Posts Tagged ‘Holistic lifestyles’

And now it begins…

Seren welcome sign #2

I hope this post finds you all well?

Firstly I’d like to express my deepest thanks to who ever has dropped by to read this blog. I have created this space primarily to post about subjects I am passionate about & can write about with love, from within. The main theme to start with is how my life has transitioned to follow a more holistic way of living. I’d like to share with you what I do to create a balanced, healthful lifestyle amongst the challenges of 21st century living. Secondly I decided to put my thoughts out there in the public realm in hope that something in here will inspire, encourage, inform or simply entertain. I’m giving back to keep the flow of the universe ticking over nicely and making room to receive back.

Everything you will read or see has come from what I have experienced in my own life. I’m not into stealing ideas or copying. That said there might be similarities you find from other blogs or places. We all draw inspiration from different sources & that may be the same arena. Some of you may not agree with what you read, that is fine, we are all individual’s on our own path. What works for me might not relate to you & your life at all. That’s what makes us all so unique and magical.

There will be some fantastic guest writers dropping by too to impart their wisdom to you all. If you are interested in a guest spot please let me know, everyone from anywhere is always welcome.

The artwork on this page I have created myself to add my own personal stamp and decorate these pages with a small piece of me. Full credit will be given if I use other people’s art/resources. (It would be super nice too if you share any of my work to link it back to here too)

I’d love to hear from you all as well. If there is anything you’d like to say just drop me a line in the comments below.

Onwards and outwards dear readers, enjoy, the journey begins here…

Love & light,

Seren xx

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