Today’s short vlog is a behind the scenes look into how I create the Mantra’s & Quotes I post on my Seren Holistic Lifestyles FB page. Enjoy xx
Today’s short vlog is a behind the scenes look into how I create the Mantra’s & Quotes I post on my Seren Holistic Lifestyles FB page. Enjoy xx
It’s always an interesting question when I get asked how business is going.
What really defines a successful business?
Out of all the above I feel the last question is the magic one to answer.
Therefore I would say business is going very well thank you because I’m loving what I do. There is never a dull moment or times of boredom. I can easily leap out of bed buzzing with excitement for what the day has in store. The work I do is assisting me to evolve, learn & spread the light. This in turn has a knock on effect for those around me.
I’m not a fan of boxes & labels. I struggle with anything that is deemed ‘conventional’ & ‘the way it is.’ Over the years I have tried to fit in with these ways & that is how I discovered it caused me discomfort. This is probably why I find it hard to define success on the usual business theory scales, as I don’t fit into them!
The one thing to understand with my business it that it is multidimensional. Just like we are multidimensional beings I’ve created a ‘job’ that has many layers. It seems to make sense to me that way. My ‘professional’ life mirrors my human make up by both being multidimensional.
All the individual modalities of my business are each very different but they all come together as one in the grand scheme. It is difficult to measure the success individually so I don’t.
Each modality works wonderfully together on a constant ebb & flow. This keeps life interesting & varied for me, which is a must. When I have a lot of healing clients my design jobs naturally slows down. If I am teaching yoga more than usual naturally there is less openings available for healing but I find the inquiries get less until my roster lightens up. I’m naturally being taken care of.
It takes a great deal of trust in the universe not to get hung up on the quiet times. Especially when work in all areas screeches to a halt. I take this as my sign I need to stop & have a rest. The universe is my business manager of sorts. Taking care of my schedule by sending me exactly what I need at the right time.
To answer the question ‘I am fully booked’ I can quite often say yes. The definition of fully booked can vary. I can say I am fully booked if one week I have three healing time slots open that are all taken, I’m teaching seven classes, one full day allocated for design clients & time for my own marketing/design/writing/channeling. This is my definition of fully booked, as my schedule is full whilst still allowing enough down time.
Another week I may only have four classes to teach, six healing sessions available & two days for design. If the healing slots don’t book or I finish designing sooner than planned I can utilize the time elsewhere. Usually when this happens the extra time goes to me for some fun stuff like creating content for my blog/page or catching up with friends. Therefore you could say this isn’t a fully booked week in work terms but I’ve used the time to give back to myself, which is so important.
Each week is different for me it’s always changing. There is no set in stone amount of anything! I’m super happy about this, 9 – 5 is not my style I like my freedom & variety. For some this may sound like a total nightmare of insecurity or lack of structure. It works for me just fine & it is quite the organization task at times so I’m not just flying by the seat of my pants.
Don’t get me wrong it’s not all sunshine & unicorn poo. There are weeks when I’ve spent too much time in the hot yoga room & literally feel fried, adult life can be throwing curve balls or the ‘screamer’ design job comes in. (You know the one’s, super last minute or the print deadline changes & they need it NOW. The reaction a good old ‘ahhhhh!’) There has to be downs to balance the ups I strongly believe. But as long as the downs are shorter than the ups everything flows with ease & grace.
I’ve come to the conclusion the main things to measure in terms of success is:
If I’m feeling good & enjoying what I do that is enough success for me. To be able to say I want to get up in the mornings, as over the years there has been plenty of days I didn’t, is a real gift. There will be days that aren’t so rosy. This is just the natural law of opposites showing up to confirm that everything is working out just the way it should be. I put my trust in the Universes divine plan. The result = so far so good.
Till next time, with love,
How have you all been travelling over the past week?
It’s been an interesting time to observe the upward swing of energetics we have been experiencing. A fare number of us have been feeling the changes physically by coming down with flues or head colds. Clearing out the psychical as we are called to slow down the pace to integrate the new vibrational upgrades we’ve been receiving. I was hit up quickly with head cold/seasonal allergies after hosting & attending quite a few metaphysical events in a short period of time. Now coming through the other side of the illness I’m feeling more aware, connected & on task.
It’s time to get productive people!
My shift happened right on cue with the First Quarter Moon (Saturday 14th May) the physical symptoms I was experiencing lessened as the energy starting to build up this cycle. The weekend brought a wave of deeply supportive & highly creative vibes. Whilst meditating on Sunday (with an awesome new recording from Lee Harris – Activate Your Heart) so many fresh new ideas came rushing forward. It took a great deal of self-control not to leap off my healing table (& send all my crystals flying) to take down notes. I just had to fully trust I’d remember what I needed.
That I did! Filling two pages of my journal full of inspired guidance to work with both personally & professionally. It felt like waking up after a really good sleep. I put these ideas to bed so they could sit & build strength during the Gibbous Moon (A Yin phase) on Wednesday 18th. This puts power into the manifestation process, keeping things sacred so they can settle.
Sunday’s Blue Full Moon in Sagittarius is feeling extra strong as it should being the second full moon in a calendar month (hence blue). There is a positive, focused vibe the Moon is bringing in. Doubt is slipping away & a ‘can do’ attitude is stepping forward. We are seeing the change in everyone around like a bright new light. This is because we are shining brightly & this light is being reflected back to us. As above, as below – our outer world is a mirror of our inner world. When we shine the world shines back.
