Who has been feeling a bit confused & uncertain over the past two weeks? There has been a lot of self-questioning since the end of April start of May. This is totally normal as we were in the pre-shadow phase of Mercury Retrograde, which turned direct on the 19th May. Mercury Retrograde is one the strongest & most influential planetary experiences. This period can really assist us with our spiritual development & growth.
Between the 4th & 18th May was the pre-shadow period that prepares us for what we need to work on during the full Retrograde phase from now till the 10th June. Look back over the pre-shadow period & take note of what challenged you. Especially old behavioral patterns, people/relationships or recurring situations. The energy will be strong around these issues & will be playing on your mind. This will be the basis for your ‘personal theme.’
Personal themes are centered on issues you haven’t been dealing with. You won’t move on & heal until you have worked through them. Personal themes are awesome to get us back on track & in flow with our Soul. When we are out of flow that is when life becomes hard, not enjoyable & confusing. Using Mercury Retrograde, as a springboard is an excellent way to help you finally let go & excel.
The past three Mercury Retrogrades have fallen on the time I have been away from home in the Eastern States. No coincidence there as being away from home is the best way for me to get perspective on what needs to be addressed. Stepping away from situations I am in too close thus allowing me the space to evaluate them properly from afar.
Finding my theme this cycle has been relatively straightforward. There are a few key issues I need to get a handle on that have been weighing me down for months.
Emotional reactions – I am super passionate about everything I do & I will defend what I love to the core. This is awesome but it can lead to me flying off the handle at times & getting into unnecessary arguments that I later have to rectify. These emotional reactions cause me pain, sometimes on a physical level. It’s not good to manifest stiff necks, sore throats or migraines.
Recognizing my triggers – There are certain people & situations that get my back right up causing me to fall easily into the ‘victim mentality’. I have acknowledged they are here to do that for me & are showing me exactly what I need to learn within myself. This I am grateful for. However I must learn this lesson on how not to overreact when I am challenged. (Or else I’m going to keep going round & around until I do, now is the time.)
My action plan moving forward = Breathe, say nothing immediately, be quiet & still so I can step back into my Soul space to assess from a heart level. Honouring my integrity & being in my own power without having my peace stolen. In doing so I will set myself free from the pain & sadness I cause myself after an emotional outburst.
The next part of my theme ties in with emotional reactions.
Taking things too personally. Being someone who is here to be of Divine service I naturally feel the pull to do the best I can for people. When I receive negative feedback for my efforts it makes me sad, I feel like a failure & question my abilities.
When I’m challenged externally it filters through internally. My crippling self-doubt that has followed me around my whole life kicks in. I go over & over the situation trying to figure out a way to improve so I can be better next time. During April I was experiencing this a lot. It physically showed up in bouts of anxiety that I haven’t had since I was young.
Time to stop this! I cannot & shouldn’t have to please everybody. All the work I do is subjective. Some people will love it & others just won’t get it. That is fine. It’s up to the individuals I work with to help themselves, it’s not my job to fix them. I must learn to accept this. Drop it, don’t carry it around & move on. Staying centered in a place of love when the negative or actually ‘perceived’ negative feedback rolls. Again it’s subjective. What I see as a negative may not be for the person on the giving side.
Remember that every situation has an equal & opposite. When the resistance shows up see it as a positive. It means you’re flying forward at a great pace in the right direction. The resistance you see as negative is showing up to let you know you’re doing great & it’s simply the natural equal pull backwards.
Finally I have been feeling uncertain as to how to take my career to the next level. My main reason for heading down the self-employment route was for ‘freedom’ & more control over my schedule. There have been some major shifts & changes in my work sphere this year. Some are a good fit others are not so much. (More positive resistance!)
I’m feeling it’s time for an overhaul, an audit of what’s working & what’s not. Perhaps it’s time to streamline my offering & focus in on the specifics to utilize my talents. Taking a good look at where my passions lie & making more room for them in order to bring me more joy.
The New Moon on Monday as well as Mercury Retrograde offers us all a chance to let go of the old & forge a new path. I’m feeling once I work through my main Mercury theme it will become clear what I need to do so I can be doing even more of what I love.
Have there been any major themes for you over the past two weeks that you feel need working on? Feel free to share in the comments below. I love to hear how you all are getting on in your spiritual adventures.
Big love, Kat xx