Posts Tagged ‘light’

Energetic Exercise

Over the past few weeks I’ve really noticed when I haven’t exercised as much as my body needs too. Just like stale air in our home can build up if we don’t open the windows & make the place feel yucky energy in our bodies can get stale if we don’t clear it out. I’ve been feeling sluggish & heavy within my body, not a good sign. We need to be flushing out our systems & moving the energy through to prevent a build up which then can manifest into physical symptoms. Exercise is perfect for that.

We are constantly evolving and what worked for me a year ago may not be having the same effect today. This is very true for how much exercise I need. I’ve pulled back on my yoga practice to a ‘maintenance’ level as far as my physical body is concerned. I’m not practicing half as many classes a week as I used too.

Another shift for me is that exercise is no longer about keeping the kilos off. This has been my biggest “ah ha” moment of late. In the past I’d slog it out at the gym, group fitness classes & at yoga with the aim of loosing or maintaining my weight. Epic fail. My weight was constantly yo-yoing. Once my focus shifted within & I ‘gave up’ focusing purely on weight loss magic things happened.

All the work I have done spiritually has made me realize how essential it is to work all four of my bodies in unison – physical, emotional, mental & spiritual in order to be balanced. When I was just focused on the physical body and disregarded the other three of course I wasn’t going to get anywhere. Inside had to change first in order to manifest on the outside. Once I realized this & listened to what my Soul was telling me literally my physical body took on the shape it was meant to be with a lot less effort and complicatedness. Soul is simple.

Sorting out my emotional baggage, getting on my spiritual path & focusing on doing what I love has been the best diet & weight loss program ever. I no longer need a layer of padding around my solar plexus to hide behind. The self-doubt has gone & so have the kilos. It was that straight forward for me*.

For the past year easing off the hard-core exercise has been good for me. It’s been about maintenance, relaxing, nourishing and taking it easy. It’s time to ramp it up again. As I mentioned above physical exercise goes far deeper into the invisible plane. I’ve started to notice the more healing & teaching work I under take the more exercise I need to be doing.

Why? I need to clear my system of any stale energy or emotions that might attach to me from my work. No matter how much protection or spiritual hygiene one does before or after a session a physical release is also needed. Exercising is part of my spiritual hygiene now. Energy, especially emotional energy, can get stored and stuck in every cell of our body. A physical flush out helps release this.

The Bikram Yoga I practice & teach is an amazing release for me. I can literally feel the blockages being sweated out my pores & left on my mat. Yoga of any kind is beneficial.  Yoga asana work deep into the body to a cellular level. It’s not muscles and joints that get worked out, the respiratory, circulatory, lymphatic & endocrine systems get a good going over.  The constant compression and extension of every part of our body inside & out helps flush fresh high speed oxygenated blood through it. Within this blood the stale energy is released & pushed through as well.

For example different energies get stored in different parts of our bodies. Self-doubt is stored in the stomach and fear in our kidneys. During a deep backward bend by compressing into our kidneys that fear is released. Ever get a bit scared when backward bending? It’s totally normal as its all that fear being released.

It’s important to keep our physical body strong & healthy in order to bring in more light. Light (love) raises vibration & assists greatly in the connection with Soul. Recently I’ve started getting headaches & feeling really lethargic. Signs I have not been releasing as much energy as I need to be. This has kept me away from the yoga room. When what I needed was to get in there! My vibration was lowering, as I wasn’t keeping on top of my practice.

Further assurance came when I took a well over due yoga class. I’ve missed yoga. I need it more than ever now to keep clean & clear. Lying in the pool of sweat, with the lights dimmed after class I was so at peace. Opening my eyes who knows how long later I was alone, content & lighter in more ways than one.

I’m sure my body and Soul will tell me when it’s time for a change again. Something new in the exercise field or just dial it down again. Till then the hot room is calling me home.

