I hope this finds you all well in the first week of October? Depending on where you are in the world it may be Full Moon today, Thursday 5th or tomorrow Friday 6th. For me being in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s Friday at 2:40 am Perth time. I’m posting the day before so you can get your crystal kids out for a clean and charge up tonight.
Reflecting back on September I had some significant shifts. The transition of season’s, some house renovations and overloading on all things healing took its toll on me, and I got a bit sick. You are probably thinking how you can overload on healing? Trust me it’s a thing, more on this later. There’s nothing like a physical bought of illness to make you step back, slow down and reassess. All brought on with my bad habit of taking on too much at once. A few days of flu symptoms and swollen glands stopped me in my tracks.
It is amusing to look back and observe everything I was doing was from a place of love but doing it all at once had the opposite effect. What was I thinking! All my healing sessions ended up in the same week. I went from Qi Gong to health coaching to float tank to kinesiology to yoga over six days. On top of having the house turned upside down with tradespeople. I crashed. Not allowing time in between to process and assimilate was crazy now I see. It didn’t give me space to fully enjoy and embrace each session as I was in the next two days later. It was counterproductive. Lesson learned to manage my diary better and pay attention to what is already in there and turn the page. You can have too much of a good thing. Like not stopping at once slice of cake and eating the lot 😉
Here we are a month later, and on all levels, I am feeling more settled. Nothing like a bit of time in the dark and heavy to appreciate the light. Being physically sick is often nourishing as so many toxins, and staleness gets released when we are unwell.
Full Moon this cycle is in Aries (My Sun sign!), and it is spring here in Australia. I was born in spring in the northern hemisphere, and it’s my favourite season. Even though March is in autumn down under I can still connect with my Sun sign in spring six months later at this time of year when the moon is full. It may be why I have a strong Wood element, the season of spring in Traditional Chinese medicine, within my being too. Did you get your head around that one?! Nothing is linear hey 😉
I think I am trying to get at there is an equal and opposite to everything. It’s spring in one part of the world and autumn somewhere else. Even if you are reading this and you are in autumn, you can still draw in the energy of spring today under the moon energy. Spring is a chance to bring everything you were planning over winter into fruition. It’s a perfect time for big reveals and projects. If you have been working away, hibernating, quietly and privately planning your next big move now is the time to launch it. Just like a seed that pushes through the surface of the soil to sprout into life in spring, bring your projects to life now.
Especially projects that will give you personal freedom and carve your way in the world.
If you have been feeling restricted or trapped recently, have you had any thoughts on how you can break free of these shackles? Are there things in your life that are not making sense or causing confusion? Then stop trying to force a square peg into a round hole. If the door doesn’t open, break in through a window. Maybe it’s time to reassess what is working and what needs to drop.
What do you desire right now? Not in six months or a year, right in this moment. Let’s focus in on the absolute present moment. Is there something you can do today that will start the spiral of freedom in your life?
Have a ponder on this question as only you know what is best for you right now.
For some of us, we’ve had help with making the decision. At the time it could have caused distress or hurt, or there might be a great relief that we didn’t have to make the call ourselves. Cherish this and find the gold in the situation. Have you more space in your schedule to dedicate to something that will nourish you greater?
There is a lot to reflect on this month!
Crystal Cleansing
I mentioned earlier it is the perfect time to get your crystals outside for a charge up under the moon. Don’t forget to charge yourself up too. If you get a chance to be outside either Thursday or Friday night to bask in the moonlight, then please do. Putting yourself in the moonlight has the same effect as on your crystals. The moon is ideal for re-balancing and configuring. It does not matter if it is cloudy. The sun still shines, and it’s daylight on a cloudy day so the moon rays can still get through the same. It is all with the intention of receiving the moon’s energy. Just like I suggest placing your crystals on a window sill with the curtains open, the moon will still reach them, even if it’s just on an etheric level.
This weekend might be the perfect time to give you a mini-retreat. Stay home and do all the things you love to do or don’t usually set time aside to do. Think of the activities that fully recharge you. Not just the ones your yoga teacher suggests either 😉 if you don’t feel like a yang class then go to a restorative. Only you know what you need at this moment so do it! You may be called to go for a hike or a paddle down the river. Find something to do this weekend that allows you to recharge and feel energized.
I always love to hear from you all, drop me a comment below and share what you’ve been up to this full moon.
Until next time, with love,