Posts Tagged ‘new’

The True Me

The energy of the past two months has had a strong focus on being authentic. Many people I know are stepping up & taking action in their own lives. Doing what they love instead of what is safe & expected.

Being authentic for me is all about releasing what I’ve kept hidden for the best part of my life. I’m allowing the ‘true me’ shine through to the surface. Instead of keeping her hidden because others might not like it & think I’m weird or loosing my mind.

How is the ‘true me’ breaking through? I’ve stopped trying to fit in to be like other people in order to be accepted.’ I overhauled my appearance. I cut my hair short to a style that does not require brushing or even very much styling. The messier the better. I’m done with the days of blow drying and straightening for that sleek and tidy look. I’ve put pink foils through in my hair too. I never dyed my hair crazy colours as a teenager so now I’m well into my thirties it’s definitely over due.  I’m even thinking of doing some totally ‘left field’ with it very soon.

My physical body has changed. With more self-acceptance and self-love I’m not longer hiding behind a layer of padding. After years of training & diets that didn’t work I finally love how I look without stressing about the former two. I’m also not caring or aspiring to be like anyone else but myself.

My wardrobe has had an overhaul. I just cannot be bothered with the ‘corporate look’ anymore which isn’t enforced in my work place anyway. The fancy suit dresses from Cue, tailored pants and heels are gone. (The local op shop is in for a treat!) I rocked up to the office last Friday in Lululemon studio pants & a hoodie, & no one batted an eyelid. I was so comfortable.

I’m not holding back on here either, not that I ever did. I’m writing what is coming through naturally. I talk openly about my ‘Soul’ & inner guidance, the invisible realm & metaphysics. These subjects can and do cause a stir. I’ve been attacked for speaking my truth; people have felt offended by what I’ve said out loud (I’m not responsible for how people react to my words when they are said from pure intention). I’ve been ‘warned’ take down deeply Soul based quotes on FB because you don’t know who is following my posts.

If people can’t accept who I am now then that is just fine by me. I’m sure there are plenty of people out there whom I can gel with just nicely. I am grateful for this resistance actually. With the law of cause & effect it means what I am doing must be right for me. I’m moving forward with my life. Everything has an equal and opposite effect so the negativity I receive is the exact equal to the positive I am transmitting out. If I wasn’t progressing there wouldn’t be any resistance. All good, I’ll take it as a compliment 😉

I’m stepping forward into my power. I’m finally seeing that I can do what I love & make a living from it. It’s time to drop the pseudonym now too. When I first started out this blog I wanted some anonymity, be a bit like ‘Gossip Girl.’ Now the veils have been removed it’s time to introduce myself. Hi my name is Kathryn & welcome to my business website – Seren Holistic Lifestyles.

Thanks for reading.

Love K xx


Temple of Balance Oracle Card

Being aware of synchronicities in my every day life is something I am really paying attention too now. They are confirmation I am flowing smoothly in the right direction.  I ordered this book a while back. When it arrived tucked inside was an oracle card from this pack. It was totally out of the blue & I didn’t expect to receive anything apart from the book. I got shivers when I saw Zeiah’s face shining back at me. This is the message about the card:

ZEIAH – Healing Priestess

You are going through a cycle of change. Enjoy the magic of it all. Open to the flow and this will allow the transition to be much smoother. Flow from one thing to the next noticing all the synchronicities and signs along the way confirming that you are in the right place. Love is pulling you forward. Fear will hold you back. Focus on love.

Keywords: Healing. Growth. Change. Love. Transition. Flow.

This message resonated deeply with me. It even speaks of synchronicities. I’ve been in the evolving process of accelerated change & growth for well over twelve months now. My life is moving very quickly on the path it should be now I have surrendered to following my heart. The universal energy is perfect right now for these changes & I feel very well supported.

What was most surprising was the presence of a Healing Priestess. Just twenty-four hours previous I received a rather eye opening Past Life Healing. It wasn’t a regression I was fully present & awake. I discovered that in three of my past lives (and possibly more) I was in fact a Healing Priestess. Before this session I’d not known that much about Priestesses & their work.

It was quite a personal experience so I won’t share too much as it’s something to be kept sacred. I will share that my most significant life that holds the most prevalence to this lifetime is when I was a highly respected Healing Priestess in Avalon.

I’d only just started reading ‘Lost Lands’ that covers Lemuria, Atlantis and Avalon. (Another sign of synchronicity) I definitely skipped to the Avalon chapter to find out more once I got home.

My life in Avalon was all about healing, sharing and teaching others. I feel this is why I have been drawn to both professions in this lifetime. It also explains why my healing skills have felt so natural & have developed ‘easily’ for me. Teaching in any form feels natural & I love it. My intuition told me that I had walked the healing & teaching path before and to a greater extent. I’m definitely pulling that stored knowledge through today.

The life in Avalon did come to a not so happy ending. This created some unfinished business to be healed in order for me to step up to the plate in this life. I received some strong messages as to why my Soul is here in this life. However much I resist I will be pushed hard until I surrender. When I heard this I was laughing so hard I nearly fell off the table. I wasn’t being rude or a naysayer. My laughter was a release. I have literally felt the ‘push’ for months to get on with what I’m here for. I was resisting because of the guilt carried through from my Avalon days.

Now guilt has been healed & I’m whole again I’m more than ready to take action. This card is a solid message, another wee push to keep me heading down my chosen path.


Seren xx

Click on image to enlarge. Courtesy of Temple of Balance Publishing. 
 ©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013
 (please share the love with full credit thanks)

Click on image to enlarge. Courtesy of Temple of Balance Publishing. 

©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013

(please share the love with full credit thanks)

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