You may have seen the piece of artwork I posted on the Seren FB page last Friday. As promised today I will share with you my intuitive reading & the message this painting has for me personally.
All the artworks mentioned today are the creation of the crazy talented Chris of CHingel Art. Originating from New York, Chris has been in Perth for the past few months travelling & working.
I was very blessed to witness Chris’s artistic talents live at an event in Perth a few Sunday’s ago. Intuitively painting in the middle of the city centre during the live jazz festival. After just a few hours the painting started coming to life. It’s truly memorizing to witness. From blank canvas to visual masterpiece. I’ve always said painting is a form of meditation, both for the artist & the audience. Here’s the process of creation. The final piece has found a home with us too. Magical isn’t it?

Today I’m going to write about another piece of CHingel art. This breathtaking piece below is one I personally purchased. I first connected with it on an Instagram photo. Straight away it sang out to me. The instant gut feeling drew me in. It wasn’t till four days later when I saw it for real I just knew it was coming home with me.

I knew a little about the background to the inspiration for the painting. However the art made its way into my life with specific messages just for me. Connecting with the piece came really easily. Just being in its presence turned the psychic tap on. It was hung straight up in my healing room where I spend the majority of my time. After a few days of ‘settling in’ I sat with the painting to meditate & do some automatic writing.
Here’s what I received:
(Grammatically it’s a bit choppy, I don’t like to edit what comes through automatically too much. Also rhyming is common as it’s the language of the Soul)
Heart Chakra – The dominant colours are pink & green, those associated with the heart Chakra. The bird on the right clearly has its heart open & glowing, flying free. Breaking & bursting out of the shackles that have been holding me back from connecting with my true feelings inside of my heart. These suppressed feelings are my ‘truth.’ The authentic me I’ve been connecting so deeply with in private. It’s time to reveal my findings. I’ve been resisting allowing my true feelings to flow free for others to see, especially those feelings that are coming directly from my heart/Soul.
There is great fear of letting go, speaking out & really ‘feeling’. I’ve been hurt in the past by reactions of others when I have spoken my truth. I fear this will happen again so I’m holding back. There is nothing to fear. I am stronger, more connected & well supported than ever. My ‘team’ have my back. TRUST. The answers are within, keep checking in. The voice I am hiding needs to be released. I will best serve others that are struggling too by sharing what I’ve been through.
The Crown & Third Eye Chakras are featured on the left side of the painting, the spiritual & feminine side. ‘Inner eyes that within.’ There is joy to be had by no longer hiding. Keep these Chakras clean, clear & open. Crystals.
The number three is coming through strongly. Three is associated with the Ascended Masters. Isis, the feminine Goddess, is present for me. Especially in the three triangles underneath the face. The face itself is a great master teacher. The word ‘tree’ is heard when I look deeply into the eyes. Tree rhymes with three, it is also within three. Nature, wisdom, earth & fire. Yin & yang – but there is need for balance, middle ground, trilogy = THREE. Left, right & centre.
The name ‘Anum’ has come through. A strong feminine energy. With some research I find Anum is the ‘girl that has everything going for her.’ What stands out about Anum is:
“She not only is helpful but she is genuinely caring about everyone. Creative, good taste, intelligent, incredibly funny, selfless, secretive (so secretive…kind of like a valt…she could be a secret agent how secretive she can be and sometimes to secretive that it drives you crazy haha), an amazing listener, a true friend, stubborn, Witty, she gets along with most people.” (1)
Haha some of these characteristics I carry. The secret vault resonates for me. It’s time to unlock it, crack the code & break it open. Lightness will prevail with a swirling vortex of colour, visions & messages. No more hiding. No more playing it safe. Stop following along the templates of others, forge forward with my own style. Break free.
Take it at a steady pace, no need to rush. Create from within & see it pull through to reality. Time will not restrict me. It might get a bit crazy but I will find the clarity in the situation through stillness. The noise will quieten. Freedom.
Wow, even writing this up from my scribbled notes more came through for me. Art is not just a pretty picture to style a home with. Art is a channel. Created from one Soul for another. I’m truly grateful that this piece has found it’s way to me with its many messages. I feel it will assist me to further open my heart, nudging me to allow ‘the true you to shine through.’ It’s time. No more hiding, no more fear.
What comes next might be controversial to the mainstream audience, however they are not my audience. I fully trust what messages I chose to share in words or in person will reach the people who need them.
Wings out, it’s time to fly!
Join me again soon for how I’m working on cracking open the ooey gooey centre of my Heart Chakra…& let some more of ‘me’ out.
Love K xx
Reference: 1.
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