Love Seren xx

*Disclaimer – this is my own personal journey/experience. I’m not endorsing what I do is a magic way to loose weight & be healthy. Please seek professional advice before taking on a new diet or exercise program.

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 ©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013
 (please share the love with full credit thanks)

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©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013

(please share the love with full credit thanks)


This post has been in the making for a while now. Like most new discoveries (or old rediscoveries) I like to integrate them into my life first & see how they resonate. It’s too easy to think ‘that is amazing’ be all over it, shouting from the rooftops about it.  However if I have not taken the time to ‘live’ this new finding by putting it into action in my own life I feel I cannot fully embrace it or write about it. With todays subject I have been living with the concept every day for many months and now I feel I’m ready to share my findings.

Let’s talk about mirrors. Those shiny glass things that reflect back to us many different images. Some images are pleasing to the eye, some may be a nice surprise, whilst others may shock and disappoint. Now I may mess with your head with this next bit. Forget the ‘actual’ mirror, the physical object kind. Now look around you where ever you are, you are in fact looking into a mirror. You are sat in a room full of mirrors. Everything around you is a reflection of ‘you.’

It is a bit tricky at first to grasp this concept, especially with our conditioned human brains. We are all made of the same essence from the same source in the universe that is unconditional love. Therefore we are all ‘ONE’, the same. That great Asian term “same, same but different” might help. We are all from the same source yes but we are each unique projections of our souls separated into individual human bodies. Underneath that physical body we are all the same energy, light or love what ever you’d like to call it. Therefore when we look at each other we are looking at ‘ourselves.’ Following?

This analogy has really helped me this year to get my head around some issues that in the past would have sent me into a rage. Recently a lot of past hurts, some from many, many years ago, have come back to the surface for me. (With a little help from Chiron turning retrograde on 15th June) Some past hurts were quite small & I’d all but forgotten about them so it did surprise me when they suddenly reappeared in my conscious mind. It made me realize that these wounds, no matter how small, still carried some weight for me and now I was ready to heal them in order to finally let them go.

How does the mirror talk fit in? The old hurts that I have been carrying around were actually a reflection of my own behavior in other situations. For example when someone is yelling at you they are actually showing you a reaction that you yourself have inflicted on someone else. At first it’s easy to over react back, rant, rave and stomp off fuming. With my past hurts I’ve been questioning “what is being shown to me here that I need to deal with inside of me?”

For me to be hurt by someone else’s actions or judge their behaviour means I must recognise this action/behaviour inside myself first. ‘Takes one to know one!” I look back at the situation and put myself in the other person’s shoes. Seeing the situation from their point of view I can relate it back to times in my life when I have reacted in the same way. I was doing things to them that I myself would have found annoying or offensive in some way if the roles were reversed. When you look at someone knowing you are actually looking at a reflection of yourself you really start to see people differently.

For example if a yoga student I am teaching is not responding to my corrections it’s easy to get frustrated with them as I think they are not listening. In fact ‘I am the one not listening’. Looking back to when I first started yoga I bet I didn’t react to every correction I was given because I probably didn’t understand what I was being told or I was physically/mentally not ready for it. It’s humbling to review life in this way.

To go even deeper into this analogy the mirrors reflect back any emotion we transmit as well. When we hurt someone else we are actually only hurting ourselves. Those negative energies we spit out at someone, anger, hate and resentment are instantly re-given back to us. Likewise if someone is screaming at you they are actually just screaming at themselves. Much more better to send out love.

This is how we attract like with like. Now I am aware that I must always treat others with kindness and respect (And myself, self-love is a HUGE factor too, how can anyone love me if I don’t love myself first!). If I’m mean and nasty I’ll only bring about pain on myself as well as others. I’ve noticed I am no longer attracting people who drain my energy with their constant moaning and bitching because I am no longer moaning and bitching. It is so wonderful to be surrounded by loving, like mined people because I am projecting kindness and joy.

