just what I needed for where I am right now and for moving onto the next chapter.
Today’s 11 energy creates a wide-open doorway. Just look at the shape of a number 11 it forms two pillars. Walk through these two pillars and step forward with trust that you are heading the right way.
It may not be clear yet the path you are being drawn towards. What awaits you on the other side of the doorway? We are in a magical time for exploration and adventure. A big question that has arisen at the moment especially with so many currently going through the awakening process is:
“what is my life purpose?”
It’s a very good question indeed. Why did we choose to incarnate at this time and what are we here to achieve? Our life purpose is not something that will be magically delivered to us in an actual letter…
I know I created this letter tongue in cheek but if the universe were to write us all a life purpose letter I’m thinking it would look somewhat similar (maybe with more rainbows & a unicorn courier). However in saying this, messages like these can be received in other ways…more later.
The answer in this letter seems pretty simple and straight forward right? Therefore why haven’t we all figured out this purpose thing already? Que the overthinking mind that can take over making it hard to see the wood for the trees. Trust me, everything is so simple when it comes down to this ‘spiritual stuff’ it is hard to comprehend sometimes.
Wanting to know all the answers
When I first started waking up I wanted to know everything straight away. I was desperate to know why I was here and what my purpose in life was. Then I could get too it without any more delay. My hunger to gather as much information as I could was huge so I threw myself in headfirst. Looking back now this was a vital learning curve which helped me realise I didn’t need so much external assistance to find my answers.
I read everything I could by Doreen Virtue, followed blogs, FB pages and joined groups online. At any given chance I’d talk to anyone who would listen about Angels, spirit guides, meditation and what my oracle cards said for the day. Being hit by the spiritual stick was freaking awesome. I wanted everyone to join in with me too.
Yet all the learned knowledge came back to the same conclusion…
We are all here to give, receive and cultivate the vibration of love. How we do this is up to us, the law of free will. Welcome to the journey of self-discovery. This is where we have the creative freedom to really have some fun with this. There is a blank canvas ready for some colour.
Through mentoring programs I slowing started to understand that life purpose is assigned before we are even born. Each life we lead is an accumulation of lessons and experiences. These form part of our inbuilt toolbox from which we can draw upon. Recognizing and utilizing these tools is something we all do naturally without even thinking sometimes. That’s why it’s so easy to miss.
Therefore we all have the ability to figure out our life purpose all by ourselves. Actually it is the only way I truly believe there is to finding out. Others can guide and advise but no one but YOU can FEEL and receive the messages from inside your Soul blueprint. It has to feel right for you for it to be true for you.
How do we find it out then?
Meditation! Any activity that stills the mind and allows our Soul to speak it the best way of figuring all this out. If you find it easier to connect through movement do a walking meditation or yoga. Meditation takes on many forms, not just sitting down and eyes closed.
The question to reflect/meditate on is:
‘what comes naturally to you and what are you good at?’
Go right back to when you were a child and look for repetitive patterns to uncover your talents and skills. Is there something you keep doing or coming back too even after a break that is just effortless and easy for you? Do not dismiss anything; nothing is insignificant or too small.
Our life purpose is not always tied to our career choices either. Some are lucky enough to combine the two on a grand scale; others weave their passions into their work on a smaller one. For others life purpose take form in hobbies or activities.
Through acknowledging these talents you will realize that you’ve been living your life purpose from day one. What we are good at is usually what we love doing the most. What we put our love into it and we receive love right back.
My Life Purpose Story
For me the themes of ‘teaching’ and ‘leadership’ form a strong part of what I am good at. Regardless of the situation in life from a young age I was teaching. I loved being able to show people how to do things if they didn’t know, from brushing horses to writing letters. Even at times when in the hierarchy of experience I was at the bottom of the pile I’d still end up taking someone under my wing.
Back on one of my first work experiences and I was given the task of showing the new work experience students the office procedures relieving one of the main staff members of the duty. In another role after just a couple of weeks in a new job I was asked to train a new member of staff. I’d only just learned what to do myself not long before. Over the years I’ve literally ‘just fallen’ into a teaching position. Even being mistaken for a teacher/group leader at events I was attending as a participant.
When I reflect on this I can see the patterns forming in some way. In everything I do there is an element of teaching. It feels natural and I enjoy it. My life purpose is definitely (but not limited too) spreading love through teaching.
I hope by sharing my story it will assist you in some way to unravel you life purpose. Please feel free to share you “ah ha” moments and revelations in the comments below.
Enjoy the magnificent 1111 energy today. Take some time out for yourself to meditate, do something you love or maybe hold a sacred ceremony at 11:11am/pm or 1:11am/pm. Be open to receiving and tuning into all the wisdom on offer. Just say yes and then follow through on any ideas that are sparked.
Big love,