It doesn’t seem five minutes since the last time Mercury was in Retrograde. Three months to be precise. Over the past few years I have learned to embrace Mercury Retrograde thanks to my Soul mentor Elizabeth Peru. Elizabeth reports positively about how Mercury assists us in clearing out what no longer serves us in life. It’s a GREAT time to hone your focus back onto yourself & allow your voice to be heard. There is nothing to fear about Mercury in retrograde.
There are a few key characteristics though we should all be aware of during this period. Communication is strongly themed at this time. Devices used for communicating can get disrupted & may go a tad squiffy. Mercury loves to wreak havoc with electrical equipment. Don’t be surprised if your phone plays up or your computer keeps crashing. Make sure all your files are backed up! Take this time to actually disconnect from the ‘online’ world & start a conversation with you Soul.
Discovering your own personal truth will serve you well. We are all well supported right now by the universe to get down to the gritty details of who we really are. Over the past few months I have felt a huge push to get clear on what I want & where I’d like to be going based on my Soul truth. No more playing it safe & staying within the boundaries that are so limiting. Start to trust what your intuition is telling you & take action by following what you are told.
It’s also a good time to be free, easy & non-committal. Again loosen up if you’re usually quite strict. Avoid locking in long-term contracts. Everything is under review when Mercury is in Retro. Travel plans can easily change to so avoid making any grand plans. Especially if you are making decisions that are not in your best interests, the universe will help you realise this. Other fantastic opportunities you don’t know about yet may well be right around the corner. If you do plan to travel maybe keep it open ended.
My favourite part of Mercury Retrograde is the intention setting followed by the clear out & action phase. We are just ending the pre-shadow period that started on Sunday 14th September till Friday 3rd October. These three weeks held the theme on what we each need to work on for the coming retrograde. Think back over the past weeks. Were there recurring messages coming through trying to grab your attention? They may have presented in different ways but still had the same key essence. These recurring messages will be the base of what you need to work on from Saturday 4th till Saturday 15th October.
The theme that was hitting me in the face is very much based around career direction & where I wish to focus my business next year. I’ve had a grand two months living in a different state being surrounded by new influences & inspiration. The Spring Equinox was awesome for me. It gave me a real boost of positive energy & a great big shove in the right direction. It left me feeling empowered & strong enough to tackle any challenges ahead.
Stepping away from my ‘every-day’ life has revealed what hasn’t been serving me back home in the way I’ve run my business. Being away from home I could see everything from a different perspective. Nothing was too close, it was actually really far away, and details can easily missed if you’re in too close. It’s time for a stock check & a tidy up.
This experience has also shown me what I am capable of achieving using processes I wouldn’t usually have used. Discovering the new. My old ways were not serving me any longer; I’d outgrown them. I’ve had a huge eye opener to what works well for me to achieve maximum output with minimal input. By simply trusting, not pushing too hard & holding my intentions for manifestation strongly from within. How nice is that?
Another part of my theme has been to own my own worth. Standing firm on equal exchanges & not under valuing my skills. In the past I have been notorious for working my butt off by going above & beyond for a return that was not equal. This leaves me feeling under appreciated & doubting my skills aren’t worth it. Even though my Soul is screaming at me to tune in so she can tell me I’m more than worth it. This is a recurring one for me & I feel it will keep coming up the more I grow & expand. My worth will increase as I increase from within.
My theme therefore over the next three weeks will be focused around streamlining my business activity, owning my worth & implementing firmly the new processes I have discovered. It all comes back to my main 2014 theme of ‘simplicity.’ Now it’s action-taking time! No holding back & running away from the challenges when they present. I’m clear on what I need to do.
The major challenge for me will be when I return home just after Retrograde ends. It may be easy to fall back into old habits once I’m back on home soil forgetting everything I’ve learned. I’m confident that new habits will be formed over the 21 days retrograde period. By the time I return home I’m hopeful these habits will be strongly implemented enough that I won’t waiver & undo all the good work.
Let’s wait & see what unfolds. I trust everything will work out the way it should & for my best intentions. It will certainly be a pilgrimage, journeing further down the amazing pathway of life.
Have you set any intentions for Mercury Retrograde next month? Feel free to share in the comments below.
Till soon, Kat xx