It’s a great gift to see & seek out the joy in every situation. Even within the dark, messy stuff there is light to be had. There has to be, it’s the law of nature that there is an equal & opposite of everything. Good/bad, black/white, up/down & so on. The challenge is to find the good stuff within what often is a challenge within it’s self.
Following? Let me explain a little further….
A major observation I’ve found by living a consciously aware life is that challenges or tests show up often. More than often actually, it’s kind of constant.
“But why” I sigh, “not again” I cry.
It’s like riding a freaking roller coaster at times. Just as life is sweet, flowing along nicely whoosh down it goes.
Of course it does.
Hello it’s called evolution, moving forward & all part of this wonderful spiritual life we lead. It’s part of the journey or process.
Choosing to live at one with the universe (aka consciously) I need to walk my talk. No good just preaching how good meditation & yoga is for all the Soul if I’m not actually doing these things myself. That is not authentic, it’s just bullsh*tting.
To keep me on my toes & make sure I’m walking this talk of mine the universe sends me wee tests or challenges. You know just to make sure I’m on track. If I’m doing my work & floating around in that Zen zone 24/7 the universe will pitch a curve ball to see if hit a home run or strike out.
Home run: I stay calm, centered & breathing when faced with a challenge exhaling love & rainbows.
Strike out: I fall off kilter, have a melt down, throw my toys out the pram & generally loose my shiz.
The result depends on how big a test I receive & how many times it has shown up before. Challenges will repeat till you get them, again & again & again. What fun!
Can I just say here it’s okay to have meltdowns. I find a minor meltie here & there is actually healthy for me. Again it’s part of the learning curve. It’s good for me to express my emotions this way, as it’s the ‘black’ or ‘dark’ side coming out. Instead of hiding it away, buried deep inside. This is not good as trapped emotions fester & grown into unwanted physical manifestations.
Acknowledging the reaction is important. Okay I reacted wildly but in a controlled & expressive manner that didn’t hurt or offend anyone. That’s that out the way now I can see clearly what blessings the challenge that fueled said reaction has.
Even better when the melt down doesn’t happen at all (home run). The challenge presents, I step back calmly, take a look around from all angles, breathe & look for the gold. This is where I meet the universe half way & say ‘yes I got this, I’m walking my talk.’ Next!
For example there has been lot’s of shifts & changes over the past year with my yoga-teaching roster. I’ve grown to expect this now as the businesses I work for evolve, teachers come & go, things change etc.
If one of my classes changes I’m very cool about it now. Staying calm, not panicking about money or scrambling around looking for other classes that fit my logistics better. If a door shuts it means I now have space to invite something new & fresh in. Opportunities always will present & more often than not they are for the better. How awesome is that?
I’ve done the freaking out bit in this area, now I only react with love & excitement about what new things will step into my life now. Far more easier.
It’s the same with my Reiki training workshops. If I don’t have anyone booked in I don’t go on the big pushy marketing mission to fill the spaces. I keep putting it out there softly till a few days before. (Sometimes people book in literally the day before & I’m ready to receive them) Then trust if no one presents it means I need the weekend off for some well-deserved self-love time. What a treat, a free weekend, totally unexpected, embrace & enjoy. Not worry I should have kept my yoga class or allow ‘I’m not good enough’ self-doubt or ‘but why’s’ to step in.
Be in the flow with the natural ebbs & waves of life. Ride along, not against the current & even with the odd river rock to send you off course, sail on around. Look for the joy to be had in everything around you.
Next time you are faced with a challenge that shakes your boat. Take a look at the bigger picture. Within the perceived doom & gloom there will be some light. Turn bad on it’s head to find the good. See the test the universe has sent you to see how blooming awesome you are doing. Conquer & receive! What an achievement.
Let me know how you’re getting on in the comments below dear one’s. I always love to hear from you.
Big Love, K xx