I’ve seen some awesome expansion in the people I’ve come in contact with recently, many taking responsibility for their lives & stepping into action. Leaving behind the victim mentality & just getting on with it because now they feel they can. Me included, where there would have been doubt in what I was being asked to do I’m just doing it & reaping great success. (Thank you Universe!) Being a leader in your own life is HUGE! (I highly recommend giving it a try.)
It’s a double whammy weekend with Mercury going direct on Sunday too. After the clear out this month your focus can get direct, just as Mercury goes direct. Reflect back to the lessons you have learned or challenges you over came & feel empowered from the experience.
Everything is so much lighter after the sludge we waded through at the end of 2015. We have reached the fresh water. Our strength is back & now is the time to use it.
Get tapping into your passions & reconnecting with your heart as to what makes you buzz. Even if no new inspiration is coming through for you revisit any previous desires you had that may have fallen on the wayside. It’s feeling like the right time to pick up what you filed away for later. Open up the filing cabinet & have a rummage, you never know what you may find which has been forgotten about. Time to set your desires into motion on the back of this brilliant energetic tune up weekend.
The Moon goes Full on Sunday at 5:16am (WA time) or Saturday at 10:16pm if you are in the UK. Get your crystals out Friday, Saturday & Sunday for a good blast of clearing Moon vibes magic. Remember it’s in the intention so even if you put your crystals on a window sill or under the porch they still will get cleansed as long as your wish them too.
Go outside yourself on Saturday night for a Moon bath or get up super early on Sunday. Breathe in the positivity, strength & assertiveness the Blue Moon is offering us.
Enjoy & with love,
You know when your surroundings are a bit unsettled right? It’s hard to sit still & focus on anything as you feel uncomfortable but can’t figure out exactly why. Then it’s time to check in with the energetics of your space.
Just like physical dust & dirt in your home needs cleaning away so does the energetic debris. Even when we physically might not be able to see stale energy around us (Except those super tuned clairvoyants out there) we can feel it. It throws us off kilter & can make a room or house not feel very welcoming.
But why?
Over time our environments build up energetic residue from anyone who steps inside. These visitors do not need to be of the human or animal kind either. Conducting healing sessions or simply doing your own spiritual self-development work can attract entities into your space (especially if you consciously call them in). If you don’t cleanse your home energetically you can have quite the spirit house party going on. Even invited ‘guests’ need to go home at some point to give you some down time but may need a helping hand finding the door.
Bring on the smudge!
If you have been following my work for a while you’ll know how much I like a good spiritual ritual. I conduct nearly all my energetic work from my home office/healing room so it’s super important that this space is kept cleaned & cleansed. If I don’t then the energy of different entities as well as humans can linger around. This can cause psychic confusion & inaccurate readings. Better to have the space totally fresh & clear for each session to make sure the energy I’m tuning into is 100% relevant.
Before & after every healing session I conduct a smudging ceremony using dried white sage sticks, Paolo Santo or blends of frankincense, cedar wood, myrrh & other pure resins burnt on charcoal blocks*. Even if I don’t have any scheduled sessions I am always whizzing around with the sage at regular times to keep the vibes up high & energy fresh.
Smoke is an ancient tool that has been used for centuries to clear away unwanted energies. My partner often comments I’m doing my ‘Catholic priest’ impression when swinging around the incense burner.
Smudging is just like spiritual bug spray or energetic air freshener. Out with the old & a reset button to bring in the new.
It’s also about intention.
You don’t even need any fancy equipment to clear a space; you can just use your own vibration with an intention. Setting your intention to ‘cleanse & clear the space of any old, stale or dense energy & fill the space with love and/or healing white light’ is enough.
I like using smoke & incense as I resonate with the fragrance as well as the healing properties from the resin. It’s good to direct the flow of the smudge smoke into the corners of the room as well as around doors & windows. Stale energy just like dust likes to linger in the corners. A feather is perfect for this & it also invites the spirit medicine of the bird kingdom into the ceremony.
If using fire & smoke is not suitable for your home you can use a room spray. There are loads online or in New Age shops. I make my own using purified water, essential oils & a solubiliser. Mixing up the sprays on Full Moon night adds some extra charge & oomph to the process too. Last Full Moon I created intuitively a grounding clearing spray using frankincense, lemon, clary sage, white fur & rosemary. Spritzing a room with a spray works just the same as a smudge stick. Again it’s all in the intention.
Notice after your smudging ceremony how the house or room feels. For me a space feels lighter, bigger & literally sparkles after cleansing. If I was feeling creatively blocked I find after a cleanse I’m more inspired. Any old energies or entities will have gone away. I like to think my Angels have collected them up & shown them the way back home so they aren’t left wandering about.
I also grid my rooms with tumbled rose quartz crystals in each corner. For an extra blast of energy I draw the Reiki symbols in the air over the centre of the room. Again simply saying, “love” or drawing a heart in the space is just as strong.
Everyone has different ways of energetically clearing & charging up a space. Try out a variety of techniques & see what works for you. I always love to hear from you all so feel free to leave me a comment below with any thoughts you have on today’s subject.
Till next time, with love,
*Safety Note – When using charcoal please allow it to cool down completely or extinguish with water before putting in the bin. Coals can stay hot for up to three hours. With smudge sticks put them out safely in a heat proof dish filled with sand or soil.
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