Posts Tagged ‘honour’


This post has been brewing for a few weeks now. Today is the day I am sitting down to write it. As I cranked up Word the Davie Bowie song ‘Changes’ popped into my head. Love these messages from the universe. Instantly I hit up You Tube and had a listen before I got started.

May has been a massive month for me. Changes are for sure happening on all levels. I’ve had massive clear out’s & clean up’s in my physical spaces. I had a pull to get everything in order that I have been putting off. Huge pushes from the universe have guided me to really get my act together and pave the way for new beginnings to start. Action is needed right now, no more procrastinating.

The theme of the month has been centered on self-worth. Number one I had to actually recognise my self-worth & embrace my natural talents. I’ve been cruising along on autopilot in my day job. I’ve been feeling a lack of fulfillment & a twinge of boredom. I questioned whether I was in the right place for the person I am today. Did I need a new challenge? Was it time to go looking for a new opportunity? I am too comfortable I need to be uncomfortable.

My push came when a new opportunity did arise but I needed to get all my work together from the past three years in order to seize it. Once I did this and took a long hard look at what I’d achieved in this time I was astounded. I’ve done some great work. There was even too much to choose from, which should I select? It made me really value what I have here & own my self-worth. Yes we’re in a slow period right now. Down time gives me the chance to do some of my own work, my true Soul based projects. Instead of getting ‘bored’ & ‘frustrated’ I simply need to search else where for a challenge.

Nothing came of this opportunity in terms of the predicted end result. I did get the result ‘I’ needed. It was ‘process’ I had to go through to learn my lesson. The beauty of working with the universe is you never can predict what the end result will be, often there is no end result it is the process that counts.

My car was well over due a service by nearly a year. I’d asked my guides when I should get this done & I got a firm ‘Thursday’ back so as instructed I booked it in.

Good job I listened as I needed new rear breaks and a lot of other work which could have been spread out over two services. As I’d waited so long to get it looked at, it all needed doing at once, massive expense. My car is vital to my every day life & I should keep on top of its up keep. I won’t wait as long next time as more importantly for safeties sake.

At home I’ve felt a push to get my healing room sorted out. The room I dedicated to a treatment space had multi functions. This month I felt the need to make it simply a single purpose area. I’m nearly at the stage to start marketing my Reiki work to a wider audience therefore I need to have a professional setting to conduct sessions.

I cleared out the random bits and pieces that had accumulated in the room because they had no-where else to live. Most of this went in the recycling or in the bin, as it was just accumulated crap. I hung my certificates and some new artwork on the walls. A successful trip to Ikea for soft furnishings, a rug, curtains, a throw, coasters, a water jug and glasses finished it off. Since I made the decision to leave my table out all the time my bookings have been non-stop. I have clients scheduled every weekend now. All I needed to do was make the space & literally “build it & they will come,” they sure did!

My confidence and again self-worth has accelerated with regular hands on practice. This period between powerful eclipses has really helped me to get on track with how I should be using my natural talents. I’ve found when I’m using my talents to assist others it never feels like I’m working. Leading with love is effortless & so rewarding.

Everything I have put into motion during May will come into full bloom in around November. It will be again an unknown, exciting action packed period as I step into my power, own my own worth & see where it takes me.

What changes have you gone through this month? Feel free to share in the comments below.

Love Seren xx

Seren Changes

Love yourself by saying NO!

Have you ever found yourself saying yes to something you don’t really want to do? Then spending the whole time hating it and wishing you’d said no because you have so many other enjoyable things you could be doing instead? I bet we all have.

Why do we say yes to things we really want to say no? It comes down to that being a ‘good person’ thing that is quite the ideal to live by now. We don’t like letting people down, we want to do the right thing by our friends or family. Be available 24/7 to help out when needed. This must make you a good person right? What defines being a good person though? Who is actually setting this standard? I’ll tell you. You are.

You are in control you’re your life. No one else is, you are the one in the driving seat.  No one else can suddenly jump into you’re body, kick out your soul and start making all the decisions for you. Why do we have such a hard time saying no then? We clearly not in control are we?

Let me share my story, I am a reformed yes person. I like to please people, I am here to serve and assist others. It makes me tick. I am happy to help. I am still all the above but now I have boundaries. I always used to say yes to everything just to make other people happy and be ‘a good person.’ However I was saying yes to things I didn’t want to do or didn’t have the time for. Over giving and over stretching myself.  I ended up resenting the people because I felt they were being so demanding. They didn’t know they were putting on me because I just kept saying yes. Isn’t that an indication I was happy to help or else I’d say no right? It caused me stress and anxiety. Then I hated myself for bringing it all on.

Funnily enough my observations revealed more to me. The friends who were constantly calling on me were also the one’s always telling me how busy I am, “I can’t believe how you fit everything in, how do you do it? You’re super women.” If they noticed how busy I am why were they demanding I take on even more from them? That’s simple, I didn’t say no or stand up for myself.

Then why didn’t I stop? I didn’t realise I was doing it. It was a repetitive cycle of saying yes. I was so far in I couldn’t see the wood for the trees. I was constantly dropping everything I was doing, all the things I wanted to do, to meet the demands of others. Some were unpaid jobs for things that I should have been charging for. Somewhere deep inside it did feel good that people would call on me if they were in a fix. I love helping, it made me feel wanted and in demand. I felt that I must be really good at what I do if people are calling on me like this at a drop of a hat. I’d fallen in the trap of wanting approval from others. The only approval I need is from myself. Self love people!

Once my wake up call came it really opened my eyes.  I was hurting myself so much by being that ‘yes person.’ I needed to love myself enough to say no and spend my precious time doing what I love the most. When love is not the centre point of everything you do then you’re not being authentic to yourself.  You will feel unbalanced and life won’t flow. Who wants to live like that?

My biggest realisation was indeed people do value my talent, they like me enough to want to spend time with me and that’s why they ask me to help them out or go places with them. What I didn’t figure at first was if I said no to being ‘on demand’ then these people valued me enough to wait till I had time or respected my choice that I didn’t want to accept their kind invite. Those who didn’t want to wait or got grumpy I wouldn’t go out with them I should wave goodbye too. They’ll always find someone else to help them out who has the time so you don’t have to feel bad. No one should have the right to make demands of you and make you feel guilty.

Setting boundaries and realistic time scales really helped me. Once I learned to do this then I was happy again to help out as it was on my terms. Now I dose myself up with self-love and honour my needs it makes me a stronger person for those around me. It’s not my job to make others happy they have to do that for themselves, just like I’m doing for myself. It’s okay to say no, you might struggle at first but give it a go you’ll feel so much lighter and brighter for it.

Love Seren xx

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