There’s nothing like declaring your fear to the world & stepping forward to conquer it. In November last year I wrote a post about how scared I am about being recorded on film & audio. Take a read here if you missed it.
At the start of January I felt it was time to give myself the push & face this fear that was holding me back from achieving more for myself. The result was I posted my first ever You Tube video. Just a silly out take from a more serious recording session but it’s out there for all to see.
The response was over whelming. I received many messages of support, praise & love just what I needed to keep on going with this. My Solar Plexus was buzzing as my crippling self-doubt slipped away & was replaced with a huge dose of gratitude & confidence.
Less than two weeks after I posted this clip something quite amazing occurred. A friend of mine who hosts an informative spiritually minded Podcast on You Tube – Adrian Snary Unlearning – invited me to participate in an episode. It was such an honor to be asked I agreed without hesitation. The timing was more than perfect to keep the momentum of my first video going. This was the opportunity I needed to assist me to ascend further.
Of course I was nervous.
- What were we going to talk about?
- Do I have anything interesting to share?
- Will anyone watch it?
All the usual self-doubting questions flaring up but I wasn’t going to let myself back out.
The Podcast went extremely well. I facilitated a Reiki session beforehand that helped me get out of my own way & into the zone. We had a quick chat first about a few themes to work with but basically just went with the flow unscripted & unedited.
I was very blessed Adrian is a brilliant host & held the space for me whilst the conversation ran smoothly. My partner sat just off camera too – the live studio audience – giving me support. Recording in my own space also helped me stay relaxed. There’s nothing like being outdoors too despite it being 42 degrees C that day 😉 Luckily the sweat was dripping down my non camera side.
I’m very happy with the result. Despite my nerves (& the over use of AMAZING!) I did my best to speak from the heart about subjects I am passionate about.
Above all I feel GOOD. I did this for me & have a lot of respect & love for myself for stepping forward to release this fear. I’m proud of myself & that is all that counts. This is a part of my healing journey & I’m grateful for the experience.
Also interesting is to see what the Angel Number said for 54 (The # of the podcast) –
#54 – The angels are guiding and supporting you as you make healthy and necessary changes in your life.
Here’s the podast (below)… enjoy.
With love,