Digging deep I can see the lesson’s I can learn from this, how far I’ve come and how I would not repeat this pattern again. I needed reminding of certain past hurts, as maybe I was on the verge of repeating them all again. We will keep repeating lessons/situations in life until we learn and grow from them. Now I can really let go of these hurts, heal & move forward.

I invite you to give this a go. See everyone as a reflection of you and you a reflection of him or her. Don’t hurt yourself by hurting others. Respect each other and treat others just how you would like to be treated yourself, as that’s exactly what you are doing. If in doubt, no matter how tempted you are to hate, just love. It takes practice, be patient.

Big love,

Seren xxx



We’ve all heard the saying ‘caring is sharing.’ Isn’t it the greatest feeling when you have something so wonderful you just want everyone to be a part of it too?

I set up this blog with the intent of sharing my knowledge with anyone who wished to receive it. I am sharing what I’ve learned in order to be of service to others. Deep down though it did not faze me that maybe no one will read. That did not bother me in the slightest. My writing is for me primarily, my outlet and my joy. If other’s wished to come along for the ride, hop on board.

The knowledge I have gained through hours of meditation, mentoring, study and healing is now embedded deeply enough into my daily life it is ready to be shared. I am still learning, a lot, there is so much knowledge to discover (or re-discover from past lives) & access I need to impart some of this wisdom to make room for some more. Empty my glass to refill it it’s a continuous cycle.

The act of giving or sharing works hand in hand with the law of nature. The two-way exchange, there is an equal and opposite to everything. Like breathing, we breathe in so we must breathe out. The more your give the more you will be re-given too. Don’t get me wrong this can easily be misinterpreted as selfish. I do not give solely because I want something material back in return this is not the point. The receiving or re-giving might not be obvious at first and may not be a ‘material’ return but you do get an instant result the moment you give out.

Let me explain further. In writing these blog posts I am sharing with you all and the instant return I receive back is pleasure. I love writing. My words go out as I type, my return is the joy of creating that I receive straight back. It makes me feel good, even though the post isn’t live yet the process is fulfilling. Even if I never publish this piece I am still giving out a part of me into the physical world. Following along?

Only the past week I have really noticed how far I have come in following my life path. I am comfortable enough and living authentically that life is not a struggle. I am flowing perfectly the way I am meant to be. It’s a constant rollercoaster ride for sure but I ‘trust’ its part of my plan.

Other’s are noticing the change in me too and are being drawn to me. Just like on a hot sunny day we flock outside to be in the sunlight. When a person’s ‘light’ is radiating strongly people are drawn to them. Okay it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. I attract some undesired attention that I need to dig deep to see if these people truly are seeking my help or just wanting to feed off me. (Think Energy Vampires) By emitting my love and happiness to the world, it allows others to discover their own love and happiness. You can’t help but feel happy around positive, cheery people hey? That’s not selfish is it?

The greatest pleasure I get from working on purpose is to see my friends and clients flourish off their own back. I plant a seed for them, sometimes indirectly and they run with it. Usually the answers they are seeking are right under their noses or deep inside them. They just need to slow down, be still and ‘ta da’ they find their solution. It’s truly beautiful to watch. I love getting the feedback and the excited stories how one tiny hint from me accelerates them way beyond where they were. Actually it is all ‘them’ they are doing the work for themselves, it’s the only way any of us can progress forward. I’m just a tiny, tiny element of the process. Most people I work with are so busy rushing around inside their own heads and over thinking they miss the obvious. I’m there to gently steer them back inside where their answers lie. How do I know all this? Because I’ve done it myself in my own life & it works. Yes we are all different but we can all start at the same simple point of stillness and forge our own direction from there.

Go forth today and share your light with those around you. See how you feel, as this energy is re-given back to you instantly. Be careful also, if you radiate bad feelings of negativity they’ll come right back at you too. Keep it happy!

Love Seren xx

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