Posts Tagged ‘holistic’

Office Oasis

It may come as a shock to some people but most of us spend more time in the office than we do at home, waking hours that is. This is very true for myself when I compare the hours ‘out of the house’ to the hours spent at home the former outweighs the latter. Not that I mind I like my jobs but spending so much time in the office week to week I felt the urge to create a nice space in which to spend all this time. A relaxed atmosphere is so much better for production. Dark, dingy cubicles can really make a person feel down. Offices don’t have to be sterile. We are all unique individuals, let’s pull some personal into our day and office environments.

I have recently moved desks to sit alone area. Even more reason to bring a little me into the space as there is no one else to be offended by my personal touches. We do have a ‘clean desk’ policy which means clutter should be kept to a minimum. This is a very good idea as clutter on your desk is counter productive. Cluttered desk, cluttered mind. Widescreen monitors come in handy for that keeping my personal items invisible to anyone walking past.

To make my desk more homely and balance the different energies bouncing around I have a number of personal items at hand. Firstly, my USB Himalayan Salt lamp which is perfect to have around computers and electrical items. Salt lamps reduce fatigue, improve concentration and balance electro magnetic pollution. They also bring in moisture to dry, air conditioned environments by ionizing the air.

Crystals of course are a major feature on both my home and office desks. I always have a clear quartz point and my Rose Quartz Goddess on my desk. Others come and go depending on what I need at the time. This week my usual clear quartz is at home for cleansing so I have my smaller Atlantean core crystal and Tibetan Smoky quartz here.

Greenery is important to me as well, bringing the outdoors in doors. With a lack of natural light where I sit some plants might get sad so I opted for a Bamboo. They are super hardy as well and don’t take much looking after. Placed on the far corner of my desk it deflects any negative energy that might come into the space before it hits me. Plants are brilliant at bringing in extra oxygen to a room. They can defuse harmful chemicals from printer toners and paints. Very handy for me as I’m in close proximity to the print room.

I keep my colour therapy cards on my desk too. My chosen card for the day sits in front of me to infuse it’s healing energy.

Some health & safety regulations may not like my next item. An oil burner. It sits in a safe place where it is in no danger of the candle being knocked over. I use soy wax melts with a gentle fragrance that uplifts the area. One day I will invest in a proper electric diffuser so I can use essential oils for extra holistic benefits. I used to burn incense sticks but that didn’t go down well with my colleagues, plus they are messy. Never leave candles burning unattended!

A well-stocked itunes of relaxing music, meditations and some 90’s cheesy pop songs is a must. Noise cancelling ears phones are handy as well. Block out the rest of the office and drift away to whatever music you’re into. My job doesn’t require me to answer phones that often so I’m free to plug in and listen to music as I feel. Helps get the creative juices flowing too.

Finally to combat tired, fatigued shoulders I have a lupin heat pack on hand. Two minutes in the microwave gives me an hour of heat pack action. Added bonus it makes me sit straighter or else it falls off!

Is there anything you have in your office that brings a piece of ‘home’ or relaxation into your day? Share with us in the comments below.

Love & light,

Seren xx


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©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013

(please share the love with full credit thanks)

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©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013

(please share the love with full credit thanks)

An Introduction

Where do I start with a new blog? How about the reason I came to create this new blogging paradise. I started blogging about two years ago on a different site. It was a wonderful outlet for another passion of mine Bikram Yoga. Over time it ran it’s course. I was kind of blogged out about Bikram & didn’t feel the love of sharing any more. I wanted to reclaim my privacy on the subject.

After a blogging sabbatical I realised I missed writing. A lot has moved and shifted in my life over the past year. I found myself drawn to different blogs from what I used to read which are based around holistic living. This is when I decided I was ready to share again but in a different setting.

Healthful living is something I have always been aware of & strived to live by. Like everything I’ve jumped on the bandwagon both feet first, then tumbled straight off the back again! I spent most of my twenties in that ‘experimental’ stage, as I’d like to call it. Any new diet or exercise fad I tried it. Embracing it fully then getting bored & ditching it.

Now I’m in my thirties, I’m very settled and content with my primary factors of life. Everything else is falling into place because of this. The most important thing I have learned is to stop, slow down & listen to my body. Really listen. It has a voice. The human body has amazing ways of communicating with us. We just don’t hear it, as we are too busy racing around doing things. We are human ‘beings’ not human ‘doings.’ Stop doing and just ‘be’ for a while. It really works!

The body can heal itself naturally in so many ways. It can also self-destruct just as fast if we neglect what it really needs. Food, our environment, our jobs, friends, family, emotions can be our best friends and also our quickest death sentence.

Over the past few years I have really become aware just how big a part our emotions play in our lives. We really can manifest our dreams. Make what we desire a reality. Just as easily we can manifest our own self-destruction.

I started this blog to give back to who ever would like to read and be shared with. I will cover topics based around what I do to live a healthful lifestyle. I will let you into how I achieved the ‘slow way of living.’ It is achievable to ANYONE! I won’t push products or faddy diets on you. I will talk about subjects I truly believe in.  Things I do in my life that make a difference to me in a positive way.  I will say now. There is no one size fits all answer. What works for me might not work for you. If what I say guides you on the path to discover what is right for you then that’s a job well done.

Enjoy! I hope you all get as much out of this as I will creating it.

Love & light,

Seren xx

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