Welcome to the year being heralded “Sweet 16.” Quite lovely don’t you think? This year is also a universal 9-year for the planet. It’s all about completion for the next 12 months, as the cycle will reset to a 1 year in 2017.
Every year I set a theme or a collective of soul selected words as a focus. This year’s theme started coming through fairly early. In my last post (here) I highlighted how 2015 had wrapped up a month earlier than the usual calendar year. It seemed natural I started intuiting my theme for 2016 around this time as well.
How do I find my theme?
Usually I sit in meditation & sink into my heart space asking the question –
What will be my theme for the upcoming year?
With the accelerated energy I was experiencing during November my key words (or theme) were showing up in repetitive patterns without the dedicated meditation. Just being present & tuned in as I went about my day left me open to receiving at any time. That is just what happened.
The word ‘patience’ was constantly being whispered to me. It kept popping into my head all over the place. Especially when I was in business planning mode. In nearly every personal oracle card reading the ‘patience’ card was presenting.
“Oh there it is again the patience card” I’d say.
There was no ignoring this word. Every time it came up there was that undeniable tingle & flutter that I know is my Soul confirming I need to pay attention to this.
For an Aries, A-type, yang junkie and 8-path learning some patience will be good for me.
Slow it down – being the story of my life!
Most of the time I want everything now, I just can’t wait. If I get a hot idea I’m all over it taking action & making it happen. When the entrepreneur in me kicks in it’s hard to stop her.
In the world of manifesting I totally get things don’t happen instantly. (Occasionally they show up quicker than expected granted) I do possess some degree of patience when working with spirit, as I know I have to surrender my control.
This is what I need to pull through to all aspects of life, surrender control & be patient. Especially when other people are involved in the plan. We are all on our own time scale. I’m getting much better at not reacting instantly & quietly sitting a while to process before responding (over night is even better). Not all the time mind 😉 but it’s improving.
More confirmation for patience came through whilst I was writing this post. A family of ants has moved into my desk space. Going about their business trotting around my space doing what ants do. With no obvious reason for them to be here (no food or the like) I grabbed for my spirit animal book (of course!!).
What is the underlying message for an ant?
“Be patient with yourself, those around you, and with any work projects in which you’re involved.” (S. Farmer, 2012, page 36)
There is also a strong message with the ant to ‘complete’ projects. Perfect for the year of completion. I do have a habit of starting things, doing all the fun stuff & then when it gets boring, which is usually at the end, I don’t quite finish. I’ve had some really hot ideas cooking for the last six months that will help step up my game but I need to see them through. Trust it will all work out if I just try & keep going. The outcome will no doubt be unexpected but for the best. Thanks ants.
The second part of my theme this year is “JOY.”
What will bring me the most joy?
To live for joy first will be wonderful I feel. Making decisions based on the joy scale will be interesting. I may end up turning opportunities down that might bring me more financial security but won’t fill me with joy during the process. Why slog it out & be unhappy just to make more money (which I’d probably blow trying to cheer myself up afterward).
Who knows what will come up with this one? It’s super exciting though the desire for a more joyful life.
We will see how this sweet year of patience & joy takes me.
Have you set yourself a theme for 2016 or a simple word to focus on?
I’d love to hear from you, drop me a comment below for some soul sharing.
Love, love, love
Reference: Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals, Dr Steven Farmer, 2012, Hay House Publishing.
Oracle cards by The Little Sage: https://shop.thelittlesage.com/oracle-cards
Alchemical Oil Joy by Sacred Self: http://www.sacredself.com.au/product-category/alchemical-oils/